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Sun, Sep 25, 2016 8:59 pm

Problems encountered during installation of QuickBooks Pro 2016

I needed to upgrade two Microsoft Windows 10 systems running QuickBooks Pro 2011 to QuickBooks Pro 2016 after the Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update was installed automatically on those systems. QuickBooks Pro 2011 would stop working after the user tried to proceed past the user name and password prompt to open the company file - see QuickBooks 2011 crashes at startup. I found others complaining about the same problem after the Anniversary Update was installed. I resolved the problem by updating QuickBooks to QuickBooks Pro 2016, but that upgrade was not without problems as well.

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Sat, Sep 24, 2016 10:02 pm

QuickBooks 2011 crashes at startup

A user reported to me that QuickBooks was crashing when she tried to use it. When I attempted to start the QuickBooks 2011 program, it would get to the point where I could enter the username and password, but when I tried to proceed beyong that point it would stop working with the message below:

QuickBooks has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

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Sat, Feb 06, 2016 5:20 pm

Accounts not synching to Quicken mobile app

If you use a desktop version of Intuit's Quicken 2015 for managing your personal and/or business finances and have also installed the mobile application, Quicken 2014/15/16 Companion, on your phone, but find that certain accounts that are present in the desktop version are not appearing on the mobile version, then check the "accounts to sync" settings within the "Intuit ID, Mobile & Alerts" preferences within Quicken on the desktop system to ensure that Quicken on the desktop is configured to syncrhonize those particular accounts with the Quicken app on a mobile device.

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Fri, Jul 10, 2015 11:12 pm

Recovery of Corrupted QuickBooks File

I received a call today from someone who reported that she had started compressing a QuickBooks file, since she wanted to upload the data to Intuit's site (QuickBooks 2013 provides a "condense" function that is accessible from the File menu by choosing Utilities then Condense data), but during the process of removing old entries from many years ago the company owner needed her to do some work in QuickBooks so she terminated the compression operation. As soon as she told me that I suspected she was calling because by doing so the company file had been corrupted. That seemed to be the case, because she said she could no longer find any entries in the file for this year besides those for today. She thought that the QuickBooks data was being backed up to an external, USB-attached disk drive on her system, but when I checked its contents I found that the last backup to that drive had occurred a couple of years ago.

Fortunately the data was stored on a Microsoft Windows system running a version of Windows that uses Microsoft's Volume Snapshot Service , which allows you to simply right-click on a file or folder name, choose Properties and then click on the Previous Versions tab and select from shadow copies of the file or folder that were made previously, though in this case I didn't even need to do that.

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Sat, May 09, 2015 8:12 pm

Quicken 2015 Mortgage Balance Discrepancy

I use Quicken 2015 Home & Business to manage our finances. One annoyance I encountered recently was that when I viewed the details for the mortgage account, the balance was listed correctly, but on the left side of the screen where the balances are listed for all accounts, the balance shown for the mortgage account under the Property section was wrong. The amount that was displayed was the amount shown for the current balance when I looked at the transaction display for the account plus the original balance when we purchased the house. The two balances had matched previously; I think the incorrect amount under the Property section of Accounts started appearing with an incorrect amount after I reconciled all of the transactions in the mortgage account. But even after I unchecked entries to make them unreconciled to see if that would eliminate the discrepancy, the discrepancy remained. And that discrepancy resulted in an incorrect equity being shown when I clicked on Equity when viewing the mortgage account. The equity was being shown as a negative value, i.e., Quicken was claiming I owed more on the house than the house was worth.

I exited from the program then restarted it, but the discrepancy remained. So I decided to backup the Quicken data file and then perform a repair operation. So I backed up our data by going to File, Backup and Restore, then Backup Quicken File. Then, to run a repair operation, I clicked on File then File Operations. From that option I could select Validate and Repair, but before I selected it, I noticed that now the amount shown for the balance owed on the mortgage was correct under Property in the listing of accounts. It seems that just performing the backup resulted in the discrepancy being resolved. I certainly didn't expect that to resolve the problem, but I was glad just doing that apparently resolved the problem. Quicken was also now showing a correct positive equity value based on what I had estimated for our home's current value minus what we still owed on the mortgage.

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Tue, Apr 14, 2015 10:22 pm

Locating EIN in QuickBooks 2011

To locate the U.S. Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in QuickBooks 2011, open the company file using a QuickBooks admin account then take the following steps:
  1. Select Company from the menu bar.
  2. Select Company Information. The EIN is in the Company Identification section.

The information can only be viewed or modified from a QuickBooks admin account.

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Tue, Jun 17, 2014 11:24 am

Creating a business category in Quicken 2014

I wanted to create a new business expense category in Quicken 2014 named Hardware. But when I created a new expense category, the category always defaulted to be a personal expense. I could not locate a means to specify that I wanted the new category to be in the business rather than personal group and I didn't see any way to change the classification to business after the category was created. I could put the new business expense category as a subcategory beneath an existing business category, but that is not what I wanted to do. There is a way to put the new category as a top-level category in the business group rather than have it be a subcategory, though, by first creating it as a subcategory and then changing it.
  1. Click on Tools.
  2. Select Category List.
  3. Click on the Add Category button.
  4. Type a name for the new category in the Category Name field.
  5. Select the Subcategory of radio button and pick a business category, such as "Supplies (Business)". Add a description if you like.
  6. Click on the Tax Reporting tab and make any changes, if any are needed, there.
  7. Click on OK.
  8. Right-click on the new category in the category list, then select the Expense radio button, rather than the Subcategory of one.
  9. Click on OK.
  10. Click on Done to close the Category List window.

The category will remain as a business category after the change.

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Mon, Apr 14, 2014 9:47 pm

QuickBooks company files list from registry

If you wish to see the list of previously opened company files that would be displayed inside QuickBooks when QuickBooks is open, but no company file is open, without opening QuickBooks, you can query the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intuit\QuickBooksCommon\QBFinder using the reg query command. E.g.:
C:\Users\JDoe>reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intuit\QuickBooksCommon\QBFinder

    0    REG_SZ    c:\users\jdoe\documents\quickbooks\csi\c.s.i.qbw|23|professional
    1    REG_SZ    c:\users\jdoe\documents\quickbooks\moonpoint\moonpoint.qbw|23|professional

The .qbw files displayed would be ones you could select by clicking on them from the "No Company Open" window inside QuickBooks. The "|23|professional" at the end can be ignored, if you only want to know the file names and locations. The directory path and file names displayed can then be used to backup any relevant QuickBooks files to another location for archiving, for instance, without needing to open QuickBooks.

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Mon, Apr 14, 2014 9:19 pm

QuickBooks company file needs to be updated

If you see the following message when you attempt to open a company file from a prior version of QuickBooks in QuickBooks 2013, which prevents you from opening the file, you will need to provide a user name and password for a QuickBooks account that has administrator level access to the file instead of the account credentials you are using.


This company file needs to be updated. Please ask your QuickBooks Administrator to update the file.


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Sun, Apr 11, 2010 9:16 pm

Getting Free Credit Reports

You can get a free credit report from the 3 major credit reporting companies, TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian through You will need to provide your Social Security Number (SSN). From that site you can go to the 3 reporting companies one by one and get a report from each.

You are entitled to one free report from each nationwide credit reporting company per year. It is entirely your choice whether you order all three credit reports at the same time or order one now and others later. The advantage of ordering all three at the same time is that you can compare them. However, you will not be eligible for another free credit report from the Central Source, i.e., through, for 12 months. On the other hand, the advantage of ordering one now and others later (for example, one credit report every four months) is that you can keep track of any changes or new information that may appear on your credit report. Remember, you are entitled to receive one free credit report through the Central Source every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion – so if you order from Yonly one company today you can still order from the other two companies at a later date.

You can't get a free credit score, which is a mathematical algorithm that is used to evaluate information in an individual's credit file. A credit score is used by a lender to help determine whether a person qualifies for a particular credit card, loan, or service. Most credit scores estimate the risk a company incurs by lending a person money or providing them with a service — specifically, the likelihood that the person will make payments on time in the next two to three years. Generally, the higher the score, the less risk the person represents. You can opt to pay for the credit score, if you choose.

There are lots of services that purport to give you free credit reports that can actually prove to be quite costly. The way they work is that you get a "free" report by providing a credit card to pay for a monthly credit monitoring service. The trick is that the companies can make it almost impossible for you to cancel the service, so you may pay $80 or more a year for the "free" service. Just because you see it advertised on TV, don't think the company advertised won't try that trick.

E.g., the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged with deceiving consumers. I've included information from FTC Sues Imposter Web Sites Offering "Free Credit Reports below:

How consumers were deceived. and advertised "free credit reports," but failed to inform consumers that they were automatically signing up for credit report monitoring services and would be charged $79.95 if they did not cancel within 30 days. The FTC also charged that the web site failed to inform consumers that it was not associated with the official annual free credit report program established by recent amendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Consumers were drawn to and web sites through radio, television, e-mail and Internet ads promising free credit reports and free monitoring services. In some cases, consumers were led to the sites through an Internet search for terms such as "free credit report," "free credit score," and "free credit history." Consumers who visited the sites were required to supply a great deal of personal information in addition to a valid credit card number. When membership was not cancelled within 30 days, credit card accounts were charged.

For Experian, to return to your report in the near future, log on to and select “View your report again” or “Dispute” and then enter the report number provided when you first view the report. The experian site offers a service called VantageScore® that currently charges you $7.95 to get your credit score. TransUnion offers the credit score for $14.95, but you have to sign up for a monthly service.


  1. FTC Sues Imposter Web Sites Offering "Free Credit Reports"
    Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
  2. The Federal Trade Commission's Information on Free Annual Credit Reports
    Federal Trade Commission
  3. Can You Really Get a Free Credit Report -- Without Getting Scammed?
  4. The credit score rating scale; range
    The Credit Scoring Site

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