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Wed, Apr 15, 2020 3:07 pm

Unable to type in Microsoft Edge address field

I couldn't type anything in the Microsoft Edge address bar where URLs are entered nor could I type in the "Find on page" field in Edge on a Microsoft Windows 10 system. But in tabs opened to pages where I might type some input, such as a tab in which I was viewing a Wikipedia article, I cold type and see what I had typed appear. E.g., in the Wikipedia tab, I could search for other Wikipedia articles. And in the tab that was also open, I could compose email messages. I could also type input into the Microsoft Windows "Type here to search" field at the bottom of the screen. When I searched online for a possible resolution to the problem, I found a couple of pages where people linked it to McAfee antivirus software on the system, but that isn't installed on the system. I also saw a couple of pages where people stated that running the built-in Windows ctfmon.exe program might resolve the problem. I opened a command prompt and issued the tasklist command to see if it was already running. It was and when I ran it again anyway, there was no change to the problem.

C:\>tasklist | find /i "ctfmon"
ctfmon.exe                   25000 Console                    3     22,444 K



Closing and reopening Microsoft Edge resolved the problem.

[/network/web/browser/edge] permanent link

Wed, Apr 15, 2020 2:04 pm

Gvim stuck in insert mode

While editing a file with the gVim text editor on a Microsoft Windows 10 system, I found I was stuck in insert mode. Hitting the Esc key would no longer take me out of insert mode and when I closed and reopened the editor I would be put in insert mode as soon as the editor opened. I switched to another user account on the system and opened gVim from that account. I could use the escape key on that account to exit insert mode, which proved that there wasn't a problem with the escape key on the keyboard. I was able to resolve the problem by clicking on Edit, selecting Global Settings, and then Toogle Insert Mode.

gVim toggle insert mode

After I selected Toogle Insert Mode, the editor was taken out of insert mode and I was then able to enter editor commands. I could re-enter insert mode by hitting the i key as usual. Though I could now move in and out of insert mode with the Esc and i keys as usual, when I closed and reopened gVim, I found it was not exiting insert mode when I hit the Esc key, so I had to select the Toggle Insert Mode option again from the menu. I'll have to check the gVim Startup Settings later to see why it is not responding to the Esc key on the one account, though there may be an issue outside of gVim as I found that I can no longer type URLs in the address field of Microsoft Edge tabs, though I could type in the search field of an already open Wikipedia tab in the browser.

[/editors/vi] permanent link

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