So here is the deal... MOUSE.COM is trying to create a MOUSE.INI file and
because you created a bootable CD (read-only) it is unable to write the file
and gives the error message (Abort, Retry, Fail). If you fail, you can continue
just fine with mouse support.
The solution... add a MOUSE.INI to your floppy that you are creating the image
from. If you booted from the floppy at least once, this problem doesn't occur
because the file is created. That may be how it went away for you. Just
re-create the bootable CD from the floppy with mouse.ini added.
Here is my mouse.ini
Since most of the systems on which I'm performing the Ghost 2003 image
backups have a mouse attached by the PS/2 mouse port, I thought that
should work fine. So I used Notepad
to create a
file with the above lines on one of the Ghost 2003
boot floppy disks (be sure to change the "save as type" to "all files",
if using the Windows Notepad program). I also found that I was able to
boot laptops with a built-in mouse
touchpad and use use
the mouse with no problems with the mouse type set to PS2 in
. I no longer received the "Abort, retry, or fail"
message when booting from a Ghost 2003 boot CD that had the
file in the root directory.
Note: you can see optons for the
program by
typing mouse /?
at a command prompt. You can use
mouse off
to remove the mouse driver from memory.
. You
can specify the mouse type by using the
mouse type /Cn (serial), /Z (PS2), /In (inPort), /B (bus)
(n specifies a prot and can be either 1 or 2)
Procedure for Generating Norton Ghost Bootable CD
MoonPoint Support
Ghost 2003 Multi-Boot CD (Abort,Retry,Fail) error
Date: April 1, 2005
Microsoft Software
Forum Network (MSFN)
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Scheduling NTBackup for a Daily Backup
NTBackup utility
comes with Windows NT, 2000, Server 2003, Small Business Server (SBS) 2003,
and Windows XP. NTBackup is not installed by default with Windows XP Home
Edition, but is available on the Windows XP installation disc. Microsoft
has replaced NTBackup in Windows Vista.
NTBackup backs up files to a proprietary BKF format. With Windows XP and
later, it can even backup open files using
Volume Shadow Copy,
aka Volume Snapshot Service (VSS)..
To create a backup process that runs every week on a specific
day to backup a folder on a
system, you can create a batch file similar to the following:
@echo off
REM NTBackup batch file for ACCI folder
REM Set date variable
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set date=%%a-%%b-%%c)
date = %date%
ntbackup backup D:\ACCI /J "ACI" /V:No /M Normal /Snap:on /f "F:\ACI\Backups\Current\ACCI_Weekly_%date%.bkf"
The above batch file, which I've named acci-weekly.bat
backup the D:\backup
on the system on which it is run. The files
will be backed up to F:\ACI\Backups\Current\ACCI_%date%.bkf
. The
variable is set by the code below:
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set date=%%a-%%b-%%c)
date = %date%
The %a
variable holds the
month, %b
holds the day, and %c
holds the year. Files
will be created with names in the form ACCI_Weekly_07-12-2008.bkf
The other parameters used are as described below:
/J {"JobName"}
Specifies the job name to be used in the backup report. The job name usually
describes the files and folders you are backing up in the current backup job.
/V:{yes | no}
Verifies the data after the backup is complete.
/M {BackupType}
Specifies the backup type. It must be one of the following: normal, copy,
differential, incremental, or daily.
/SNAP:{on | off}
Specifies whether or not the backup should use a volume shadow copy.
/F {"FileName"}
Logical disk path and file name. You must not use the following switches with
this switch: /P /G /T.
Further information on the options availabe with the ntbackup
command can be obtained by running ntbackup /?
from a command
By specifying normal
as the backup type, all of the files
in the folder will be backed up. If the folder occupies a large amount of
disk space and will take a considerable amount of time to backup, you may not
want to backup all of the files every day.
In this case I would run a normal backup on Sundays, but an incremental
backup every other day. So I have a second batch file, acci.bat
@echo off
REM NTBackup batch file for ACCI folder
REM Set date variable
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set date=%%a-%%b-%%c)
date = %date%
ntbackup backup D:\ACCI /J "ACI" /V:No /M Incremental /Snap:on /f "F:\ACI\
To run the batch file that performs the incremental backup every day,
you can use the at
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>at 19:30 /every:m,t,w,th,f,s d:
Added a new job with job ID = 1
The above command schedules the backup to run every night, Monday through
Saturday, at 7:30 P.M. The backup is an incremental backup. An incremental
backup is a backup that copies only those files created or changed since the
last normal or incremental backup. It marks files as being backed up by
clearing the archive attribute on files. If you use a combination of normal
and incremental backups to restore your files, you will need to have the last
normal backup and all incremental backup sets.
You can check scheduled jobs by running the at
command with
no parameters. You can get help on the command with at /?
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.mayberry>at
Status ID Day Time Command Line
1 Each M T W Th F S 7:30 PM d:\backups\acci.bat
To schedule the job that runs once a week on Sunday, I can use
at 19:30 /every:su d:\backups\acci_weekly.bat
For a full restoral from the backups, I would need to restore first
from the weekly normal backup and then restore from each of the incremental
backups from that week.
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