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Thu, Mar 07, 2024 11:56 pm

Table Attributes Deprecated in HTML 5

In HTML 4, you could use <table width="100%">. In HTML 5, using width in that way has been deprecated in favor of putting the width within a style designation. If you use <table width="100%"> in an HTML 5 webpage and check the page with the W3C HTML validation tool, you will see the message " Error  The width attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead." You can use the following, instead:

<table style="width: 100%;">

The same is true for specification of the width of <td> table elements. Under HTML 4, the following was ok:

<td width="33%" align="left">

In the above HTML code, the cell width could be specified as 33% of the table width and text in a cell could be left-aligned with align="left". Under HTML 5, though, both specifications are considered obsolete and the following should be used, instead:

<td style="width:33%; text-align:left;">

If you need to center the text, you can use text-align:center, instead. If you wish to vertically align an element in a table cell, such as text or an image, in HTML 4 you could use the following:

<td valign="top">March 12</td>

In HTML 5, you can use the following instead of the above deprecated use of valign:

<td style="vertical-align: top;">March 12</td>

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Wed, Nov 17, 2021 9:56 pm

Automatically resizing an image for mobile devices

I created this domain in April of 1997, a time when mobile device usage was not common. HTML 3 was the version of the HyperText Markup Lanugage (HTML) in usage then with HTML 4.0 not being pubished as a W3C Recommendation until December of that year. In the past, I used to add material to the site far more frequently. I haven't added much to the site in the last few years and haven't made any significant changes to the site for many years. Consequently, visitors viewing pages with large images from a mobile device would see only the leftmost portion of those images and would need to scroll right if they were using a mobile device such as a phone. I finally added a few lines to the site's style.css Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) file today to have images be scaled down to fit the screens of mobile devices. The lines I added are those below:
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

Those lines tell browsers that the maximum width of an image when it is displayed within the user's browser shoud be no wider than the page's width as it is displayed within that browser on that device. I added the "height: auto;" to ensure that when images are resized that the height is also adjusted to maintain the heighth to width ration of the original image. Otherwise, some images might be distorted so that the image height would be much greater in relation to its width than in the original image. With the auto setting, the height to width balance remains such that the image fits within the displaye page without appearing elongated.

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Sun, May 27, 2018 9:13 pm

Centering divs with flex-container

With HTML 4, centering the contents within a div is simple. You just use <div align="center">. E.g., if I wanted to center the image and text below on a webpage, I could use the following code:

<div align="center">
<img src="186px-Antinous_Mandragone_profil.jpg" alt="Antinous Mangragone 
<a href="">
Antinous Mandragone</a>

The image would then be displayed in browsers as seen below:

Antinous Mangragone profile
Antinous Mandragone

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Sun, May 07, 2017 6:09 pm

Centering an image on a webpage horizontally

To center an image horizontally on a webpage, you can add style="display: block; margin: auto;" to the img tag. E.g.

<p> <img src="320px-Fisher_500_radio.jpg" alt="Fisher AM/FM radio from 1959" width="320" height="208" style="display: block; margin: auto;"> </p>

Fisher AM/FM radio from 1959

Related articles:

  1. Centering a div and an image within it using CSS

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Sat, Apr 22, 2017 11:20 pm

Vertically aligning an image with text using CSS

If you wish to vertically align an image with text in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code that is compliant with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) you can do so using <style="vertical-align: position;"> where position is bottom, middle, or top. E.g., if I want to align an image of the direct current symbol, which is a horizontal line over top of three shorter horizontal lines, so that the image is vertically in the middle of the text, I could use the code below:

24V <img src="direct-current.gif" width="49" height="49" style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" alt="Direct current symbol">1500mA

I would then see the following:

24V Direct current 

If I used vertical-align: top, instead, the image would appear as shown below where the text is aligned with the top of the image:

24V Direct current 

If I used vertical-align: bottom, instead, the image would appear as shown below:

24V Direct current 

If I did not specify a vertical alignment, the image would appear as it did when I specified "bottom" for the vertical alignment as shown below:

24V Direct current symbol1500mA

Though, in this case I could also have used the HTML code &#9107;, instead, for the direct current symbol and avoided the use of an image and the need to align the image with the text, though I didn't realize that when I started using the image on a page for power adapter for various devices.

E.g.: 24V ⎓ 1500mA

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Sat, Mar 04, 2017 10:00 pm

CSS max-width and min-width for @media

The third specification of the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) style sheet language, CSS 3 provides support for media queries, which can adjust the display of information in a browser based on screen resolution, e.g. smartphone screen vs. computer screen, the width of the browser viewport, etc. This is done through the use of "@media, which can be used in a style sheet or a style element included in the <head> section of the HTML code.

Two parameters that can be used with @media are shown below:

max-widthThe maximum width of the display area, such as a browser window
min-widthThe minimum width of the display area, such as a browser window

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Sat, Oct 01, 2016 10:21 pm

Align attribute is obsolete

With HTML 4, you can horizontally align an element in a cell in a table using the align parameter, e.g.: <td align="right"> to horizontally align text to the right side of a cell. However, with HTML5, use of the align parameter for horizontally aligning text within elements of a table has been deprecated. E.g., if you check your HTML code for adherence to the HTML 5 standard with the Nu Html Checker provided by the World Wide Web Consortium, you will see an error similar to the following one displayed if you are using align in the HTML code for a table.

The align attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
From line 118, column 5; to line 118, column 22
</tr>↩<tr><td align="right">;<b>Vir

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Wed, Sep 28, 2016 10:55 pm

Centering a table with CSS

With HTML 4, you could center a table using align="center".

<table align="center">

However, that method of centering a table is deprecated in HTML5. To center a table, which is a block-level element, in HTML5 using a Cascading Style Sheets method, you can use a style that includes margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; as shown below.

<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">

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Sun, Sep 18, 2016 10:12 pm

Align attribute on the paragraph element is obsolete

With HTML 4, you can horizontally center an image in a paragraph using <p align="center">. E.g., the image in the following paragraph would be cenered on the web page:

<p align="center">
<img src="f2a046-10-gld_320x240.jpg" alt="F2A046-10-GLD Printer Cable" width="320" height="240">

However, with HTML5, use of the align parameter for horizontally aligning a paragraph on a web page has been deprecated. E.g., if you check your HTML code for adherence to the HTML 5 standard with the Nu Html Checker provided by the World Wide Web Consortium, you will see an error similar to the following one displayed if you are using align with the p (paragraph) tag.

The align attribute on the p element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
From line 73, column 1; to line 73, column 18
tent -->↩↩<p align="center">↩<img src

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Sun, Jul 24, 2016 6:33 pm

HTML attributes obsoleted by HTML5

There are quite a few HTML attributes made obsolete in HTML5, which is the current HTML standard. I've been trying to make new web pages on my site compliant with version 5 of the standard and transitioning some created using HTML 4.1 to HTML5, so I've had to modify the HTML code to use other tags or eliminate the use of attributes that have been deprecated with HTML5. Some of the elements and attributes that have been deprecated are listed below:
  1. cellpadding attribute
  2. frameborder attribute on the iframe element
  3. scrolling attribute on the iframe element
  4. name attribute
  5. valign attribute
  6. tt element

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