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Tue, Jan 12, 2016 11:28 pm

Displaying Firefox Windows Titles With AppleScript

On an Apple, OS X system, the following AppleScript script will display the titles for the currently open windows in Firefox.

tell application "Firefox"
	set windowTitles to ""
	repeat with w in (every window whose visible is true)
		set windowTitles to windowTitles & "
" & "
" & name of w
	end repeat
	display dialog windowTitles
end tell

E.g., if I have 3 Firefox windows open, one of which has multiple tabs open, I might see something like the following:

Firefox Windows

The first window title displayed is for a Firefox window with 9 tabs open, but only the title for the currently selected tab "After sticking a land-based return, SpaceX will try the ocan again | Ars Technica" is displayed.

Note: putting an ending double quote on the line below the opening one results in a new line.

[/os/os-x/applescript] permanent link

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