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Wed, Jul 23, 2008 2:41 pm

Installing Wine on CentOS

I needed to install Wine on a CentOS 5.1 system I had just set up. Wine is available from the RPMForge repository, so I downloaded the latest rpmforge-release package from RPMForge and installed it.
[root@localhost ~]# wget
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -Uhv rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

That placed two new files, mirrors-rpmforge and rpmforge.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d. I then checked to ensure the yum-priorites package was installed.

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qi yum-priorities
Name        : yum-priorities               Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 1.1.10                            Vendor: CentOS
Release     : 9.el5.centos                  Build Date: Sun 08 Jun 2008 06:25:46 PM EDT
Install Date: Wed 23 Jul 2008 12:20:43 AM EDT      Build Host:
Group       : System Environment/Base       Source RPM: yum-utils-1.1.10-9.el5.centos.src.rpm
Size        : 12698                            License: GPL
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Sat 14 Jun 2008 07:23:04 PM EDT, Key ID a8a447dce8562897
URL         :
Summary     : plugin to give priorities to packages from different repos
Description :
This plugin allows repositories to have different priorities.
Packages in a repository with a lower priority can't be overridden by packages
from a repository with a higher priority even if repo has a later version.

I then verified that yum-priorities is enabled by ensuring that the following lines were present in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf :

enabled = 1

The yum repository information is stored in /etc/yum.repos.d.

[root@localhost ~]# ls -l /etc/yum.repos.d
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2049 Jun 19 09:48 CentOS-Base.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  626 Jun 19 09:48 CentOS-Media.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  684 Mar  8  2007 mirrors-rpmforge
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  428 Mar  8  2007 rpmforge.repo

I added priority=1 as the last line in the following sections of CentOS-Base.repo:


I added priority=2 as the last line in the [centosplus] .

I edited /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo and added priority = 11 at the end of the file.

Repositories with lower priority numbers are considered to have a higher priority than than those with higher numbers. E.g. if repository A has priority=4 associated with it while repository B has priority=5 associated with it, repository A has a higher priority than repository B.

After adding the RPMForge repository, I was then able to install Wine with yum install wine. The following dependencies were also instaled:

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size 
 wine                    i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge          2.9 k
Installing for dependencies:
 wine-capi               i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           16 k
 wine-cms                i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           65 k
 wine-core               i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           36 M
 wine-esd                i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           43 k
 wine-jack               i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           13 k
 wine-ldap               i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge          251 k
 wine-nas                i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           12 k
 wine-twain              i386       1.0-1.el5.rf     rpmforge           23 k

After the installation, I ran winecfg.

[root@localhost ~]# winecfg
wine: created the configuration directory '/root/.wine'
Could not load Mozilla. HTML rendering will be disabled.
wine: configuration in '/root/.wine' has been updated.

Wine was configured to emulate Windows XP by default. I clicked on the Desktop Integration tab and set the "My Documents", "My Pictures", "My Music", and "My Videos" folders to link to directories I created under a "Documents" folder, I created under the login directory for the account I was logged in under. The directories must be created before you link to them with the Wine configuration utility.

[root@localhost Documents]# mkdir Pictures
[root@localhost Documents]# mkdir Music
[root@localhost Documents]# mkdir Videos

Wine configuration of folders

In the Wine configuration window, I clicked OK to retain the default settings. When I was returned to the shell prompt, I ran wine notepad to test Wine with the notepad application.


  1. Installing RPMForge
    CentOS Wiki
  2. yum-plugin-priorities
    CentOS Wiki
  3. RPMForge Packages and Yum Priorites
    MoonPoint Support
  4. Configuring Wine
    Wine HQ

[/os/unix/linux/centos] permanent link

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