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Sun, Mar 22, 2009 11:45 am

Viewing the Registy with BartPE

To view registry values for the version of Microsoft Windows on a system's hard drive using a Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable live windows CD/DVD boot disc take the following steps:
  1. Boot the system from the BartPE disc.
  2. Click on Go and select Command Prompt (CMD) .
  3. At the command prompt, type regedit.
  5. From the File menu, choose Load Hive.

    A series of message boxes may appear that state that the folder cannot be found and that the location is unavailable. Ignore these messages and click OK when they appear.

    The Load Hive dialog box appears.

  6. In the Files of type box, select All Files .
  7. Navigate to the registry location on your target device.

    For example, if Windows is on drive C, navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\config.

  8. In the config folder, select the hive you want to edit. The choices are as follows:
    • SAM
    • SYSTEM
    Select a file with one of the above names without an extension (you may also see .sav and .log files in the directory).
  9. Click on OK.
  10. In the Load Hive dialog box type a Key Name. For example, Drive_C.

    To load more hives, repeat the previous steps.

  11. Choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and then choose the new registry key(s) you created.
  12. Edit or view the registry keys.
  13. When you have completed your reg key changes, choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and a key you created within it, e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drive_C
  14. Choose the File menu, and then choose Unload Hive When prompted as to whether you are sure you want to unload the current key and all of its subkeys, choose Yes.

[/os/windows/utilities/diagnostic/bartpe] permanent link

Tue, Mar 10, 2009 10:52 pm

Adding PuTTY and Firefox Plugins to BartPE

I've started writing up steps to add plugins I find useful to a Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable live windows CD/DVD.


[/os/windows/utilities/diagnostic/bartpe/plugins] permanent link

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