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Sun, Jul 15, 2007 10:33 pm

QuarkXPress 7.0 on Windows Vista

I needed to install QuarkXPress 7.0 on a new system running Microsoft Windows Vista. When I attempted to install it, I received the message below.

QuarkXPress 7.0 - Setup
Warning - exclamation mark   QuarkXpress 7.0 requires that your computer is running Windows XP or Windows 2003


I found numerous people complaining about the same problem at Cannot install Quark installer 7.2 on VISTA. The solution listed on that page was to download the 30-day evaluation version of QuarkXPress 7.2 installer. Unfortunately, Quark forces you to register to download the installer. It doesn't matter that you may haver registered with them previously. You will have to register again. Then you have to wait for an email message with a link in it to download the software. Although the evaulation version is labeled as an "evaluation version", it is fully functional and will accpet the 7.0 validation code. The link to download the software is

Quark states at Updating to QuarkXPress 7.2 on a computer running Windows Vista which DOES NOT HAVE a version of QuarkXPress installed that "Before trying to use QuarkXPress 7.2 after installing it, please be sure to run the QuarkXPress license transfer function (Help> Transfer QuarkXPress License) on your old computer and follow the steps provided."

To transfer the license, take the following steps in QuarkXPress:

  1. Click on Help
  2. Click on Transfer QuarkXPress license


  1. Cannot install Quark installer 7.2 on VISTA
    First Posting: April 5, 2007
    Quark Forums
  2. Microsoft Windows Vista Support
    Date: 2007
    Quark, Inc.
  3. Updating to QuarkXPress 7.2 on a computer running Windows Vista which DOES NOT HAVE a version of QuarkXPress installed.
    Date: 2007
    Quark, Inc.

[/os/windows/software/quarkxpress] permanent link

Fri, Oct 27, 2006 7:29 pm

Locating QuarkXPress 4.1 Serial Number

You can find the serial number for your Windows copy of QuarkXPress in QuarkXPress 4.1 by clicking on Help then selecting About QuarkXPress while holding down the Ctrl key. A QuarkXPress (tm) Environment window will be displayed that lists the serial number and other information listed below:

XPress Version
Patch Level
Serial Number
Processor Type
Windows Version
ATM Version
TrueType Enabled
Free memory
Keyboard Type
Number of Colors
Display Driver
Display Driver Version
Default Printer
Printer Driver

QuarkXPress 4.1 environment info

Note: The serial number shown has been altered

[/os/windows/software/quarkxpress] permanent link

Tue, Feb 22, 2005 1:18 am

QuarkXPress 4.0 Installation on XP

I encountered a few problems while trying to install QuarkXPress 4.0 on a new Windows XP Professional system. I was unable to get the software to run from an account with only standard user privileges on the system and had to put the user's account in the Power Users group on the system.

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