Using AppleScript to record the Safari browser windows and tabs
Sometimes I'd like to be able to save a list of what web pages are open
in the Safari browser's tabs. Using Apple's
scripting language it is possible to record that information to a text
file. The following script will create a text file that lists each Safari
browser window that is open and for each tab within a window, the title for
the webpage and the URL. The script will prompt for the location and name
for the file where you wish to store that information
example output
tell application "Safari"
set myFile to open for access (choose file name) with write permission
set windowNumber to 1
repeat the number of windows times
set myTabs to every tab of window windowNumber
write "----- Window Number " & windowNumber & " -----
" to myFile
set tabNumber to 0
repeat with aTab in myTabs
set tabTitle to name of aTab & "
write tabTitle to myFile
set tabURL to URL of aTab & "
write tabURL to myFile
set tabNumber to tabNumber + 1
end repeat
write "Window Number: " & windowNumber & " Number of tabs: " & tabNumber & "
" to myFile
set windowNumber to windowNumber + 1
end repeat
close access myFile
end tell
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Using AppleScript to record the Chrome browser windows and tabs
I often have a number of browser windows open with many tabs open in the
windows and wanted a way of producing a list of the open windows and the
tabs within each with the title and URL for each tab. I had a simple
script that will
display Firefox
windows titles, but that just lists the active tab in each window whereas
I wanted a list of every tab's title and URL, so I created a new script for
Chrome that will create a text file containing that information.
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Displaying Firefox Windows Titles With AppleScript
On an Apple, OS X system, the following
script will display the titles for the currently open windows in
tell application "Firefox"
set windowTitles to ""
repeat with w in (every window whose visible is true)
set windowTitles to windowTitles & "
" & "
" & name of w
end repeat
display dialog windowTitles
end tell
E.g., if I have 3 Firefox windows open, one of which has multiple tabs open,
I might see something like the following:
The first window title displayed is for a Firefox window with 9 tabs open,
but only the title for the currently selected tab "After sticking a land-based
return, SpaceX will try the ocan again | Ars Technica" is displayed.
Note: putting an ending double quote on the line below the opening one
results in a new line.
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Displaying mail account information with AppleScript
scripting language provides a means to obtain information
from applications on a OS X system. Applications have a
"dictionary" that can be consulted to determine what properties
can be queried or altered. E.g., to see the dictionary for the
Mail application on
an OS X system, I can open the
AppleScript Editor program found
, then click on
Open Dictionary and scroll down until I see the Mail
application listed. I can then click on it to highlight it and then
click on the
Choose button to open that dictionary.
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