There is an article, Sun Ready to Open Solaris, in eWEEK dated November 1, 2004 by Peter Galli stating that Sun is getting closer to releasing Open Solaris, an open-source version of their Solaris operating system. The article states that Sun is starting with a pilot/beta program for Open Solaris. The article also states that Sun is getting close to finalizing pricing for Solaris 10.
Though, in another September 22 eWEEK article, When Open-Source Claims Fall Flat, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols wonders about when Sun will actually make Open Solaris available. He also implores Sun not to come up with yet another variant of an "open-source" licensing model. He has also written another eWEEK article, Analysts Question Sun's Open-Source Solaris Plans, published in eWEEK on September 21, on the implications of the licensing scheme that Sun may adopt for open Solaris.
He is critical of Microsoft's "shared source" scheme, another effort by Microsoft to combat the open-source movement which threatens its revenue stream.