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Wed, Oct 26, 2016 9:57 pm
Mailman mailing list commands
GNU Mailman provides a means to manage
electronic mailing lists. The software is written primarily in
Python and is free; it is licensed under the
GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows you
to modify the code for the software, if you wish.
If your email address is in a Mailman mailing list, you can send an
email message to the list with help
in the subject or body of
the email to get an email reply showing you the commands that you can put
in email messages to the list. E.g., supposing that you are a member of
a mailing list called "browncoats" on the server example.com. To see a list
of the available commands supported by the Mailman mailing list handling
email to that mailing list, you would send an email with help
in the subject or body of the message to
. I.e., you would put the name
of the mailing list, in this case "browncoats" followed by a dash and the
word "request" as the email address to which you would be sending the
command. If you put help
in the body of the message, you don't
need to specify a subject, but put help
as the first line of
the message with no other text on the line.
[ More Info ]
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Mon, Apr 27, 2015 11:30 pm
Mailman moderation bit
If you go to the membership management page for a
mailing list, you will see a checkbox next to every member's address
in a "mod" column and an option to "Set everyone's moderation bit,
including those members not currently visible" near the bottom of
the web page. If you check the mod checkbox next to the member's
address, the list member will not be able to send messages to the
list without the message being approved by the list owner or a
moderator for the list.
When the box is checked for a member, postings from the member are
held and administrators are notified of their existence. They may
then approve or reject postings via the web interface. If unchecked
postings to the list are immediately delivered to list membership.
If a list is to be used only for announcements from the list owner
and designated moderators, then everyone else should have the box checked.
Note: Applies to Mailman 2.1.14 as well as other versions.
GNU Mailman List Management Guide v 2.0
GNU Mailman Documentation
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Sat, Jun 16, 2007 4:16 pm
Prevent Mailing List Email from Going Into Junk E-mail or Spam Folders
I posted
instructions for Hotmail, Gmail, and Outlook users for steps
that can be taken to prevent email sent from mailing lists from being
automatically placed in junk email or spam folders.
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Sun, Jun 10, 2007 12:28 am
Mailman Mailing List Messages Arriving with Unwanted Attachment
I set up a
mailing list for a family member. After I set up the list, she sent
a message to the list. The message arrived with a .txt attachment,
ATT00088.txt, that was 251 bytes in size. The attachment
had only 3 lines. The first was the mailing list name, the next was
the mailing list email address, and the last was the listinfo URL for
the mailing list. She uses Outlook 2003
and this is apparently a problem that occurs with Mailman maling list messages
received by Outlook users
when a footer is added to messages, which is Mailman's default behavior.
Apparently Mailman adds the footer as an attachment if the
original message posted contains a message formatted in HTML MIME,
or a text/plain MIME bodypart using a different character set than
what Mailman would use for the footers.
To prevent the addition of a footer to messages,
from the main mailman administration page for the list, I clicked on
[Non-digest options] The text below appeared in the
"Footer added to mail sent to regular list members" field.
%(real_name)s mailing list
The information listed has the following meaning.
msg_footer (nondigest): Footer added to mail sent to regular list membersText appended to the bottom of every immediately-delivery
message. This text can include
format strings which are resolved against list attributes. The
list of substitutions allowed are:
- The `pretty' name of the list; usually
the list name with capitalization.
- The name by which the list is
identified in URLs, where case is significant. (For backwards
compability, _internal_name
is equivalent.)
- The fully qualified domain name
that the list server runs on.
- The base URL for Mailman. This
can be appended with,
e.g. listinfo/%(internal_name)s
to yield the
listinfo page for the mailing list.
- The brief description of the
mailing list.
- The full description of the mailing
- The extension added to CGI scripts.
Since the list owner did not want any footer being sent with messages,
I removed all of the text from that field.
I also went to the digest options page and for the "Header added to
every digest" field, I removed all of the text in that field.
[Mailman-Users] Why are footers sent as attachments?
Posted: January 29, 2006
The Mailman-Users
4.39. HELP! Mailman is munging HTML & MIME-formatted messages before they are
sent out? (problems with Mailman 2.1.x footers)
Mailman FAQ Wizard
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Sun, Jun 10, 2007 12:15 am
Messages from Mailman Mailing List Appear From Listname-bounces
I set up a
mailing list for a family member. When she receives messages from the
list they are arriving with a "from" address of
listname-bounces@listdomain.net On Behalf Of", with "listname" being the name
of the mailing list, followed by the sender's address. She uses Outlook
2003 and sees this as the "from" address, but when the same messages arrive
in a
Hotmail account, the "from" address
is the sender's email address. This behavior is apparently due to the fact
that Mailman creates, among other message headers, a "Sender" header of the form
"Sender: listname-bounces@listdomain". Some email clients, such as Outlook will
place the contents of that "sender" header in the "from" field when they
display the message.
By default, most email clients don't display the message headers, but if you
view the message headers for a message, you will see the "sender" header that
Mailman adds.
Viewing Message Headers in Outlook 2002
explains how to view those headers in Outlook
Why do posts appear to be from listname-bounces@mailman.u.washington.edu?
Author: R. Skiver Thompson
August 2004
Frequently Asked Questions About Mailman
Viewing Message Headers in Outlook 2002
December 16, 2004
MoonPoint Support
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Sat, Jun 09, 2007 10:04 pm
Email to Mailing List from Rejected
I added a
Hotmail email address
to a mailing list for testing that mailing list. I found that messages
from the Hotmail address were being bounced though, because the
IP address of the sending Hotmail email server,, is
in the
Spam and Open-Relay Blocking
System (SORBS) blocklist. SORBS is a
DNS Blacklist (DNSBL).
When I checked the SORBS list, it appeared that the
had been there for at least a week due to SORBS detecting spam
orginating from the Hotmail email server at that address.
Database of servers sending to spamtrap addresses
Address: | |
Record Created: | Sat Aug 12 12:30:09 2006 GMT |
Record Updated: | Fri Jun 1 19:30:05 2007 GMT |
Additional Information: |
[ Updated via: Spam 'o Matic ] Received: from
bay0-omc1-s15.bay0.hotmail.com (bay0-omc1-s15.bay0.hotmail.com [])
by desperado.sorbs.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id F0C6311466 for <[email]>;
Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:14:49 +1000 (EST) |
Currently active and flagged to be published in DNS |
I've been using SORBS as a blocklist for quite awhile, but I have
encountered problems many times due to the fact that AOL, Hotmail, EarthLink,
and email servers from some other large Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
tend to get on the SORBS list frequently and stay there for a long time.
I've contacted AOL and EarthLink support previously when I found one or more
of their email servers were on the SORBS blocklist. I've found that, though
the support personnel with which I communicated understand that their company
employs blocklists or other means of blocking spam, they never seem to
understand that other email providers may employ similar means. I've never been successful in getting the support personnel I've communicated with at AOL or
EarthLink to take any action and usually it doesn't appear that they even
understand the problem; I usually just get canned responses about how to stop
their service from blocking email rather than any response indicating that they
understand the problem is with email going from their systems to other
systems (See
SORBS Blocking AOL and EarthLink Servers and
Report of SORBS listing to EarthLink).
I've found reports by others using SORBS of similar problems with email
from Hotmail addresses (see
Hotmail on sorbs?!?).
I understand that SORBS policy charging server owners to remove systems does
drastically lessen the chances that systems will be removed quickly. I've
considered removing the SORBS list from the blocklists I employ to reduce
the deluge of spam in users' mailboxes, but it does block thousands of spam
messages daily on my server, so I haven't taken that step yet. Usually, I
add the sender's email address to the /etc/mail/access list used
by Sendmail to keep email from particular senders being checked against the
blocklists I employ.
In this case, though, I don't want any email addressed to the mailing list
to be checked against a blocklist to preclude this problem. The Mailman
mailing list software won't allow any email to the mailing list unless the
"from" address is for a member of the mailing list, so I don't need the
additional blocklist check.
Fortunately Sendmail, which is the
software that handles email on the server, does allow you to specify that
email to particular "to" addresses will always be accepted and won't be
checked against DNSBL's. You can allow email to a particular address to
bypass the blocklist checks by editing /etc/mail/access. Place
a line similar to the following in that file:
To:jsmith@example.com OK
The line above would ensure that email addressed to jsmith@example.com
would not be checked against any blocklists employed on the email server.
After editing /etc/mail/access, you need to recreate the access
database with a command similar to the following:
makemap hash /etc/mail/access </etc/mail/access
Once I added the mailing list address, I was able to send email to that
address from the Hotmail account without worrying that the Hotmail email
server used to transmit the messages might be on the SORBS blocklist or
another blocklist I'm employing to limit spam.
Spam and Open-Relay Blocking System
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SORBS Blocking AOL and EarthLink Servers
April 23, 2006
MoonPoint Support
Report of SORBS listing to EarthLink
April 23, 2006
MoonPoint Support
Hotmail on sorbs?!?
Posted: September 21, 2005
ReadList.com - Threaded Mailing List
Sendmail cf/README - Anti-Spam Configuration Control
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Sun, May 20, 2007 11:30 pm
Mailman Not Sending Welcome Message
I'm using
Mailman, the
GNU Mailing List Manager for a new mailing list. After creating a new mailing
list through the web interface for mailman, I created aliases in
/etc/aliases, which are shown below, for the list and ran the
## book_nook mailing list
book_nook: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman post book_nook"
book_nook-admin: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman admin book_nook"
book_nook-bounces: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman bounces book_nook"
book_nook-confirm: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman confirm book_nook"
book_nook-join: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman join book_nook"
book_nook-leave: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman leave book_nook"
book_nook-owner: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman owner book_nook"
book_nook-request: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman request book_nook"
book_nook-subscribe: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe book_nook"
book_nook-unsubscribe: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe book_nook"
I then added an email address to the list with the option to send a welcome
message checked. But the welcome message was never sent. After doing a little
checking, I discovered I needed to create a crontab entry for mailman
On my RedHat Linux system, the file to be submitted for the cronjob is
/var/mailman/cron/crontab.in, but may be in
/usr/local/mailman/cron on other systems
At the end of the crontab.in file, I saw the following lines:
# At 3:27am every night, regenerate the gzip'd archive file. Only
# turn this on if the internal archiver is used and
# GZIP_ARCHIVE_TXT_FILES is false in mm_cfg.py
27 3 * * * /usr/bin/python -S /var/mailman/cron/nightly_gzip
There was no GZIP_ARCHIVE_TXT_FILES entry in
/var/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py, so I commented out the entry in
crontab.in. Since I don't need to gate news from a news server to mail,
I also commented out the entry for that function by putting a "#" in front of
# Every 5 mins, try to gate news to mail. You can comment this one out
# if you don't want to allow gating, or don't have any going on right now,
# or want to exclusively use a callback strategy instead of polling.
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/bin/python -S /var/mailman/cron/gate_news
I then submitted the cronjob for mailman with
crontab -u mailman /var/mailman/cron/crontab.in
[Mailman-Users] Not sending password reminders, subscription confirmations
By Helmut Schneider
July 13, 2006
mail.python.org Mailing Lists
Mailman - a mailing list manager
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