I killed Firefox on my MacBook Pro laptop running OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) by clicking on the Apple icon at the upper, left-hand corner of the screen then selecting Force Quit and then selecting Firefox and clicking on the Force Click button. But when I tried to reopen Firefox, I saw the message 'You can't open the application "Firefox.app" because it is not responding.'
I clicked on OK and used Force Quit Applications again. I saw
Firefox in the list and again forced it to quit. I then clicked on the Firefox
icon in the
Dock at the bottom of the screen again, but Firefox didn't appear to open.
I double-clicked on it again, but it still didn't appear to open, though it
appeared in the Force Quit Applications list again with "not responding"
appearing next to its entry in the list of open apps. I tried clicking on the
Firefox icon in the Dock a third time and this time saw the 'You can't open
the application "Firefox.app" because it is not responding' message again,
though reopening Force Quit Applications again did not show "not
responding" next to the Firefox entry in its list. Nor was any other
application listed as being unresponsive. I tried the Force Quit
step again. Firefox remained in the list until I closed and reopened
Force Quit Applications. Though Firefox wasn't in the Force Quit
Applications list, I did see a process associated with Firefox
when I used the ps
command to view processes running on the system.
$ ps -ef | grep -i Firefox | grep -v grep 723184451 6861 1 0 8:46AM ?? 0:00.03 /Applications/Firefox.app/Conte nts/MacOS/plugin-container.app/Contents/MacOS/plugin-container /Library/Internet Plu g-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin -greomni /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/ omni.ja -appomni /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/browser/omni.ja -appdi r /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/browser 1635 gecko-crash-server-pipe. 1635 org.mozilla.machname.776527788 plugin $
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