For an Exchange 2003 server, If you need to forward email to another Exchange user when an employee leaves, take the following steps.
- Go to Active Directory Users and Computers.
- Select the account for the user who left and right click on it.
- Select Properites.
- Under the Exchange General tab, click on the Delivery Options button.
- Click on the Modify button at the Delivery Options window that opens.
- In the "Enter object name to select" field, type the account name of the user to whom email should be forwarded, e.g. jsmith.
- Click on the Check names button to verify the account name and then click on OK when it has been verified.
- Click on OK again to close the Delivery Options window.
- Click on OK to close the Properties window.
If you need to forward email to an external address instead of an internal Exchange address, see Forwarding an Exchange User's Email to an External Address.