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Mon, Mar 04, 2024 9:46 pm

Accessing ClamWin scan results when the option to save a report is grayed out

I ran a scan with ClamWin, a free and open-source antivirus program for Microsoft Windows systems, on a user's system recently when she thought the system might be infected with malware. I ran the ClamWin scan after I scanned the system with McAfee AntiVirus, the active antivirus program on the system providing real-time protection, which did not find any malware. The scan, which ran for many hours, flagged many files as containing malware. It was difficult to note the names and locations of files flagged as containing malware when they were flagged as the results would scroll quickly by as the program went on to scan other files. As I assumed I would be able to save the results to a file when the scan completed, that did not concern me. However, when the scan completed I was unable to save the results to a file because the button that would allow me to save the results was grayed out.

You can still access the results of a scan in such cases, though, because when you exit from viewing the scan results, the program automatically appends the results to C:\ProgramData\.clamwin\log\ClamScanLog.txt. The ProgamData directory is a hidden directory that you won't see in the Windows File Explorer unless you have configured it to display hidden files and folders. You can see the directory is present if you open a command prompt window and issue the command dir /ah — the "/ah" tells the dir command to display files and folders with the attribute "hidden." E.g.:

C:\>dir /ah
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 4445-F6ED

 Directory of C:\

08/21/2022  07:38 PM    <DIR>          $Recycle.Bin
07/08/2017  03:45 PM    <DIR>          $Windows.~WS
02/14/2024  10:43 AM    <DIR>          $WinREAgent
10/30/2015  02:18 AM                 1 BOOTNXT
08/21/2022  01:01 PM               112 bootTel.dat
02/28/2024  03:54 PM    <DIR>          Config.Msi
11/04/2011  01:20 AM            30,425 dell.sdr
07/14/2009  12:08 AM    <JUNCTION>     Documents and Settings [C:\Users]
03/03/2024  11:51 PM             8,192 DumpStack.log.tmp
03/04/2024  03:51 PM     6,373,736,448 hiberfil.sys
01/30/2012  09:36 PM    <DIR>          MSOCache
03/03/2024  11:51 PM     8,589,934,592 pagefile.sys
03/03/2024  09:48 AM    <DIR>          ProgramData
10/11/2023  09:00 AM    <DIR>          Recovery
03/03/2024  11:51 PM       268,435,456 swapfile.sys
01/28/2012  08:26 PM    <DIR>          System Recovery
03/04/2024  08:00 PM    <DIR>          System Volume Information
               7 File(s) 15,232,145,226 bytes
              10 Dir(s)  795,701,448,704 bytes free


Though the log file containing scan results is beneath a hidden directory, you can access it from a text editor such as Windows Notepad by typing in the directory path and file name, i.e., C:\ProgramData\.clamwin\log\ClamScanLog.txt when you choose Open to open a file, or you could open it from a command prompt window as shown below.

C:\&>notepad C:\ProgramData\.clamwin\log\ClamScanLog.txt


The ClamScanLog.txt file will contain the results of all scans run on the system, unless it was edited to remove prior results, with the results of the latest scan at the bottom of the file.

[/security/antivirus/clamav] permanent link

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