If you want to find the time a Microsoft Windows system, e.g., XP, Vista, Small Business Server 2003, Windows 7, 8, and 10, was last rebooted, you can run the
command from a command
prompt and filter the output using the find
command so that
you see just the line containing "Boot Time":
C:\>systeminfo | find "Boot Time" System Boot Time: 1/2/2016, 10:19:02 AM
Or you can use the
Windows Management Instrumentation command line tool, wmic, by issuing the
command wmic os get lastbootuptime
C:\>wmic os get lastbootuptime LastBootUpTime 20160102101902.495471-300
The output of the command in the above example is in the format YYYYMMDDHHSS where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day of the month, HH is the hour in 12-hour clock format, aka "military time".