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Sat, Dec 30, 2006 3:36 pm

Barracuda Spam Firewall 200 Setup

I set up a Barracuda Spam Firewall 200 antispam appliance today. I was surprised by how noisy the device is; the fans are quite loud. Unfortunately, the device is supposed to sit in a closet next to someone's desk. I'm not sure how well she will be able to tolerate the noise from the device.

[ More Info ]

[/network/email/spam/barracuda] permanent link

Thu, Dec 28, 2006 9:33 pm

Fixing TeaTimer Window Problem with Resource Hacker

On several systems where I've installed Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.4, I've encountered problems with the popup windows that appear when I've activated TeaTimer, a Spybot application that monitors attempts to change the registry. The buttons on the warning window that appears won't have the correct description of their function written on them, so it is hard to determine what will happen when you click on a particular button.

The problem can be fixed with Resource Hacker.

[ More Info ]

[/security/spyware/spybot/teatimer] permanent link

Wed, Dec 27, 2006 10:02 pm

Starting and Stopping pcAnywhere Service from Command Line

I sometimes need to stop and restart the pcAnywhere service from a command line, but do it so rarely I usually can't remember the exact name of the service. You can see the names of services on a system by using the net start command. Issuing it without any arguments given to it shows a list of available services on the system. If you use the find with it, you can filter the list of displayed services to see just the name for the pcAnywhere service.
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator>net start | find /i "pcanywhere"
   pcAnywhere Host Service

Knowing that it is "pcAnywhere Host Service", you can then use net stop "pcanywhere host service" to stop the service and net start "pcanywhere host service" to restart it.


  1. How to Use the net Command
    Cisco Systems, Inc.
    May 17, 2006

[/os/windows/software/remote-control/pcanywhere] permanent link

Wed, Dec 13, 2006 11:06 pm

Adding an Email Address to Outlook's Safe Senders List

Outlook 2003 provides the capability to add an email address to a "safe senders" list. Outlook will not apply its junk e-mail filter to email from senders on the safe senders list. However, you may have Outlook rules that will still route email from addresses on the list to the junk e-mail folder.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/office/outlook] permanent link

Wed, Dec 13, 2006 6:26 pm

Using pktstat to Monitor Network Traffic

Pktstat is free software for Linux and Unix systems that will display a real-time list of active connections seen on a network interface, and how much bandwidth is being used by various network connections. It partially decodes the HTTP and FTP protocols to show what filename is being transferred. X11 application names are also shown. Entries hang around on the screen for a few seconds so you can see what just happened. It also accepts filter expressions à la tcpdump.

An RPM file that can be used to install the software on Linux systems is available from As of December 13, 2006, the current version is 1.7.2q. I installed the software from the RPM file.

# wget

# rpm -qip pktstat-1.7.2q-0.i386.rpm
warning: pktstat-1.7.2q-0.i386.rpm: V3 RSA/MD5 signature: NOKEY, key ID f322929d
Name        : pktstat                      Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version     : 1.7.2q                            Vendor: David Leonard
Release     : 0                             Build Date: Thu 10 Jul 2003 12:38:40 AM EDT
Install Date: (not installed)               Build Host: sparrow
Group       : Applications/Internet         Source RPM: pktstat-1.7.2q-0.src.rpmSize        : 145837                           License: Public Domain
Signature   : RSA/MD5, Thu 10 Jul 2003 12:38:40 AM EDT, Key ID 012334cbf322929d
Packager    : William Stearns <>
URL         :
Summary     : Displays a live list of active connections and what files are being transferred.
Description :
Display a real-time list of active connections seen on a network
interface, and how much bandwidth is being used by what. Partially
decodes HTTP and FTP protocols to show what filename is being
transferred. X11 application names are also shown. Entries hang around
on the screen for a few seconds so you can see what just happened. Also
accepts filter expressions a la tcpdump.

# rpm --install pktstat-1.7.2q-0.i386.rpm
warning: pktstat-1.7.2q-0.i386.rpm: V3 RSA/MD5 signature: NOKEY, key ID f322929d

Once installed the software can be run with the pktstat command. If you need to install from the source code rather from the RPM package, the steps to install the software are fairly straightforward and can be found at Bandwidth Monitoring Tools, which also lists a number of other free bandwidth monitoring tools.

The software can show you what files people are accessing on your web server in realtime as shown below:

interface: eth0
load averages: 6.3k 3.2k 1.4k bps

   bps    % desc
 779.9   2% icmp unreach port frostdragon -> ns2
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2039 <-> frostdragon:http
            - GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon.htm
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2041 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon.htm
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2042 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /graphics/notepad.gif
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2043 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon-title.jpg
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2044 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon-002.jpg
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2045 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon-001.jpg
            tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2046 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon-lunapball.gif
 278.1   0% tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2047 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon-ckey2.gif
  1.6k   5% tcp adsl-68-126-206-36:2048 <-> frostdragon:http
            - 304 GET /notebook/encyclopedia/s/slr_chibimoon-compact.gif

You can use tcpdump style filter expressions to limit the displayed information to just traffic you are interested in at the moment. For instance, if I just want to monitor email traffic, i.e. SMTP traffic on port 25, I can use the command pktstat port 25 when I start the program.

interface: eth0
load averages: 5.6k 1.2k 421.1 bps
filter: port 25
   bps    % desc
            tcp 245:29801 <-> frostdragon:smtp
            tcp bny92-4-82-228-126-176:1672 <-> frostdragon:smtp
 19.0k  51% tcp frostdragon:53388 <-> mx01:smtp
  55.6   0% tcp frostdragon:smtp <-> mail:22421
 18.0k  48% tcp frostdragon:smtp <-> pool-71-245-166-13:62216

By default, pktstat does not show the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of systems. But you can change that behavior with the -F option.

         -F    Show full hostnames.  Normally, hostnames are truncated to
               the first component of their domain name before display.

For instance I could have it show the full name for systems that are exchanging email with my server with pktstat -F port 25

interface: eth0
load averages: 98.9 21.9 7.4 bps
filter: port 25
   bps    % desc
            tcp <->

If you would prefer to see IP addresses and port numbers rather than names, you can use the -n option. E.g. I could use pktstat -n port 25 to again monitor only SMTP traffic, but this time display IP addresses rather than the host names and the port number, 25, rather than its description, which is smtp.

          -n    Do not try and resolve hostnames or service port numbers.
interface: eth0
load averages: 55.2 11.4 3.8 bps
filter: port 25
   bps    % desc
 587.1  85% tcp <->
  98.4  14% tcp <->


  1. Bandwidth Monitoring Tools
    Planet Malaysia Blog
  2. pktstat
    By David Leonard
  3. pktstat file listing
    By William Stearns
    Mary 13, 2006

[/os/unix/linux/network] permanent link

Tue, Dec 12, 2006 8:03 pm

Joining a Windows XP Media Center Edition PC to a Domain

I've been looking at PCs for a Christmas gift for a family member. Many of those I've looked at come with Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE). Likely as part of its marketing strategy to be able to charge more for a "business" edition of Windows, i.e. Windows XP Professional, Microsoft has crippled the MCE edition of Windows so that it can't be joined to a domain, at least not easily. I did find instructions on how to join a Windows MCE PC to a domain at Windows Media Center 2005 Can't Join Domains, though. If there is actually a way to join a system running MCE to the domain in the house, I am more apt to buy a system with that Microsoft operating system.

Oh, well, another way in which Linux is superior to Windows. Unfortunately, two users of the system use it to play GoPets and I don't believe there is a Linux client, though I did find a comment from a GoPets representative at - Usefully Cynical Commentary >> AGC Interview with GoPets! that their partner in the Phillipines have suggested a Linux client be created.

I can remember how Microsoft used to charge hundreds more for Windows NT server than it did for Windows NT Workstation. An O'Reilly webpage, Differences Between NT Server and Workstation are Minimal, states the difference was $800 and that Microsoft claimed that there were technical reasons why there were restrictions on the number of simultaneous connections you could have to a web server running on Windows NT Workstation. Yet all it took to get the same functionality on Windows NT Workstation were a couple of registry changes. For those who remember the olden days when DOS was the predominant operating system, it would be like charging hundreds more for a few simple modifications to your config.sys or autoexec.bat file.

Incidentally, I noted that GoPets Ltd. which is a company based in Korea has been engaged in a domain dispute with someone in America who was apparently cybersquatting on the domain name, putting up just a page with a handful of links at that address. Some people buy domain names using names that companies are using to do business solely so they can demand large sums of money from those companies for the domain names.

[/os/windows/xp] permanent link

Mon, Dec 11, 2006 8:35 pm

Using Full Media Capacity with cdrw

I downloaded a Knoppix ISO file to one of my Solaris 10 systems and attempted to create a Live CD from the .iso file using the cdrw command. However, when I attempted to do so, I received a "size required is greater than available space" error message.

bash-3.00$ cdrw -i KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso
Looking for CD devices...
Initializing device...done.
Size required (730036224 bytes) is greater than available space (681986048 bytes).

The file I was trying to write to the CD was 696 MB, which won't fit on a 650 MB CD, but I was using an 80 minute 700 MB CD.

The problem can be resolved by using the -C option with the cdrw command. Without that option, cdrw will assume a default capacity of 650 MB for CDs. To use the full 700MB capacity, you need the -C option.

     -C       Uses stated media capacity.  Without  this  option,
              cdrw  uses  a  default value for writable CD media,
              which is 74 minutes  for  an  audio  CD,  681984000
              bytes for a data CD, or 4.7 Gbytes for a DVD.

Once I used the option, I was able to write the .iso file to a blank CD.

bash-3.00$ cdrw -C -i KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso
Looking for CD devices...
Initializing device...done.
Writing track 1...40 %

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Fri, Dec 08, 2006 9:40 pm

Forwarding Print Jobs

I have a PC running Solaris 5.10 connected to one network interface on a Sun Ultra 5 system running Solaris 2.7. The Ultra 5 workstation has another network interface that faces the world. The PC connects only to the Ultra 5 and has no other network access. It has web acces through proxy server software running on the Ultra 5. I also needed to be able to print from the PC to printers on the other side of the Ultra 5. To obtain that access, I used balance

Balance is a load balancing solution, which uses a simple but powerful generic TCP proxy with round robin load balancing and failover mechanisms. Its behaviour can be controlled at runtime using a simple command line syntax, which is listed below.

balance 3.19
Copyright (c) 2000-2003,2004 by Inlab Software GmbH, Gruenwald, Germany.
All rights reserved.

  balance [-b host] [-t sec] [-T sec] [-dfp] \
          port [h1[:p1[:maxc1]] [!] [ ... hN[:pN[:maxcN]]]]
  balance [-b host] -i [-d] port
  balance [-b host] -c cmd  [-d] port

  -b host   bind to specific host address on listen
  -B host   bind to specific host address for outgoing connections
  -c cmd    execute specified interactive command
  -d        debugging on
  -f        stay in foregound
  -i        interactive control
  -H        failover even if Hash Type is used
  -p        packetdump
  -t sec    specify connect timeout in seconds (default=5)
  -T sec    timeout (seconds) for select (0 => never) (default=0)
   !        separates channelgroups (declaring previous to be Round Robin)
   %        as !, but declaring previous group to be a Hash Type

  balance smtp mailhost1:smtp mailhost2:25 mailhost3
  balance -i smtp

Balance is Open Source Software (OSS) and is provided under the Gnu Public License (GPL). It runs on Linux, FreeBSD, BSD/OS, Solaris, Windows using Cygwin, Mac-OS X, HP-UX, and other operating systems.

To use balance to forward print jobs from the PC through the Ultra 5 workstation to printers on the other side of the Ultra 5 workstation, I installed balance on the Ultra 5 system and then issued the following command:

# balance -b 515

I specified the -b option, since I did not want balance listening on both of the Ultra 5 network interfaces, only the one that faces the PC. The address for the network card to which the PC connects is The 515 after that address specifies that balance should listen on TCP port 515 on that interface. I then want balance to forward any data it receives on port 515 on the interface to a printer with a network name of The :515 at the end of the printer's network name indicates that balance should forward data to port 515 on the printer. TCP port 515 is the port for the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol. It is a standard port on which network printers listen for print jobs. If you wish balance to listen on ports less than 1024, which are the "well known" ports, then you must issue the command to run balance from the root account.

I then needed to tell the PC that there is a printer available at the address, though in actuality, the workstation at that address will simply forward any data it receives on port 515 to the bermuda printer.

First, I checked to see what printers the PC already thought were available through the lptstat command.

# lpstat -a
laserjet accepting requests since Dec 05 19:23 2006

The system already is set up to print to laserjet, but unfortunately that printer is no longer accessible, which is why I need to use balance and the bermuda printer.

I then used the lpadmin command on the PC running Solaris 10 PC to add the new printer.

# lpadmin -p bermuda -s

The first lpadmin command has a -p argument, which specifies the printer name I want to use on the PC for the printer. I am going to use the name bermuda to make it match the name on the network name of that printer, but it wouldn't have to match. The next argument is specified with -s. The -s option is followed by a system name, e.g., or IP address. I used the latter and specified the IP address on the Ultra 5 workstation to which the PC is connected. The -s option is used to make a printer available on another system available to the local system.

     -s system-name[!printer-name]

         Make a remote printer (one that must be accessed through
         another  system)  accessible  to  users  on your system.
         system-name is the name of the remote  system  on  which
         the  remote  printer  is located it. printer-name is the
         name used on the remote system  for  that  printer.  For
         example,  if  you want to access printer1 on system1 and
         you want it called printer2 on your system:

         -p printer2 -s system1!printer1

Once I added the printer, I wanted to make it the default printer, which I can do with the -d option for lpadmin.

# lpadmin -d bermuda

If you want to check which printer is the default printer, you can use the command lpstat -d.

# lpstat -d
system default destination: bermuda

Now, if I check printer status with lpstat -a, I see both the old and new printers listed.

# lpstat -a
laserjet accepting requests since Dec 08 19:32 2006
bermuda accepting requests since Dec 08 19:32 2006
_default accepting requests since Dec 08 19:32 2006

If I want more details, I can use lpstat -s.

# lpstat -s
scheduler is not running
system default destination: bermuda
system for laserjet:
system for bermuda:
system for _default: (as printer bermuda)

To get rid of the entry for the no longer accessible laserjet printer, I used the lpadmin -x command.

# lpadmin -x laserjet
# lpstat -a
bermuda accepting requests since Dec 08 19:57 2006
_default accepting requests since Dec 08 19:57 2006

Solaris stores the information about printers in /etc/printers.conf, so the lpadmin commands are modifying that file.

After adding the printer, if I then want to make it visible to a user account that is using the Java Desktop System for the user interface, I need to take the following steps:

  1. Click on Launch.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Select Printer Preferences.
  4. Click on View.
  5. Click on Select Printers to Show.
  6. Bermuda is now in the list of available printers, so click on it to select it and then click on OK.
  7. Right-click on it and select Set as Default.
  8. Close the Printer Manager window.

Now when printing from the Solaris 10 PC, I can print to the bermuda printer from the user account under which I made the above changes by selecting it as the printer in applications.


  1. balance
    Author: Thomas Obermair
  2. Balance
    Inlab Software GmbH
  3. Line Printer Daemon protocol
  4. Print Server Port Numbers for Netcat
    By Jeff Liebermann
    May 17, 2000
  5. How to Add a Network Printer Locally on a UNIX Solaris SPARC Workstation
    January 13, 2003
  6. Proxying the LPD Port with Balance
    MoonPoint Support
    March 3, 2006
  7. Balance
    MoonPoint Support

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Dec 04, 2006 12:57 am


BazookaTM Adware and Spyware Scanner v1.13.03. reported that it found Pacerd.bundle on a Windows XP system, G, when I scanned it.

The uninstall procedure on the Kephyr webage suggested using "Add or Remove Programs" from the Windows Control Panel to remove entries named "Surf Sidekick", "ItalMgr", "Command", "RelevantKnowledge" and "MarketScore" before going through the manual uninstall instructions. However, none of those existed.

The Kephyr site indicates that the presence of any of the files or directories listed below may indicate a system is infected with this malware.

%ProgramsDir%\Quick Links\
%ProgramsDir%\Freeprod Toolbar\
%ProgramsDir%\System Files\System.exe
%ProgramsDir%\System Files\plugin.dll
%ProgramsDir%\Yazzle Sudoku\

%WinDir% is a variable. By default, this is C:\Windows (Windows 95/98/Me/XP) or C:\WINNT (Windows NT/2000).

%SystemDir% is a variable. By default, this is C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me), C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000), or C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP).

%ProgramsDir% is a variable. By default, this is C:\Program Files.

I created a batch file, pacerd_bundle-files.bat to search for any intances of the above files or directories on the system. None were found.

I then checked the registry for the presence of any of the registry keys the Kephyr webpage listed as being associated with the malware. I found only one of the listed registry keys. The one I found was associated with a Windows startup entry for winsync.

C:\>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /
v winsync


    winsync     REG_SZ  C:\WINDOWS\System32\kdkgpx.exe reg_run

However, I did not see that file on the system, even when I booted into safe mode. And none of the listed files were found on the system when I checked under safe mode, also.

I deleted the registry key with the reg delete command.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents>reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHI
NE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v winsync

Delete the registry value winsync (Y/N)? y

The operation completed successfully

When I scanned the system again with Bazooka, it did not report the presence of Pacerd.bundle. The registry key it found previously was likely a remnant of spyware previously removed by another antispyware program on the system.


  1. Pacerd.bundle

[/security/spyware/pacerd_bundle] permanent link

Sun, Dec 03, 2006 10:12 pm


I ran a scan of a system, G, with BazookaTM Adware and Spyware Scanner v1.13.03. It found Exploit on the system.

The uninstall procedure on the Kephyr webage suggested using "Add or Remove Programs" in the Windows® Control Panel to remove the malware. I looked for "SpySheriff" and "WeirdOnTheWeb" entries as suggested, but found none.

The Kephyr site indicates that the presence of any of the files or directories listed below may indicate a system is infected with this malware.


%WinDir% is a variable. By default, this is C:\Windows (Windows 95/98/Me/XP) or C:\WINNT (Windows NT/2000).

%SystemDir% is a variable. By default, this is C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me), C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000), or C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP).

%ProgramsDir% is a variable. By default, this is C:\Program Files.

The file svchost.exe is part of the list, but is also a file normally found on Windows systems. On Windows NT and later systems, though, it is found in %WinDir%\system32, rather than in %WinDir%. The Kephyr webpage indicates its presence in the %WinDir% directory indicates the presence of this malware.

I created a batch file, searchterror-files.bat to search for any intances of the above files or directories on the system. The script did not find either of the two directories associated with the malware %WinDir%\cdmweb\ nor %ProgramsDir\%WeirdOnTheWeb\. The only file from the list which it found was C:\temp.txt, which had a creation timestamp of Thursday, December 23, 2004, 4:21:31 PM. When I renamed that file, Bazooka no longer reported the presence of Exploit on the system. Since it didn't find any registry entries associated with the malware, I believe the report was a false positive.


  1. Exploit

[/security/spyware/searchterror] permanent link

Thu, Nov 30, 2006 9:10 am

Rdesktop for x86/Solaris 10

Rdesktop for Solaris 10 on the Intel platform is available from at Freeware for Solaris.

rdesktop-1.5.0-sol10-x86-local.gz Rdesktop is a client for Windows terminal servers - installs in /usr/local. You will also need to install libiconv, openssl-0.9.8d, and to obtain /usr/local/lib/ you will need to have installed libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc-3.4.6 or higher.

rdesktop-1.5.0.tar.gz Source Code. [Details]

When I checked for libiconv on my Solaris 10 system, I did not find evidence of its presence.

# find / -name libiconv\*

When I checked which version of OpenSSL I had on the system, I found I had an older version than the one recommended.

# /usr/sfw/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004

I also found an older version of libgcc than the one recommended.

# find / -name libgcc\* -print

I found gcc in /usr/sfw/bin, but it was version 3.4.3, not version 3.4.6 as recommended.

# pkgchk -l -p /usr/sfw/bin/gcc
Pathname: /usr/sfw/bin/gcc
Type: linked file
Source of link: ../../../usr/sfw/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10-gcc-3.4.3
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installed

Since libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc-3.4.6 was recommended for libiconv, I installed gcc version 3.4.6 first.


  1. Freeware for Solaris (x86/Solaris 10)

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Thu, Nov 30, 2006 12:30 am

Printing Problem for Excel Workbooks with Multiple Worksheets Using Acrobat

If you are experiencing problems printing all of the worksheets in a Microsoft Excel workbook to one PDF file using Adobe Acrobat, the problem is likely caused by a variation in the "print quality" setting for the worksheets in the Excel workbook.

You can verify this is the source of the problem by clicking "File", then selecting "Page Setup" in Excel. With the "Page" tab selected, you will see the "Print Quality" setting for the currently selected worksheet. Let's say it is "300 dpi". But if you select the second worksheet titled "Page 2", when you take the same steps to view the print quality setting and don't see the print quality specified or it is different, then the variation in print quality settings is the source of the problem.

When the print quality settings vary between worksheets in the workbook, Adobe Acrobat will attempt to create multiple PDF files, one for each worksheet in the workbook, which is why it will prompt you multiple times for a file name. If you enter different filenames at each prompt, it will put each worksheet in a separate file.

To rectify the problem, make the print quality settings the same for each worksheet. In the case above, you could specify a print quality setting of 300 dpi for the "Page 2" worksheet as well.

You can change the print quality settings one by one for each worksheet in the workbook or you can select all of the worksheets at once by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the Excel window for the other worksheets one by one to select all of them, if you are working on a Windows system (you would use the Shift key on an Apple system). When all the worksheets are selected, you can release the Ctrl key then click on "File" and "Page Setup" to specify the print quality settings for all of the worksheets at once.

The minimum dpi for a laser printer is normally 300 dpi and is probably adquate for most spreadsheets you will print. Adobe uses 600 dpi as the default setting for Adobe Acrobat and Distiller and recommends that setting, but you can make the setting whatever you like. The output you will get when printing will depend on whether the printer selected can actually support the dpi value you've selected, though.

Once, you have set the print quality settings to be the same for all worksheets, take the following steps to print the workbook.

  1. Click on "File".
  2. Select "Print".
  3. Select "Adobe PDF" as the printer.
  4. In the "Print what" section, select "Entire workbook".

You should now have one PDF file containing all of the worksheets.


  1. More than one PDF file is created from an Excel workbook (Acrobat 5.0-6.x on Windows or Mac OS)
    Adobe Systems Incorporated

[/os/windows/software/pdf] permanent link

Wed, Nov 29, 2006 9:01 pm

remsh and rsh

The remsh and rsh commands, which are shorhand for "remote shell", can be used to login to a remote system or execute a command on a remote system. The syntax for the commands is as follows:

     rsh [-n] [-l username] hostname command

     rsh hostname [-n] [-l username] command

     remsh [-n] [-l username] hostname command

     remsh hostname [-n] [-l username] command

     hostname [-n] [-l username] command

On Solaris systems, rsh and remsh can be used equivalently. If you are using a Linux system, the rsh command may be available, but not the remsh command. The Remote Shell service is even available for Windows systems from Microsoft's Resource Kit (see Adding R* to Windows NT by Robert Flannigan). Or commercial versions are available for Windows 95 and later from Denicomp Systems (you can download a time-limited evaluation version).

The following options are supported for rsh and remsh:

     -l username
           Uses username as the remote username instead  of  your
           local  username.  In  the  absence of this option, the
           remote username is the same as your local username.

     -n    Redirects the input of rsh to /dev/null. You sometimes
           need  this  option  to  avoid unfortunate interactions
           between rsh and the shell which invokes it.  For exam-
           ple,  if  you  are running rsh and invoke a rsh in the
           background without redirecting its input away from the
           terminal, it will block even if no reads are posted by
           the remote command.  The -n option will prevent this.

The remsh and rsh commands connect to the specified hostname and execute the specified command. If no command is entered, i.e. you use rsh hostname or remsh hostname, you will be logged into the remote system. The type of remote shell (bash, sh, rsh, or other) is determined by the user's entry in the file /etc/passwd on the remote system.

If you have an account on the remote system with the same userid as the account you are currently using on the local system, you will be prompted for the password for the remote system and, when the correct password is supplied, will receive a shell prompt on the remote system where you can enter commands on the remote system.

bash-2.03$ remsh
Last login: Tue Oct 10 17:07:07 on console
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.10      Generic January 2005
You have new mail.

If you include a command to be executed, then you must have permission to remotely execute commands. Otherwise you will get a "permission denied" response from the remote system.

bash-2.03$ remsh uname -a
permission denied

To grant permission for the remote command execution, you can create a .rhosts file in the home directory of the user account on the remote system that specifies the hostnames of the systems from which remote commands can be submitted. For instance, you could put a line with the hostname in the .rhosts file, if you wanted to allow commands to be remotely submitted from the system If you want to allow connections from multiple systems, put them on separate lines.

-bash-3.00$ cat .rhosts

With the above .rhosts file on the remote system, you will be able to login to the remote system from either or or submit commands remotely with rsh remotesys or remsh remotesys given that the remote system you want to log into is named remotesys and you have the same userid on both systems. You won't need to enter a password, even if the password on the local system differs from the password for the remote system.

You can also execute commands on the remote system and see the output on the local system.


bash-2.03$ remsh uname -a
SunOS hofud 5.10 Generic i86pc i386 i86p

Be sure to use the command chmod 600 .rhosts after you create the .rhosts file so that others can not view its contents.

Shell metacharacters that are not quoted are interpreted on the local host; quoted metacharacters are interpreted on the remote host.


remsh remotehost cat remotefile >> localfile will append the remote file remotefile to the local file localfile, while the command line remsh remotehost cat remotefile ">>" otherremotefile appends remotefile to the remote file otherremotefile.

If you wish to login using a different userid, e.g. jsmith on the remote system, then you can use the -l option to specify a userid other than the one you are logged in under on the local system. You will be prompted for the password for that account.

# remsh -l jsmith

You won't be able to remotely execute commands, however, if you are using an account that doesn't match the userid on the remote system even with the -l option, if that account is not listed in the .rhosts file. You will get a "permission denied" error.

# remsh -l jsmith uname -a
permission denied

You can fix that problem by adding the account to the rhosts file. For instance, suppose I am logged into the root account on the local system, but I want to execute a command on the remote system as the user jsmith. I can edit the .rhosts file on the remote system to contain the following 2 lines.

-bash-3.00$ cat .rhosts root

Now, supposing I have a userid jsmith on both systems that is my regular user account, I can execute commands while logged into the local system as jsmith or root. The first line in the .rhosts file doesn't have any username specified, so it will cover instances where the userid matches on both systems. The second line will allow me to specify commands to be run under the jsmith account on the remote system while I am logged into the local root account as shown below.

# remsh -l jsmith pwd

As an alternative to using an .rhosts file in the home directory of an individual account on the remote system, you can create a hosts.equiv account in the /etc directory of the remote system, if you have root access on that system. Again, you should change the protection on the file after you have created it with chmod 600 /etc/hosts.equiv, so that not everyone on the system can read its contents.

You would use the same type of entries in that file as in the .rhosts file. E.g., to allow user jsmith to connect from, you would would have the following /etc/hosts.equiv file.

# cat /etc/hosts.equiv jsmith

When you use rsh or remsh to remotely login to a system, you will be connected to TCP port 513. E.g., if you issued the command remsh from the system with IP address, you would see the following connection established.

-bash-3.00$ netstat -an | grep 51[34] | grep ESTABLISHED      8760      0 49640      0 ESTABLISHED

The source system is and it has a connection to port 513 on The source port on is 1023.

If you are specifying a command with the rsh or remsh commands, then a TCP connection is established to port 514 on the remote system. You can confirm that connection by using the sleep command.

# remsh -l jsmith sleep 180

The above command will execute the sleep command on the remote system using the jsmith account to execute the command. The argument of 180 tells the sleep command to suspend execution for 180 seconds. I.e. it justs pauses for 3 minutes.

If you were logged into the remote system in another window, you could then check network connections. This time, instead of a connection to port 513, there is one to TCP port 514. Again the source system from which the sleep command was submitted is and the remote system is

bash-3.00$ netstat -an | grep 51[34] | grep ESTABLISHED      8760      0 49640      0 ESTABLISHED

Keep in mind that rsh and remsh don't encrypt any of the data flows. Though you may not be entering passwords when you have access permitted through an .rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv file, the input and output is in clear text, i.e. can possibly be viewed by others on the network. The SSH and scp commands are secure alternatives, since they encrypt userids, passwords, and all data between the remote and local systems.


  1. rsh or remsh Command
  2. Unix Manual Page for remsh
  3. Configuring .rhosts
  4. hosts.equiv, rhosts
  5. remsh(1)
  6. hosts.equiv(4)
  7. remsh and the port number ?
  8. UNIX Shell Metacharacters
  9. Adding R* to Windows NT
    By Robert Flanagan

[/os/unix/commands] permanent link

Tue, Nov 28, 2006 10:08 pm

Creating a Socks Proxy Server with SSH

If you would like to browse the web without revealing your actual IP address to the websites you visit, you can use SSH to set up a SOCKS proxy server.

Many web browsers, e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, etc., can be configured to use a SOCKS proxy server. Other network applications which support the SOCKS protocol can also be configured to route their communications through a SOCKS proxy server.

By tunneling the SOCKS connections through an SSH connection, though, you can encrypt network traffic between the applications using SOCKS on your client system and the SOCKS proxy server so that others on the same network as your client system can not observe the traffic.

To set up a SOCKS server tunnel with SSH, issue the command ssh -ND n user@server where "n" is the port number you wish to use and "user@server" is a userid for your account on "server", which is an SSH server. For instance, ssh -ND 1080 would establish a SOCKS proxy server on TCP port 1080 on the SSH server where you are logging in with the account jsmith. When you issue the command, you will be prompted for the password for the jsmith account. After you enter the password, you won't get a shell prompt from, but you should then be able to configure your web browser to use the SOCKS proxy server running on on port 1080. Port 1080 is the default port for the SOCKS protocol, but you can use any port (it will have to be a port above 1024, if you are not the root user). For instance ssh -ND 5555 would work just as well. You simply have to specify the selected port when configuring the applications that will use the SOCKS connection, such as your web browser. When the SOCKS proxy server is set up on, only you will be able to use it through your tunneled SSH connection.

Configuring Browsers to Use SSH SOCKS Proxy Server

Internet Explorer 6.0
Firefox 2.0
Mozilla 1.7

If you want to verify that your web browser is now routing its communications through the SOCKS proxy server you can go to a website that will show the IP address websites are seeing for your system. For instance, will show your IP address. It should now show the IP address of

When you want to stop routing your browsers communications through the SOCKS proxy server, you can simply revert to the previous browser configuration.

Note: though your browser will now be receiving content from websites you visit through the SOCKS proxy server running on and transmitting any input you provide to those websites through the SOCKS proxy server also, your client system, i.e. the system on which you ran the ssh -ND 1080 will still be looking up IP addresses for the websites you visit through the DNS servers specified on the client system when the SOCKS version 4 protocol is used. E.g., if you run the ssh command from, if you visit, any content on the website will be encrypted between the client system, and the SOCKS server,, so no one else at will be able to observe the traffic using a sniffer. All that any network administrator will know is that you have a connection to However, mypc needs to translate the name to its IP address. So mypc will need to query a local name server, e.g. name servers, to perform that translation. So someone sniffing traffic from/to mypc would see it perform a lookup of the IP address for

I've found this procedure works when the SSH server is running OpenSSH, even OpenSSH for Windows. It also worked when I tried connecting to a Sun Solaris 2.7 system running Sun_SSH_1.1.


  1. SOCKS
  2. Tunnel Everything through SSH
    By Julius Plenz
    March 2, 2006

[/network/proxy] permanent link

Tue, Nov 28, 2006 7:13 pm

Determine Microsoft Office Version Via Script

I needed to determine which version of Microsoft Office is present on multiple computers in order to determine whether the systems have Microsoft Access installed on them. Access is present in the "Professional" and "Premium" versions of Microsoft Office, but not the "Small Business Edition".

I used a VBScript, office_versions.vbs to query the systems to determine which version of Office is installed on them. A limitation of the script is that it can only be expected to work on Windows XP systems.

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[/os/windows/office] permanent link

Tue, Nov 21, 2006 3:18 pm

HP Color LaserJet 3500 Doesn't Support Postscript

I wanted to be able to print from my Solaris system to an HP Color LaserJet 3500 printer. HP's website states that the HP Color LaserJet 1500, 2600n, 3500, and 3550 series printers are "host based" printers and don't support HP's PCL nor the postscript language. What this means is that HP has simplified the design of the printers to reduce their cost by not incorporating support for those common printer languages in those printers. Instead, the host is expected to rasterize the output of applications so that those printers essentially receive an image, i.e. a bitmapped or raster image, of what is to be printed. Thus most of the processing needed to print information is expected to be done in the host, i.e. the system sending the print job to the printer, rather than in the printer itself.

HP states the following in regards to host-based printing:

Host-based printing requires a software print engine in the host operating system, and unlike a PDL (Printer Description Language) printer, cannot accept ASCII text direct from a computer. This means that the Host based printer will only work in the Windows and Macintosh environments that are specifically supported with the print engine written for that environment. Users of unsupported Windows and Macintosh environments, as well as users of Linux, Unix, OS/2 should consider a PDL printer like the HP Color LaserJet 2550 or CLJ3700.

The HP Color LaserJet 3500 printer I wanted to use belongs to someone else. When I looked at it, it appeared to be a hefty printer; I didn't realize it was a low-end printer until I checked on whether it supported postscript. On its HP Color LaserJet 1500, 2600n, 3500 and 3550 Series Printers - Host-based Printing Strategy webpage, HP states in the "Limitations of Host-Based Printing" section that "Host-based printers are excellent small workgroup printers suitable for Windows and limited Mac printing to include internet and typical office printing but NOT EPS file printing."

  1. HP Color LaserJet 1500, 2600n, 3500, and 3550 Series Printers - PCL and Postscript Printer Language Support on Host Based Printers
  2. HP Color LaserJet 1500, 2600n, 3500 and 3550 Series Printers - Host-based Printing Strategy

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Thu, Nov 16, 2006 5:52 pm

Resetting the Root Password on a Solaris System

If you have forgotten the password for the root account on a Solaris system, as I did, you can hit the Stop and A keys to get to the Open Boot Prompt (OBP) and then use boot cdrom -s to boot from a Solaris boot CD. You can then mount the root partition of the boot disk and edit the /etc/shadow file to temporarily remove the password from the account.

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[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sat, Nov 11, 2006 2:35 pm

Backup Failure Because of 4 GB File Size Limitation

I found this morning that a backup I had run to backup the Exchange Information Store on a Windows server had failed because I was backing up the data to an external USB drive that was formatted with the FAT32 filesystem rather than the NTFS filesystem. The Exchange Information Store .edb file was about 18 GB in size, but FAT32 volumes don't support files sizes greater than 4 GB.

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[/os/windows/utilities/backup/ntbackup] permanent link

Tue, Nov 07, 2006 10:56 am

Palm Won't HotSync

I periodically have problems HotSyncing my Palm PDA with my Windows Small Business (SBS) 2003 server via a USB connection. I plug the USB charging/synchronizing device into a USB port on the system and plug the Palm into the other end of the cable. The green light on the Palm lights and it charges, but it won't synchronize. It is as if the Palm wasn't really connected when I try to synchronize it.

I've found I can get synchronization to work again by going into the Device Manager and then disabling the Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller and then re-enabling it. You can do so by the following procedure:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Type devmgmt.msc and hit enter.
  3. Within the Device Manager, scroll down to the Universal Serial Bus controllers section and click on the "+" sign to the left of that section to expand it.
  4. Right-click on Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller and choose Disable.
  5. Disable USB controller

  6. You will see a warning that "Disasbling the device will cause it to stop functioning." Click on Yes to disable it.
  7. After the entry shows a red "X" through it indicating it is disabled, right-click on it again and select, Enable.

I've found that once I've disabled and re-enabled the USB controller, I can then successfully HotSync from the Palm.

[/pda/palm] permanent link

Sun, Nov 05, 2006 10:55 pm

Displaying the Modification Time for a Webpage with PHP

You can display the last time a webpage was modified by including the following PHP code on a webpage:


$thisfile = pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

echo "Last modified: ".date("l jS F Y g:ia",


Note: your webpage must have a .php extension rather than .htm or .html and your webserver must provide PHP support in order for the code to work.

The above code would display the date and time the webpage was modified in the format below:

Last modified: Sunday 5th November 2006 8:57pm

The options to the PHP date function above are encluded in parentheses. Within the parentheses the first argument is the date format to be used, which is followed by a comma and then the time value to be formatted. In this case the time value to be formatted is the file modification time, filemtime of the webpage.

The lowercase "L" will display the day of the week, e.g. "Sunday". The lowercase "j" displays the day of the month without leading zeros, e.g. "5". Putting the "S" immediately after it displays two characters for the English ordinal suffix for the day of the month. In the case above it causes the "th" to be put after the "5". The "F" displays the full month name, e.g. "November" and the "Y" displays the year as 4 digits, e.g. "2006". The "g" displays the hour in 12 hour format without leading zeros, e.g. "8" in the above case. It is followed by a colon and then the "i" displays the minutes with leading zeros, e.g. "07" or in this case "57". The "a" displays a lowercase "am" or "pm" as the case may be.

The characters you can use to control the display of the date are as follows:

a 'am' or 'pm'
A 'AM' or 'PM'
B Swatch Internet time
d day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; i.e. '01' to '31'
D day of the week, textual, 3 letters; i.e. 'Fri'
F month, textual, long; i.e. 'January'
g hour, 12-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12'
G hour, 24-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '0' to '23'
h hour, 12-hour format; i.e. '01' to '12'
H hour, 24-hour format; i.e. '00' to '23'
i minutes; i.e. '00' to '59'
I (capital i) '1' if Daylight Savings Time, '0' otherwise.
j day of the month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '31'
l (lowercase 'L') day of the week, textual, long; i.e. 'Friday'
L boolean for whether it is a leap year; i.e. '0' or '1'
m month; i.e. '01' to '12'
M month, textual, 3 letters; i.e. 'Jan'
n month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12'
r RFC 822 formatted date; i.e. 'Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200' (added in PHP 4.0.4)
s seconds; i.e. '00' to '59'
S English ordinal suffix, textual, 2 characters; i.e. 'th', 'nd'
t number of days in the given month; i.e. '28' to '31'
T Timezone setting of this machine; i.e. 'MDT'
U seconds since the epoch
w day of the week, numeric, i.e. '0' (Sunday) to '6' (Saturday)
Y year, 4 digits; i.e. '1999'
y year, 2 digits; i.e. '99'
z day of the year; i.e. '0' to '365'
Z timezone offset in seconds (i.e. '-43200' to '43200'). The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.

For another example, using the following code woulld display the same date as above as Sunday November 5, 2006 8:57 PM instead.


$thisfile = pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

echo "Last modified: ".date("l F j, Y g:i A",


You can put the code in a PHP file that can be included in every webpage, so that if you decide to change the format of the displayed date, you don't have to modify every web page that you have on your website. For instance, I include a "footer.php" file in webpages using incfile.


  1. php displaying last modification time
    thescripts developer community
    July 17, 2005
  2. PHP:date - Manual
    The PHP Group
    September 28, 2006
  3. PHP Date()
  4. Date Format php for month day year and time formatting
  5. Including Files in a Web Page with PHP
    MoonPoint Support
    February 8, 2006

[/languages/php] permanent link

Mon, Oct 30, 2006 9:22 pm

WinAmp Not Playing Some Wav Files

A family member was unable to play some WAV files on two Windows XP systems using Winamp, though other WAV files played without problem in Winamp and the ones that would not play in Winamp would play in Windows Media Player (WMP). When I checked the codec used in those that would not play, I found that it was MPEG Layer-3 (MP3), while the ones that would play were encoded with PCM. I was able to resolve the problem by associating Winamp's DirectShow codec with WAV files.

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[/os/windows/software/audio/winamp] permanent link

Sun, Oct 29, 2006 9:48 pm

Backing Up Exchange Information Store

Microsoft Exchange stores users' email in an "Information Store". You can use the Backup Utility that comes with Microsoft Windows systems to backup the data in the Information Store. The utility can be run by clicking on Start, Run, and then typing ntbackup and hitting enter.

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[/network/email/exchange] permanent link

Sat, Oct 28, 2006 11:24 pm

Malware Zoo

I've created a database to track information about files associated with malware I've found while scanning systems. The information includes the filename, the SHA-1 and MD5 checksums for the file, the file size, and the designation given it by various antivirus and antispyware programs. The malware includes adware, spyware, viruses, trojans, and worms.

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[/security/zoo] permanent link

Fri, Oct 27, 2006 7:29 pm

Locating QuarkXPress 4.1 Serial Number

You can find the serial number for your Windows copy of QuarkXPress in QuarkXPress 4.1 by clicking on Help then selecting About QuarkXPress while holding down the Ctrl key. A QuarkXPress (tm) Environment window will be displayed that lists the serial number and other information listed below:

XPress Version
Patch Level
Serial Number
Processor Type
Windows Version
ATM Version
TrueType Enabled
Free memory
Keyboard Type
Number of Colors
Display Driver
Display Driver Version
Default Printer
Printer Driver

QuarkXPress 4.1 environment info

Note: The serial number shown has been altered

[/os/windows/software/quarkxpress] permanent link

Wed, Oct 25, 2006 12:05 am

Exchange Store Database Size Exceeded

I've had to restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 on a couple of occasions over the last few days due to the .edb file that holds email for Exchange users reaching its 18 GB maximum size.

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[/network/email/exchange] permanent link

Sun, Oct 22, 2006 10:03 pm

htdig Not Indexing Site

I installed ht://Dig 3.2.0b5 on one of my Solaris 10 servers. When I ran htdig on the server, it did not appear to be indexing my website. I used /usr/localbin/rundig -s -c /usr/local/conf/htdig_support.conf to see statistics on what it was doing. It was only opening one connect and making just two HTTP requests rather than indexing the whole site. When I ran htdig -vvv, I could see that it was stopping after reading robots.txt. When I looked at robots.txt, it appeared to be configured to allow any robot to index all files on the website. It had only the two lines below:

User-agent: *

After experimentation, I found that if I specifed some value for "Disallow", I could get htdig to index the site. I put in a dummy value, i.e. Disallow: /abcde12345, a directory I would never actually use on the site to resolve the problem.

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[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sun, Oct 22, 2006 7:16 pm

Finding Hard Links and Symbolic Links

On a Unix or Linux system, you can find symbolic links by utilizing options with the find command. To find symbolic links, aka symlinks, use find <path> -type l. E.g. find / -type l will find every symbolic link on the system. To find hard links, you can use find <path> -type f -links +1. The -links +1 option tells find to look for files with more than one link to them. E.g. find / -type f -links +1 would search for every hard link on the system.

If you just want to find all symbolic links pointing to a particular file, e.g. search.html, you can use the find command with the -lname option.

# find / -lname 'search.html' 2>/dev/null

In the above example, the -lname option tells find to look only for symbolic links to a file named search.html. Using 2>/dev/null discards error messages by sending them to /dev/null. Otherwise, you could a lot of " No such file or directory" messages as well as the symbolic link information for which you are looking.

If you wish to see full details returned regarding the file, you can use the -ls option.

# find / -lname 'search.html' -ls 2>/dev/null
146567    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           11 Nov  8  2003 /usr/share/htdig/index.html -> search.html


  1. Using find to locate files
    Mo Budlong's UNIX 101 Sunworld column
  2. Ln - LQWiki
    May 26, 2006

[/os/unix/commands] permanent link

Sat, Oct 21, 2006 6:27 pm

Calculating an MD5 Checksum Using digest on Solaris

If you need to calculate an MD5 checksum for a file under Solaris, you can use the digest command.

usage: digest -l | [-v] -a [file...]

You specify the algorith you wish to use to generate the digest or checksum with the -a option. One of the algorithms is md5. You can see a list of available algorithms with digest -l.

# digest -l

Use all lower case letters for the selected algorithm as they are case sensitive.


# digest -a md5 htdig-3.2.0b5-sol9-intel-local.gz

You can have the file name and the algorithm used included in the output by using the -v option.

# digest -a md5 -v *
md5 (idea-c.html) = 3f9f5e884189acec870c8044de11e044
md5 (idea.c.gz) = 374536bb2cdd68f5c0dce961ace26959

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Oct 09, 2006 10:09 pm

F-Secure Anti-Virus for DOS

F-Secure offers a free antivirus program for DOS. This can be run from a command line within windows or you can boot the system from a DOS floppy or CD when you can't get Windows to start properly or want to run an antivirus program from outside of Windows. The program is available from F-Secure at Free Virus Removal Tools, which provides a link for downloading the software from F-Secure's FTP site at

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[/security/antivirus/f-secure] permanent link

Sat, Oct 07, 2006 11:25 pm

Clamav Detected Trojan.Dropper.Small-8

When I ran a scan on a system with ClamWin, which provides a version of clamav for Windows, it reported that it found Trojan.Dropper.Small-8 in 42odhr0b.exe.

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[/security/trojans] permanent link

Thu, Oct 05, 2006 4:49 pm

Steps to Add a Printer Under Solaris 7

The steps below will allow you to add a printer on a Solaris 7 system running the Common Desktop Environment (CDE).
  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Select "Tools".
  3. Select "Admintool".
  4. Click on "Browse".
  5. Select "Printers".
  6. Click on "Edit".
  7. Select "Add".
  8. Select "Access to Printer".
  9. In the "Admintool: Add Access to Printer" window fill in the fields. For "Printer Name" type some name by which you wish to designate the printer. For "Print Server" you can enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the printer, e.g. For description, you can put in whatever descriptive information you wish for the printer, e.g. "HP LaserJet 5". If you wish the printer to be your default printer, check the "Default Printer" checkbox.
  10. Click on "OK"
  11. Click on "File" then "Exit" to exit from the Admintool.

If you don't make the printer the default printer, i.e. the one Solaris will use by default when you select "File" and "Print" in an application, but later wish to make it the default printer, you can do so by the following steps:

  1. Open the Admintool as above.
  2. Click on "browse" and select "printers"
  3. Select the printer.
  4. Click on "Edit" and select "Modify".
  5. Check the default printer checkbox and click on "OK.
  6. Click on "File" then "Exit" to exit from the Admintool

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Sep 25, 2006 11:35 pm

Saving and Restoring Windows File Associations

To be able to restore Windows file associations, you need to make a copy of two areas in the Windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes. Windows stores information on what application should be used to open a particular type of file, e.g. a file with a .jpg association in those two areas. If you have made a backup and some applications makes changes that you would like to reverse, you can use your backup files for those two branches of the registry to restore the file associations to what they were previously.

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[/os/windows/registry] permanent link

Sat, Sep 23, 2006 7:26 pm

Adobe Photoshop CS2 Saving Files in Incorrect Format

I encountered a problem with Adobe Photoshop CS2 version 9.0 on a system where Photoshop would not correctly save a file when the "Save As" option was used. You could pick whatever format you chose, but Photoshop would always save the file as a Photoshop PSD file. Oh, you could have it put on the extension for the desired format, e.g. somefile.jpg, but the contents of the file would be in PSD format. If you chose "Save for Web" instead of "Save As" you could save the file correctly in the chosen format, e.g. JPG.

I was finally able to resolve the problem by holding down the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys while starting Photoshop to have it wipe out its stored settings

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[/os/windows/software/graphics/adobe/photoshop] permanent link

Sat, Sep 23, 2006 1:55 pm

Removing a Spybot Teatimer Block

If you have inadvertenly blocked a process or registry change with the teatimer application that comes with Spybot Search & Destroy, you can take these steps to remove the block.

[/security/spyware/spybot/teatimer] permanent link

Fri, Sep 22, 2006 4:44 pm

Running StarOffice 7 for the First Time

Sun's Solaris 10 operating system comes with the StarOffice 7 office package, which I've found handles Microsoft Office documents I've created on Windows systems or that I receive from others.

When I first started one of the StarOffice applications to read a Microsoft Word document, I was asked to install it and then was presented with the option of a "workstation" install or a "local" install.

Select Installation Type
Choose the type of installation.
(*)Workstation Installation
 This installation will be carried out so that the programs can be
started directly from the network. 1.5 MB are needed for the local files.
( )Local Installation
  Installs all StarOffice 7 components locally on the workstation.
This installation requires 284.3 MB memory; temporary 284.3 MB.

The choices weren't entirely clear to me. It seemed to me that the first was suggesting that I might be loading the software from another system, either a server of my own or one of Sun's servers. I expect to use the office package a lot and want to run it locally not over the network. However I wasn't sure that I was correctly understanding the options presented. It seemed to me I should select the "local installation" option, but I wasn't sure, so I did some searching online.

It seems I'm not the only one confused by the options presented. In a February 2004 posting to his blog on the O'Reilly Network website, John Adams voiced a similar complaint:

Sun's choice of office suite is a no-brainer: StarOffice 7. I find one thing to be rather weird about Star Office, and also OpenOffice, and that's that you need to install them once for each user. Furthermore, the choice of installation options is confusing. I was given a choice between Workstation Install and Local Install. I want both! I consider my computer to be a workstation, and I want the software installed locally. The correct, and completely counterintuitive choice here is the Workstation Install, which is described as the install to use when running the StarOffice software from a network location, except that I'm not running it from a network location, I'm running it locally. Had I not already been through this a time or two in the Windows world, I'd have made the wrong choice. In fact, under Windows, it's always a frustration to get OpenOffice configured so that it can be used by multiple users, but I digress.

From his posting I concluded that perhaps the local installation makes a copy of most of the StarOffice files for each user rather than allowing users on the same system to share the application.

I also found a thread at Nomenclature change on installer: "Workstation" and "Local" ins on the OpenOffice website where others complained the nomenclature was confusing. From that thread, I concluded that the workstation install was best for a multi-user system, so I chose that option.

I love the software and think it is a great alternative to Microsoft Windows, but I'm afraid most users would find those installation choices confusing also.


  1. Seasonal Revenue for Webloggers? Or, Digital Democratic Fundraising
    By John Adams
    February 18, 2004
  2. Nomenclature change on installer: "Workstation" and "Local" ins
    May 12, 2004
  3. StartOffice on Sun Ray Terminals at UD
    University of Delaware IT Help Center
    October 3, 2005

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Sep 18, 2006 9:40 pm

Forwarding an Exchange User's Email to an External Address

It is possible for email that comes into an Exchange mailbox to be forwarded to another email address as well. The other address does not have to be another email address on the Exchange server, but can be a Yahoo mail, Hotmail, or other email address.

[ More Info ]

[/network/email/exchange] permanent link

Sat, Sep 16, 2006 12:23 pm

Fake FDIC Email

E-mails fraudulently claiming to be from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures deposits in banks and thrift institutions, are attempting to trick recipients into installing unknown software on personal computers or into accessing a spoofed website. These e-mails falsely indicate that recipients should install software that was developed by the FDIC and other agencies or provide personal information at a spoofed, i.e. fake, website. The software may be a form of spyware or malicious code and may collect personal or confidential information. The spoofed website attempts to gain confidential information.

The subject line of such e-mail messages may include any of the following:

Online Access Agreement Update
SON Registration
Urgent Notification - Security Reminder
IMPORTANT: Notification of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The e-mail may request that recipients click on a hyperlink that appears to be related to the FDIC, which directs recipients to an unknown executable file to be downloaded, or may direct recipients to a webpage requesting personal information. While the FDIC is working with the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) to determine the exact effects of the executable file, recipients should consider the intent of the software as a malicious attempt to collect personal or confidential information, some of which may be used to gain unauthorized access to on-line banking services or to conduct identity theft.

The FDIC is attempting to identify the source of the e-mails and disrupt the transmission. Until this is achieved, consumers and financial institutions are asked to report any similar attempts to obtain this information to the FDIC by sending information to

For further information on these "phishing" email messages, see the FDIC Consumer Alerts webpage at

[/security/scams] permanent link

Tue, Sep 12, 2006 12:07 pm

Adding a Program to Corel Photo Album "Open With" Menu

Corel's Photo Album program assists you with downloading and organizing photos. It also assists with backing up photos to CDs.

If you wish to open a photo in one of your collections with a particular program while working in Corel Photo Album 6, you can take the following steps.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/software/graphics/corel/photoalbum] permanent link

Tue, Sep 05, 2006 12:01 pm

OpenSSL Vulnerabilities up to Version 0.9.7c

OpenSSL is an Open Source toolkit which implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols and provides a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. Versions of OpenSSL prior to 0.9.6k and 0.9.7c are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks or could theoretically allow remote execution of arbitrary code.

0.9.6d and
30-Jul-2002 Practical to run arbitrary code remotely
0.9.6e-h and
19-Feb-2003 Practical (LAN) attack to recover frequently repeated plaintext such as passwords
0.9.6i and
Practical (LAN) attacks to obtain or use secret key
0.9.6j and
30-Sep-2003 Denial of Service, and theoretically possible run arbitrary code remotely
0.9.6k and
  Clean at present

Some attacks may not be feasible except from systems on the same LAN as the attacked system, since a very fast connection between the attacker and target may be needed to make the attack practicable. If a webserver is in a datacenter with perhaps dozens or even hundreds of other systems, a compromised system within the datacenter could be used by an attacker to exploit these vulnerabilities on other servers within the same datacenter, however.

If you need to determine which version of OpenSSL you are running, you can use the command openssl version. You may need to specify the full path to the command if it isn't in your default path. For a Solaris 10 system, you can use the following path:

# /usr/sfw/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004

For Solaris 7, use /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl version.


  1. Vulnerable versions of OpenSSL apparently still widely deployed on commerce sites
    November 3, 2003
  2. ESB-2003.0871 -- Sun Alert Notification -- OpenSSL Vulnerabilitiyes in Sun Grid Engine 5.3
    Australian Computer Emergency Response Team (AusCERT)
    December 24, 2003

[/security/vulnerabilities/multios] permanent link

Tue, Sep 05, 2006 7:44 am

Showrev Command

The showrev command displays revision information for the current hardware and software of a system running the Solaris operating system. With no arguments, showrev shows the system revision information including hostname, hostid, release, kernel architecture, application architecture, hardware provider, domain, and kernel version.

Example for a Sun Sparc system running Solaris 7:

bash-2.03$ showrev
Hostname: pluto
Hostid: 80b11bbd
Release: 5.7
Kernel architecture: sun4u
Application architecture: sparc
Hardware provider: Sun_Microsystems
Kernel version: SunOS 5.7 Generic 106541-39 Jan 2005

Example for an Intel-based PC running Solaris 10:

-bash-3.00$ showrev
Hostname: saturn
Hostid: 15db9095
Release: 5.10
Kernel architecture: i86pc
Application architecture: i386
Hardware provider:
Kernel version: SunOS 5.10 Generic

If you use the -c option, showrev shows the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH and finds out all the directories within the PATH that contain it. For each file found, its file type, revision, permissions, library information, and checksum are printed as well.

-bash-3.00$ showrev -c /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep

PATH is:

PWD is:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set in the current environment

File: /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep
File type: ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped
Command version: GNU C crt1.s

GNU C crti.s

    SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2

GNU C crtn.o
ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.10-1.477
File mode: rwxr-xr-x
User owning file: root
Group owning file: root
Library information: =>   /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/ =>  (file not found) =>     /lib/ =>     /lib/
Sum: 28300

The -p option will show patch information.

-bash-3.00$ showrev -p
Patch: 116299-08 Obsoletes:  Requires:  Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWxsrt, SUNWjaxp, SUNWxrgrt, SUNWxrpcrt
Patch: 116303-02 Obsoletes:  Requires:  Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWxrpcrt

The -a option prints all available revision information, including Window system and patch information.

-bash-3.00$ showrev -a
Hostname: saturn
Hostid: 15db9095
Release: 5.10
Kernel architecture: i86pc
Application architecture: i386
Hardware provider:
Kernel version: SunOS 5.10 Generic

OpenWindows version:
Solaris X11 Version 6.6.2 15 December 2004

Patch: 116299-08 Obsoletes:  Requires:  Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWxsrt, SUNWjaxp, SUNWxrgrt, SUNWxrpcrt
Patch: 116303-02 Obsoletes:  Requires:  Incompatibles:  Packages: SUNWxrpcrt

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sun, Sep 03, 2006 8:20 pm

FunWebProducts Malware

When I updated Spybot 1.4 on a system and then scanned the system, Spybot found FunWeb, FunWebProducts, MyWay.MyWebSearch, and MyWebSearch, all of which appeared to be related. This particular malware appears to be associated with iWon.

[ More Info ]

[/security/spyware/funwebproducts] permanent link

Sun, Sep 03, 2006 5:50 pm

Viewing DWF Drawings in Buzzsaw

When you are viewing a DWF drawing, you will see a toolbar at the top of the drawing.

Buzzsaw drawing toolbar

To zoom in or out of the drawing, click on the icon of the magnifying glass on the toolbar, which will change the cursor to a magnifying glass. Move the cursor into the drawing. To zoom in, while holding the left mouse button down (or the right mouse button, if you have the mouse configured for left-handed use), move the cursor left in the drawing. To zoom out, move the cursor right.

To zoom into a particular section of the drawing, click on the "zoom rectangle" tool. It has an icon that looks like a magnifying glass with a rectangle in it. It is immediately to the right of the magnifying tool that allows you to zoom in and out. Move the cursor into the drawing then click the mouse button and while holding down the mouse button drag the cursor to form a rectangle. When you release the mouse button, you will zoom into the area of the drawing you have defined by the rectangle you drew.

To pan the drawing, i.e. move to different sections of the drawing, click on the hand icon on the toolbar, which will change the cursor to a hand. Then move the cursor into the drawing. While holding the left mouse button down (or the right mouse button, if you have the mouse configured for left-handed use), move the cursor in the direction you wish to pan.

[/os/windows/software/cad/buzzsaw] permanent link

Thu, Aug 24, 2006 10:12 pm

Creating an Email Filter for a Blackberry

Note: The following applies if you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager Version (Apr 27 2005). A different process may be needed for other versions - see BlackBerry Email Filters for instructions for version (Apr 26 2007).

To create an email filter to stop some email from going to a Blackberry, e.g. messages that have been tagged as spam, take the following steps:

  1. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager on the PC. If you don't see a shortcut for it, look under Start, All Programs, then BlackBerry.

    Blackberry Desktop Manager

  2. Double-click on Redirector Settings.

  3. Click on the Filters tab.

  4. Click on the New button.

  5. In the Filter Name field, type a name for the filter, e.g. "Spam". Check the Subject checkbox and type the text that will appear in the subject field that identifies spam. In the case where SpamAssassin marks probable spam with "[SPAM]", you would put [SPAM] in that field.

    If, instead, you did not want to forward messages from a particular email address, you would check the From checkbox. If you didn't want to forward messages from multiple senders, you could put all of their email addresses in the From field, separating the addresses by semicolons. You can also use an asterisk as a wildcard to block multiple sending addresses. For instance if you wanted to block all email from senders, you could put * in the From field.

    When you have specified the filter you want, check "Don't forward messages to the handheld.

    Blackberry Redirector Edit 

  6. Click on OK.
  7. Blackberry Redirector 

  8. Click on OK again.

[/network/email/blackberry] permanent link

Sun, Aug 20, 2006 10:19 pm

Barclays Banking Scam Pointing to Russian Website

I received a message this evening purportedly from Barclays Bank, a bank in the U.K. The message is shown below:

Dear Sir/Madam,

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
Barclays Online Bank system. we recently contacted you after noticing an
issue on your account. We requested information from you for the
following reason:

Our system requires further account verification.

Due to the recent update of the servers, you are requested to please
restore your account info at the following link.

We have asked few additional information which is going to be the part of
secure login process. These additional information will be asked during
your future login security so, please provide all these info completely
and correctly otherwise due to security reasons we may have to close your
account temporarily.

J. S. Smith
Security Advisor
Barclays Bank PLC.

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your Barclays Online Bank account and choose the "Help" link on any page. Barclays Email ID # 1009

But the URL was clearly pointing to

I don't reside in the U.K. nor do I have a Barclays bank account, but I went to the webpage and put in dummy information. There were several pages of questions to answer with questions about one's Barclay bank account, spouse's information,and credit card information. After submitting the information I was taken to a valid Barclays Bank webpage. Anyone foolishly completing the questionnaire with valid information would not only allow the scammer to access his Barclays Bank account, but also commit identity theft.

I forwarded the information to internetsecurity @, the email address listed at Barclays Bank scam email page.

HTML version of Scam Email

[/security/scams/phishing/barclays] permanent link

Thu, Aug 03, 2006 8:54 pm

AOL Cuts 5,000 Jobs

AOL plans to cut about 5,000 jobs within 6 months as it tries to move away from its dwindling subscription dial-up service. AOL is planning to offer its services for free to broadband users, counting on advertising revenues to sustain it.

AOL's user base has been dwindling as users move to broadband services. Those that don't have access to broadband services or don't want to pay for broadband services are also likely to choose cheaper dial-up services rather than pay a premium price for AOL's ad-saturated dial-up service.


  1. AOL to slash 5,000 jobs
    August 3, 2006
  2. AOL Tells Broadband Customers to Find New ISP
    MoonPoint Support
    November 12, 2004

[/network/Internet/ISP] permanent link

Sat, Jul 29, 2006 4:20 pm

Cannot Connect to Domain

I encountered a problem with a Windows XP Professional system no longer being able to authenticate with the domain controller after I replaced the disk drive in the system and restored the system from a backup. Whenever the user tried logging into the domain or I tried logging in as the domain administrator, the following message appeared:

Logon Message
Windows cannot connect to the domain, either because the domain controller is down or otherwise unavailable, or because your computer account was not found. Please try again later. If this message continues to appear, contact your system administrator for assistance.


The problem went away on its own, but only for a couple of days, then recurred. I took the system out of the domain and put it in a workgroup, rebooted, then put it back in the domain to correct the problem. Apparently there are a variety of causes for such a problem.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/domain] permanent link

Tue, Jul 25, 2006 7:35 pm

Who Is Linking to My Site?

If you want to find what links to your site exist on the web, some search engines provide a linkdomain operator. For instance, if I wanted to find links to , I could search using to find out who else is linking to my site.

Linkdomain Operator Supported

MSN Search

Linkdomain Operator Not Supported

AOL Search

With MSN Search you can also use "links to", e.g. links to See Search Builder and advanced search options for other MSN Search operators.

Google does not provide a linkdomain operator, but I could search on "" to find pages that contain pages that contain the "", though that will find only instances where the website name appears on a page, not instances where a link points to the site.


  1. Who is linking to my website?
    By Raghavendra Prabhu, a developer in Microsoft on the MSN/Windows Live Search backend team

[/network/web/search] permanent link

Tue, Jul 25, 2006 12:12 pm

Account Acces Via Remote Web Workplace

If you try to log into a system in a domain remotely using Remote Web Workplace, but get a message that "The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively", the following steps can be taken at the domain controller to resolve the problem and provide remote access to the system for a domain account.

  1. Open "Server Management" by clicking on Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, then Server Management.
  2. Click on Client Computers.
  3. Select the computer for which the user needs remote access by right-clicking on it then selecting Manage Computer.
  4. Double-click on Local Users and Groups.
  5. Click on Groups.
  6. Double-click on Remote Desktop Users in the right pane.
  7. Click on the Add button to add a new user to the Remote Desktop Users group.
  8. In the "Enter the object names to select" field, place the user's domain account. Put the domain name followed by a "\" and then the account name. E.g. Acme\jdoe. Or you can use the form
  9. Click on Check Names to verify the account.
  10. Click on OK.
  11. Click on OK again to close the "Remote Desktop Users Properties" window.
  12. Close the Computer Management window.

Or you can resolve the problem by logging into the computer for which the user needs access and then taking the following steps, if that system is a Windows XP Professional system.

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click on All Programs.
  3. Click on Control Panel.
  4. Click on Performance and Maintenance, if the system is set for "category view". If it is set for "classic view", go to the next step.
  5. Click on Administrative Tools.
  6. Click on Computer Management.
  7. Click on Groups.
  8. Double-click on Remote Desktop Users in the right pane.
  9. Click on the Add button to add a new user to the Remote Desktop Users group.
  10. In the "Enter the object names to select" field, place the user's domain account. Put the domain name followed by a "\" and then the account name. E.g. Acme\jdoe. Or you can use the form
  11. Click on Check Names to verify the account.
  12. Click on OK.
  13. Click on OK again to close the "Remote Desktop Users Properties" window.
  14. Close the Computer Management window.

[/os/windows/software/remote-control] permanent link

Mon, Jul 24, 2006 3:02 pm

Fixing Passwords Plus Entry Display Problem

The Dataviz Passwords Plus program may sometimes not display any of the entries in a category in the left-hand pane of its window. To get the entries to reappear, you can edit the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DataViz\PasswordsPlus\List View Info registry key.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/software/security/password] permanent link

Sat, Jul 15, 2006 7:27 pm

PC Hardware in Garage

I need to start cleaning my garage, so I can at least walk around in it without knocking things over unless I watch my every step. So I've started posting information on items that I plan to sell on eBay.

Items to sell

[/pc/hardware] permanent link

Fri, Jul 14, 2006 1:23 pm

Solaris Prtdiag Command

The prtdiag can be used on Solaris systems to display system diagnostic information.

/usr/sbin/prtdiag [-v] [-l]

The following options are supported:

-l       Log output. If failures or errors exist in the
         system, output this information to syslogd(1M) only.

-v       Verbose mode. Displays the time of the most  recent
         AC  Power  failure,  and  the  most recent hardware
         fatal  error  information,  and   (if   applicable)
         environmental  status.  The  hardware  fatal  error
         information is useful to repair  and  manufacturing
         for detailed diagnostics of FRUs.

The following exit values are returned:

0        No failures or errors are detected in the system.

1        Failures or errors are detected in the system.

If you are running Solaris 10 on an x86-based PC, the prtdiag command does not work on some earlier releases of Solaris 10. I have two PCs running Solaris 10. I installed the 3/05 release of Solaris 10 on the first and the 6/06 release of Solaris 10 on the second. On the first system I see "prtdiag: not implemented on i86pc" when I try to run prtdiag. On the system with the 6/06 release, prtdiag works and shows me the information below. You can determine which release you are using by looking at the contents of the /etc/release file.

# prtdiag
System Configuration: System manufacturer System Product Name
BIOS Configuration: American Megatrends Inc. 0501 08/26/2005

==== Processor Sockets ====================================

Version                          Location Tag
-------------------------------- --------------------------
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ Socket 939

==== Memory Device Sockets ================================

Type    Status Set Device Locator      Bank Locator
------- ------ --- ------------------- --------------------
DDR     in use 0   DIMM0               BANK0
DDR     in use 0   DIMM1               BANK1
DDR     empty  0   DIMM2               BANK2
DDR     empty  0   DIMM3               BANK3

==== On-Board Devices =====================================
 Onboard Ethernet

==== Upgradeable Slots ====================================

ID  Status    Type             Description
--- --------- ---------------- ----------------------------
0   in use    PCI-X            PCIEX16
3   available PCI              PCI_1
4   available PCI              PCI_2
5   available PCI              PCI_3
1   available PCI-X            PCIEX1_1
2   available PCI-X            PCIEX1_2

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Jul 10, 2006 9:22 pm

Adding Users with Solaris Management Console

After installing Solaris 10 onto a home system, I clicked on the Launch button and looked for a tool to set up a user account. I was surprised that I could not find one. Sure, I could run useradd from the command line, but I expected to find some graphical tool readily available as a menu option from the root account as well. I had put Solaris 10 on an office system previously, but couldn't remember if I had used useradd to do so. I couldn't find admintool on the Solaris 10 system

There is a GUI tool, available under Solaris 10, the Solaris Management Console (SMC), but it wasn't a menu option accessible from the Launch button. You can start it from a command prompt by typing smc, however.

[ More Info ]

[/os/unix/solaris/smc] permanent link

Mon, Jul 10, 2006 12:01 pm

Is Solaris Running on a Sparc or 32-bit or 64-bit I386 System?

You can determine whether Solaris is running on a Sparc system or an x86-based system from the command line using uname -a.

Architecture"uname -a" output
SparcSunOS beetle 5.7 Generic_106541-39 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
32-bit x86SunOS mantis 5.10 Generic i86pc i386 i86pc
64-bit x86SunOS bee 5.10 Generic_118855-14 i86pc i386 i86pc

It isn't apparent from the uname output whether in the case of an x86-based system the system is a 32-bit or 64-bit system. But you can use the isainfo command to get that information.

Architecture"isainfo" output
Sparcsparcv9 sparc
32-bit x86i386
64-bit x86amd64 i386

You can get more information using the -v option for isainfo.

# isainfo -v
64-bit amd64 applications
        sse3 sse2 sse fxsr amd_3dnowx amd_3dnow amd_mmx mmx cmov amd_sysc cx8
        tsc fpu
32-bit i386 applications
        sse3 sse2 sse fxsr amd_3dnowx amd_3dnow amd_mmx mmx cmov amd_sysc cx8
        tsc fpu

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sun, Jul 09, 2006 9:32 pm

Solaris 10 Installation Notes

I installed Solaris 10 on on a PC with an Asus A8S-X motherboard and an nVIDIA GeForce 7 series NX7300GS video card. I encountered a problem installing the 6/06 version of Solaris 10, because I had installed a previous version of Solaris 10 on the system, but apparently not wiped out the partitions created during that installation as I thought. I also enountered a problem getting the video resolution set the way I wanted. Resolving the first problem meant wiping out the existing Solaris partition during the reinstall process. I was able to resolve the second problem by running xorgconfig after the installation process completed.

[ More Info ]

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sat, Jul 08, 2006 10:08 pm

Numbers to Dial for Information Associated with a Phone Number

If you need to determine the telephone number associated with a phone, you can call your own phonemail number, leave a message and then check your messages and, if the system provides callers' numbers, get the number you called from or you can dial MCI's 1-800-444-3333 number. An automated system will read the number you are calling from to you.

If you need to know the long distance carrier associated with a phone line, you can dial 1-700-555-4141 from the telephone you wish to check. You will hear an announcement telling you the name of the carrier.

And according to the sprint gives out customers data when you call article posted on digg, you can call 1-877-785-8414, which is a Sprint customer service line, put in any Sprint customer's phone number and get the full name and street address of the account holder. The number you are calling from doesn't matter.

[/phone] permanent link

Fri, Jul 07, 2006 1:41 pm

Dxdiag - The DirectX Diagnostic Tool

Microsoft provides a DirectX Diagnostic Tool, dxdiag.exe , with Windows systems. The tool is designed to help you troubleshoot DirectX-related issues. You can run the tool from a command prompt by typing dxdiag or you can click on the Start button, select Run, type dxdiag, and hit Enter.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/utilities/diagnostic] permanent link

Tue, Jul 04, 2006 7:46 pm


When I scaned a system on July 1, 2006 with Norton AntiVirus 2005, Norton AntiVirus identified the cm1.dll file in c:\windows\system32 as malware associated with Spyware.ClientMan. I submitted the file to Jotti's Online Malware Scan, a site that scans uploaded files with multiple antivirus programs; 7 of the 15 antivirus programs with which it scanned the file reported cm1.dll as malware.

[ More Info ]

[/security/spyware/ClientMan] permanent link

Sat, Jul 01, 2006 9:36 pm

Restarting Services with svcadm on Solaris 10 Systems

On systems running Solaris 10, you can restart services using the svcadm command. For instance, to restart the SSH daemon on Solaris 10 systems, from the root account use svcadm restart ssh.

# svcadm
Usage: svcadm [-v] [cmd [args ... ]]

        svcadm enable [-rst]  ...      - enable and online service(s)
        svcadm disable [-st]  ...      - disable and offline service(s)        svcadm restart  ...            - restart specified service(s)
        svcadm refresh  ...            - re-read service configuration
        svcadm mark [-It]   ... - set maintenance state
        svcadm clear  ...              - clear maintenance state
        svcadm milestone [-d]        - advance to a service milestone
        Services can be specified using an FMRI, abbreviation, or fnmatch(5)
        pattern, as shown in these examples for svc:/network/smtp:sendmail

        svcadm  svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
        svcadm  network/smtp:sendmail
        svcadm  network/*mail
        svcadm  network/smtp
        svcadm  smtp:sendmail
        svcadm  smtp
        svcadm  sendmail

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sat, Jul 01, 2006 9:27 pm

Writing An ISO File to CD or DVD with Solaris

Solaris, at least version 10, provides the cdrw utility that can be used to write information to CDs or DVDs. To list all of the CD or DVD writers available on the system, you can use the cdrw -l command.

When I used the command on an x86-based Solaris system without any media in the drive, I saw the following:

# cdrw -l
Looking for CD devices...
No CD writers found or no media in the drive.

I placed a blank DVD in the DVD writer and tried again. I then saw the DVD writer listed.

# cdrw -l
Looking for CD devices...
    Node                   Connected Device                Device type
 cdrom0               | DVDRW    IDE 16X          A188 | CD Reader/Writer

You can also use the command iostat -En to see information on the CD or DVD writers in a system.

# iostat -En
c0t1d0           Soft Errors: 21 Hard Errors: 3 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor: DVDRW    Product: IDE 16X          Revision: A188 Serial No:
Size: 0.00GB <8192 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 2 No Device: 1 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 21 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

If you have an .iso file, i.e. an image of a CD or DVD that you wish to write to a CD or DVD, you can use the command cdrw -i someimage.iso to write an image to a blank disc in a CD or DVD writer as in the example below.

# cdrw -i sol-10-u2-companion-ga.iso
Looking for CD devices...
Initializing device...done.
Writing track 1...done
Finalizing (Can take several minutes)...done.

If you wish to specify the device to use for writing, such as in the case where a system may have multiple devices capable of writing to CDs or DVDs, e.g. one CD writer and one DVD writer, you can use the -d option to specify the device to use for writing.

cdrw -i -d cdrom0 sol-10-u2-ga-x86-dvd.iso

The cdrw command supports the following options:

     -a       Creates an audio disk. At least one audio-file name
              must  be  specified. A CD can not have more than 99
              audio tracks, so no more than 99 audio files can be
              specified. Also, the maximum audio data that can be
              written to the media  by  default  is  74  minutes,
              unless -C is specified.

     -b       Blanks CD-RW or DVD-RW media. The type  of  erasing
              must  be  specified  by  the  all, fast, or session
              argument. DVD+RW media does not  support  blanking,
              but can be rewritten without the need for blanking.

     -c       Copies a CD. If no other argument is specified, the
              default  CD  writing  device  is  assumed to be the
              source device as  well.  In  this  case,  the  copy
              operation  reads  the source media into a temporary
              directory and prompts you to place  a  blank  media
              into the drive for the copy operation to proceed.

     -C       Uses stated media capacity.  Without  this  option,
              cdrw  uses  a  default value for writable CD media,
              which is 74 minutes  for  an  audio  CD,  681984000
              bytes for a data CD, or 4.7 Gbytes for a DVD.

     -d       Specifies the CD or DVD writing device.

     -h       Help. Prints usage message.

     -i       Specifies the image file for creating data  CDs  or
              DVDs. The file size should be less than what can be
              written on the media.  Also,  consider  having  the
              file  locally  available instead of having the file
              on an NFS-mounted file system. The CD writing  pro-
              cess  expects  data  to  be  available continuously
              without interruptions.

     -l       Lists all the CD or DVD writers  available  on  the

      -L       Closes the disk. If the media was left in  an  open
              state  after the last write operation, it is closed
              to prevent any further writing. This operation  can
              only be done on re-writable CD-RW media.

     -m       Uses an alternate temporary  directory  instead  of
              the  default  temporary directory for storing track
              data while copying a CD or DVD. An  alternate  tem-
              porary  directory  might  be  required  because the
              amount of data on a CD can be  huge.  For  example,
              the amount of data can be as much as 800 Mbytes for
              an 80 minute audio CD and 4.7 Gbytes for a DVD. The
              default  temporary  directory  might  not have that
              much space available.

     -M       Reports media status. cdrw reports if the media  is
              blank  or  not,  its  table  of  contents, the last
              session's start  address,  and  the  next  writable
              address  if  the disk is open. DVD+RW does not sup-
              port erasing and always has  some  content  on  the

     -O       Keeps the disk open. cdrw closes the  session,  but
              it  keeps the disk open so that another session can
              be added later on to create a multisession disk.

     -p       Sets the CD writing speed. For example, -p  4  sets
              the  speed  to 4X. If this option is not specified,
              cdrw uses the default speed of the  CD  writer.  If
              this  option  is  specified,  cdrw tries to set the
              drive write speed to this value, but  there  is  no
              guarantee  of  the actual speed that is used by the

     -s       Specifies the source device for  copying  a  CD  or

     -S       Simulation mode. In this mode, cdrw  operates  with
              the  drive  laser turned off, so nothing is written
              to the media. Use this option to verify if the sys-
              tem  can  provide data at a rate good enough for CD

     -T       Audio format to use for extracting audio  files  or
              for  reading audio files for audio CD creation. The
              audio-type can be sun, wav, cda, or aur.

     -v       Verbose mode.

     -x       Extracts audio data from an audio track.

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Wed, Jun 28, 2006 5:59 pm

Determining the Memory and Disk Space on a Solaris System

If you need to determine the amount of memory in a Solaris system, you can use the prtconf command. The second line of output will show the amount of memory in the system.
# prtconf
System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u
Memory size: 384 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):


Or you can use prtconf | grep Memory to get just the amount of memory in the system.

If you need to determine the disk space in the system you can use this soldiskspace BASH script to display the disk space in GigaBytes (GB). You may need to modify the first line in the script to point to the actual location of bash on your system, e.g. /usr/local/bin/bash on Solaris 2.7 systems. The script uses the prtvtoc command and is based on the BASH script provided by Sandra Henry-Stocker, in an article titled Calculating overall disk space published on December 23, 2004 on . A full explanation of how the script works is available in the article.

The script must be run as root. To use the script, issue the command chmod 700 soldiskspace to make the script executable.

# ./soldiskspace
    /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2: 8 Gbytes
    TOTAL: 8 GB

Zip file for script:

An alternative method of determing the disk space on a system is to use iostat -En. Using that command on the same system as used in the example above shows the disk space in the second line of output below. The command also shows the manufacturer and model number for the CD-ROM drive in the system. The size value should be ignored for the CD-ROM drive.

# iostat -En

c0t0d0          Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0
:  Size: 8.62GB <8622415872 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0  No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 0

c0t2d0          Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 52 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor:    LG    Product: CD-ROM CRD-8322B Revision: 1.05 Serial No: ºÝþºÝþºÝþ
Size: 18446744073.71GB <-1 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 52 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0


  1. Calculating overall disk space
    Sandra Henry-Stocker
    December 23, 2004

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Sun, Jun 25, 2006 3:41 pm

Emprex DVDRW 1116IM Drive

I installed an Emprex DVDRW 1116IM dual 16x double layer drive in a system that I'm setting up with Fedora Core 5.

[/hardware/pc/dvd] permanent link

Thu, Jun 22, 2006 4:30 pm

World Time Zones

If you need to know the local time somewhere else in the world or the current UTC, aka GMT or Zulu, time, a useful site is, From The World Clock - Time Zones page, you can see current times throughout the world and GMT time.

[/reference] permanent link

Sat, Jun 17, 2006 3:14 pm

Maintaining Wikipedia's Accuracy

There was an article on The New York Times website today, titled Growing Wikipedia Revises Its 'Anyone Can Edit' Policy that discusses the way Wikipedia maintains the accuracy of its contents.

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia maintained by volunteers, which provides information on a multitude of topics. It is a free alternative to other online encyclopedia's, such as Encyclopedia Britannica.

Wikipedia allows anyone to edit most articles. So how does Wikipedia prevent articles being defaced by online vandals who can think of no productive way to spend their time or those with an axe to grind. It does so through volunteer administrators who help maintain the quality of the information on the website.

[ More Information ]

[/reference] permanent link

Thu, Jun 15, 2006 11:17 pm

John Glenn Versus Howard Metzenbaum

I received an email that was purportedly based on comments by Senator John Glenn of Ohio comparing the lives lost in the war in Iraq to casualties in previous wars fought by America. At the end of the message was an exchange between Glenn and Howard Metzenbaum, which purportedly occurred on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Unlike some such email messages, there was some truth in this message, but also a fair amount of distortion and misattribution of comments.

[ More Info ]

[/security/hoaxes] permanent link

Mon, Jun 12, 2006 12:38 pm

PBS Distribution of TV Programming over the Internet

Robert Cringely's June 8 column, Local Heroes: Could the Key to Successful Internet Television Be...PBS? suggests that PBS might be a good conduit for distributing television programming over the Internet, i.e. IPTV, for not only their own programming, but for commercial programming as well.

He suggests that PBS affiliates could establish relationships with the ISPs in their area, colocating servers at the ISPs, which would distribute the programming to the ISPs' subscribers.

[/tv] permanent link

Fri, May 26, 2006 11:29 pm

Google Calendar

Google now offers a calendar service, Google Calendar, which can be accessed using or You can schedule events on a calendar, mark them as public, and then have Google Calendar notify guests of the events.

Some may use this service as an alternative to Microsoft Outlook's calendaring feature. It certainly would make sharing a calendar easier, if you need to share a calendar with others outside your office or with non-Outlook users.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Google has also recently negotiated a deal with Dell where Google will pay Dell up to a billion dollars to preinstall Google Desktop on Dell PCs.


  1. Google and Dell in $1 billion Microsoft busting deal
    By Stan Beer
    Friday, 26 May 2006

[/network/web/services/google] permanent link

Sun, May 21, 2006 7:40 pm

ClamWin Reports Proxy.Exe is Worm.Bobax.AA

I installed ClamWin on a user's system and scanned the system for viruses. ClamWin reported AnalogX's proxy.exe file as Worm.Bobax.AA. I had installed version 4.14 of AnalogX's Proxy program on the system almost a year ago to have proxy server capabilities on the system for troubleshooting. I suspect ClamWin is simply looking at the file name and making its determination solely on that criteria resulting in a false positive report of Worm.Bobax.AA. The virus definitions on the system were updated on 09:18 21 May 2006 and the virus DB version is main: 38, daily: 1474.

Arcabit, which produces the ArcaVir antivirus software, states that Worm.Bobax.AA is a mass mailing worm that attempts to email itself to others from an infected computer. Arcabit's page states the worm creates services.exe on the hard drive. However, there is a legitimate services.exe file in C:\Windows\system32 on Windows XP systems that is produced by Microsoft.

Symantec's W32.Bobax.AA@mm webpage states that the services.exe file created by the worm is placed in %Windir%, which will usually be C:\Windows on Windows XP systems. You can determine the value for %Windir% by typing echo %WINDIR% at a command prompt. On this system, the only services.exe file was in C:\Windows\system32 and appeared to be the legitimate services.exe file. The Symantec webpage also states the worm creates %Windir%\msdefr.exe, which I did not find on the system. Nor did I find a C:\autorun.inf, which the Symantec webpage on the worm states is created by it.

McAfee, which produces antivirus software, states on its AnalogX-Proxy that the AnalogX proxy software is a legitimate tool, though it may sometimes be used by malware to set up proxy servers on a system without a user's knowledge. For instance, McAfee's antivirus software may report AnalogX-Proxy.ldr when a particular trojan file uses the AnalogX proxy program. It isn't unusual for malware authors to use legitimate tools for their own nefarious purposes.

I submitted the proxy.exe file to, which provides a free service where you can submit files for automatic analysis by quite a few antivirus programs. ClamAV is one of the antivirus programs running on that system. It reported Worm.Bobax.AA. Seventeen of the twenty-four antivirus programs used on that system reported "no virus found", though. Kaspersky reported "not-a-virus:Server-Proxy.Win32.AnalogX.414" while the McAfee scan reported "potentially unwanted program AnalogX-Proxy". Panda reported "Application/AnalogX-Proxy.A". Symantec did not report that it found anything amiss with the file. TheHacker reported "Aplicacion/AnalogX.414". UNA reported "I-Worm.Win32.virus" and VBA32 reported "RiskWare.Proxy.AnalogX.414". For the full report see VirusTotal Proxy.Exe.

The file may be identified as a potential risk by some antivirus software, because it is possible for it to be misused, but since I installed the software on the system for troubleshooting purposes, I don't want ClamWin identifying it as malware every time it scans the system. If the user reports a problem accessing a website from her system, I can attempt to make a connection myself from the system by activating the proxy server software. So I configured ClamWin to ignore the proxy.exe file when it checks the system. You can exclude proxy.exe from ClamWin's scans by taking the following steps in ClamWin:

  1. Click on Tools.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click on the Filters tab.
  4. Click on the "new" button under "Exclude Matching Filenames". It is the second one to the right of "Patterns", between the "ae" and "X" butons. Type proxy.exe and then click on OK.

I submitted a "false positive" report for ClamAV, which is used by ClamWin to


  1. Vir News - Bobax.AA
  2. 7/5: Bobax-AA a Mass-Mailing Worm
    eSecurity Software & Internet Security Product Information News Articles, Advice
    July 5, 2005
  3. W32.Bobax.AA@mm
    Symantec Corporation
  4. services - services.exe - Process Information
  5. Start-Up Applications - All
  6. AnalogX-Proxy

[/security/worms] permanent link

Sun, May 21, 2006 4:33 pm

Determining an Image File's Dimensions with Command Line Tools

If you are working on a Unix or Linux system and need to determine the dimensions for an image, there are a number of command line tools that may be available to you on the system. If you are including an image on a webpage, if you specify the file's dimensions, then visitor's to your website can view other information on your webpages while potentially large images are still being downloaded for viewing by the visitor's browser. If you specify the dimensions of the image files within your webpages, the browser will allocate the space needed to display the image and then display other parts of the webpage while it is still downloading large image files.

You can specify the image dimensions in pixels like this:

<img src="banana.jpg" alt="A banana" width="320" height="378">

One command line tool that can be used to determine a JPEG file's size is rdjpgcom. The utility is used to display comments that can be embedded in JPG files (you can insert comments with wrjpgcom), but you can also display the dimensions for a JPG file with the --verbose option.

$ rdjpgcom -verbose banana.jpg
JPEG image is 921w * 592h, 3 color components, 8 bits per sample
JPEG process: Baseline

If you have ImageMagick installed on the system, you can also use the identify command to determine the dimensions of an image file. Note: if you are using RedHat Linux, or another version of Linux that uses RPM to manage software on the system, you can issue the command rpm -qi ImageMagick to see whether it is installed.

$ identify banana.jpg
banana.jpg JPEG 921x592 DirectClass 8-bit 87kb 0.0u 0:01

The identify utility displays the width followed by the height.

Another command that may be available to you is imgsize.

$ imgsize banana.jpg
imgsize banana.jpg
width="921" height="592"

[/graphics] permanent link

Sun, May 21, 2006 3:24 pm

WindUpdates.MediaGateway (Adware) - May 21, 2006

Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta1 found WindUpdates.MediaGateway on a user's computer when I scanned it, but the adware did not actually appear to be active on the system. Microsoft AntiSpyware appeared to be detecting only remnants of the adware that had previously been removed with Microsoft AntiSpyware.

[ More Info]

[/security/spyware/windupdates_mediagateway] permanent link

Tue, May 16, 2006 11:36 pm

Turning Display of Paragraph Markers On and Off in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word document showing paragraph markers

If you are seeing paragraph marker symbols, ¶, in your Microsoft Word documents, as in the above example, and want to turn off the display of these markers, which indicate the end of a paragraph, click on Tools and then Options. Under the View tab, you will see Paragraph marks checked. Uncheck that field and click on OK.

Microsoft Word options with paragraph markers checked

The paragraph markers should disappear from your document.


  1. Rules for typing in Word

[/os/windows/office/word] permanent link

Tue, May 16, 2006 11:26 am

Barclays Bank Customer Scam

I received a scam email message today, purportedly from the technical service department of Barclays Bank, a UK-based bank, asking that I confirm my membership details. I don't have a Barclays Bank account and the link in the message, which supposedly pointed to, actually pointed to .

The website appeared to be out of service when I checked it and the scam webpage was inaccessible. I reported the scam anyway to, which is an address associated with a site that tracks phishing scams, such as the one I received. The site lists examples of other Barclays Bank scams at Barclays Bank Fraud Websites. I also reported the scam to the abuse address at and, since those domains were associated with the orgination point for the email message.

[/security/scams/phishing/barclays] permanent link

Sat, May 13, 2006 4:40 pm

Another Peachtree User is Using the Same Serial Number

After I had to kill a running instance of Peachtree Complete Accounting 2002, because it was producing an error message that I couldn't stop from constantly repeating, whenever I tried opening a company file, I got the message "Another Peachtree user is using the same serial number". The window where that message appeared had a Register button. When I clicked on it the correct serial number appeared, but the registration number field was blank. Putting in the correct registration number did not stop the problem from repeating whenever I tried opening the company file.

I found instructions on dealing with the problem at an Abacus Plus Services, Inc. FAQ page. However, I found that I did not have to take all of the steps suggested on that page to eliminate the problem. I only had to kill the W32MKDE.EXE process, which is a process associated with Peachtree accounting which remained running after I killed the Peachtree application. The steps to alleviate the problem are as follows:

  1. Hit the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys simultaneously.
  2. Select Task Manager.
  3. Click on the Processes tab.
  4. Click on the column header Image Name to put the processes in alphabetical order.
  5. Look for a process with the image name of W32MKDE.EXE. Click on it to select it and then click on the End Process button.
  6. When you receive a warning about terminating the process, click on Yes to terminate it anyway.

I was then able to open the company file without any problems. The additional steps listed on the Abacus Plus Services, Inc. FAQ page are provided below, in case the steps above are not sufficient for you to resolve the problem should the information become unavailable on that website.

  1. Look in the directory where your data is stored for files with names beginning with "Conn". If you don't know where Peachtree stores company data on your system, you can click on the Start button and then select Search to search for the files. Search for files beginning with "conn", i.e. conn*. Or you can look in pcw90.ini which will be in your Windows directory, usually C:\Windows or C:\Winnt. You can double-click on the file to open it in notepad. Then look for the "DATAPATH=" line, which will tell you the location of your data files. Note: the number after "pcw" in the ini filename may be different for other versions of Peachtree Accounting
  2. Select all connco and conndp files from the data path and delete them.
  3. Look for ShowStartup= in the ini file mentioned above, which is pcw90.ini for Peachtree Complete Accounting 2.0, but may have a different number after "pcw" if you are using a different version of Peachtree. If the value for the parameter is No, change it to Yes (a capital "Y" followed by lowercase "es").
  4. Look for the LastCompanyOpen= line in the ini file. Delete everything after the equal sign.
  5. Save the ini file (click on File and then Save).
  6. Open Peachtree in a sample company. After the company opens, select File then Open Company and open your company data.


  1. Abacus Plus Services, Inc. FAQ

[/os/windows/software/financial] permanent link

Sat, May 13, 2006 3:54 pm

Location of Peachtree Complete Accouting 2002 Data Files

I wanted to move the location of PeachTree Accounting 2002's data files to a new location. In order to have Peachtree find the files in their new location, you need to edit pcw90.ini. It will be in your Windows directory, which will usually be c:\windows or c:\winnt. Note, if a nonstandard location is used for Windows, you can find out the location by typing echo %windir% at a command prompt.

You can double-click on pcw90.ini to open it in your default editor for ini files, which will normally be notepad. Change the DATAPATH= line to point to the new location and reopen Peachtree Accounting.

[/os/windows/software/financial] permanent link

Mon, May 08, 2006 5:45 pm

Exchange 2003 Reached 16 GB Mailbox Store Limit

I found a Microsoft Exchange 2003 server was no longer transmitting email nor was it providing access to shared calendars and contact lists for users due to the database store, which is maintained in the file priv1.edb reaching the limit of 16GB. Unless you upgrade to Service Pack 2, the size of this file can't grow beyond that limit and Exchange will shut down when it reaches that size.

[ More Info ]

[/network/email/exchange] permanent link

Wed, May 03, 2006 11:45 pm

Eudora Crashing at Startup

Eudora 4.2 was crashing a user's system shortly after it was opened. When it was reopened, it would prompt regarding rebuilding the table of contents as shown below:

Damaged Mailbox
Mailbox has a damaged table of contents. Shall I build a new one for you?

[ Please do ] [ Cancel ]

Or the message below would appear:

Corrupt Mailbox
Mailbox In has been changed since its table of contents was created. Do you wish to use the old table of contents, or create a new one?

[ Create new ] [ Use old ] [ Cancel ]

If I instructed Eudora to rebuild the table of conents, it would do so, printing a message like the one below, but then would crash shortly after opening again.

2971 of the 2971 summaries in the old table of contents used; 0 new summaries were created.

[ OK ]

When I opened Eudora's in.mbx where it stores mail for a user's inbox, I found several instances of the following lines at the end of the file:

From ???@??? Mon May 01 08:29:15 2006
Return-Path: <>

There was no message body for the messages, just the header information.

Eudora starts each message it stores in a mailbox file with "From ???@???". Since the message I was seeing was the last entry and it appeared multiple times it appeared to be the cause of the problem.

I used the Windows notepad program to edit the in.mbx file, since it is just a regular text file. I removed the lines for what appeared to be the problem message and restarted Eudora. But the same behavior as before occurred, i.e. Eudora crashed. I checked the server, but the message was no longer there, since the user had used Outlook Express to check her email when Eudora started crashing at startup. If you encounter this behavior, you may need to find an alternative means of deleting the problem message from the server, e.g. using another email client, a web interface to check email, or by using the telnet command to connect to the mail server on port 25 and then finding and deleting the problem message through SMTP commands.

Though the message was no longer on the email server, it was in Eudora's "spool" directory, which you can find underneath the directory where Eudora stores mailbox files, such as in.mbx. Eudora apparently uses the spool directory as a temporary holding area as it processes incoming messages. If it crashes while processing a message, the message as well as other yet to be processed messages remain in the spool directory. When it restarts, it again tries to process the messages in the spool directory. If there is a corrupt or malformed message in the spool directory, it will again crash until you have deleted that particular message. The messages are stored in .rcv files. You can open RCV files with notepad. When you select "File" and "Open" in notepad, simply tell notepad to look for "All Files" instead of using "Text Documents" only in the "Files of type" field. You can then look for the corrupt one. Or you can simply move all of the RCV files out of the spool directory into some other directory temporarily and then move individual files back until you find the one that causes Eudora to crash on startup.

Note: Eudora will likely complain that another copy of it may be running when you open it, because it creates a 0 KB OWNER.LOK file in the directory where in.mbx is stored when it starts. The presence of that file allows Eudora upon starting to detect whether another instance of Eudora may be using the user's mailbox files. If multiple instances tried to manipulate those files at the same time, the files would likely become corrupted. But, if Eudora crashes, the OWNER.LOK file remains instead, of being deleted as it would be if you exited from Eudora normally. You can manually delete it.


  1. Case Story: Eudora vs. "Toxic" Messages
  2. Crashes When Opening
  3. FAQ: Eudora crashing immediately upon start?

[/network/email/clients/eudora] permanent link

Wed, May 03, 2006 11:15 pm

Restoring Eudora's Toolbar

Eudora toolbar not displayed

If the toolbar, which contains icons for checking your inbox and outbox, checking email, replying to messages, forwarding messages, etc., disappears from the top of your Eudora window, you can take the following steps to bring it back.

  1. Inside Eudora, click on Tools.

  2. Click on Options.

  3. Scroll down the Category and select display.

  4. Make sure Show toolbar is checked, then click on OK
  5. Show toolbar

You should now see the Eudora toolbar as shown below.

Eudora toolbar displayed

Note: these instructions apply to Eudora 4.2 and 6.2, but may not apply to all other versions of Eudora.

[/network/email/clients/eudora] permanent link

Sat, Apr 29, 2006 1:24 pm

PHP - Exec

The PHP exec function can be used to call external programs. For instance, if I wish to create a webpage that displays the MD5 checksum for a file, I can call the md5sum program that is present on Unix and Linux systems. If I called the program from a shell prompt on the system, I would see something like the following:

# md5sum file.txt
529dc67dde9486a1af8353915ab94870 file.txt

Using PHP, I can get the MD5 checksum with the following code:


$md5sum = exec('md5sum '.$filename);
$md5sum = substr($md5sum,0,strpos($md5sum,' '));


The results of the call to the external md5sum program are stored in a variable named md5sum. The md5sum program returns the MD5 checksum followed by a space and then the filename. The filename can be stripped away by using strpos to determine the position of the space in the string and then substr can be used to remove all of the charcters from the string starting with the space to the end of the string.

Since I need to calculate the MD5 checksum, aka hash, regularly, I can create a function that calls the external md5sum program to do so.

function md5sum($filename) {

  $hash = exec('md5sum '.$filename);
  // The md5sum command returns the MD5 hash followed by a space and the
  // filename. Remove the space and filename.
  $hash = substr($hash,0,strpos($hash,' '));


But what if you call an external program that returns multi-line output. If you just store the results obtained by using exec to call the program, you will get only the last line of output for the program.

For instance, I can use the command rpm -qp --requires file.rpm to determine what other software is required by a RPM file. If I call that program with PHP's exec function and assign the results to a variable, requires, however, I get just the last line of the results of calling rpm -qp --requires, which produces multiline output.

$requires = exec('rpm -qp --requires '.$filename);

What I need to do instead, is put the output of the external command into an array. When using the exec function, I can specify an array to be used to hold the output, by putting a comma after the command to be called and then specifying an array to hold the output of the command.

<?php exec(external_command, $output_array); ?>

For instance, to obtain the output from the rpm command above, I could use the following code:


exec('rpm -qp --requires '.$filename, $requires);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($requires); $i++) {
   print "$requires[$i]<br>\n";


The exec function is used to call the program, storing the output from the rpm command in the array $requires. I can then use a for loop to print each of the lines in the array, putting a <br> tag at the end of each line, so that the HTML output is more readable and matches that of the program. I also use /n to create a new line at the end of each line of output so the source HTML code is more readable, also.


  1. PHP: exec - Manual
  2. MD5
  3. Programming PHP: Chapter 5: Arrays

[/languages/php] permanent link

Sun, Apr 23, 2006 8:40 pm

Report of SORBS listing to EarthLink

I filed a trouble report with EarthLink regarding email from an EarthLink email server being rejected, because the EarthLink server, [], is on the Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) spam blacklist. Within minutes I received a response. However, just like the response I received from AOL regarding a similar problem report regarding two AOL email servers on the SORBS blacklist, the response was totally irrelevant to the actual problem. Instead it was a bolierplate reponse on how one can deal with a situation where EarthLink filters are blocking email from another server.

The SORBS entry for the EarthLink server is shown below:

Record Created: Fri Mar 10 09:30:02 2006 GMT
Record Updated: Fri Mar 10 09:30:02 2006 GMT
Additional Information: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 52E7111471 for <[email]>; Fri, 10 Mar 2006 19:06:10 +1000 (EST)

My Problem Report

I provide PC and network support to small businesses in my area and am trying to resolve an email problem for a client who has not been able to receive email from his daughter, who uses EarthLink as her ISP. Her email is being blocked on the server handling his incoming email because it is coming through an EarthLink email server with the IP address (, which is on the Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) blocklist (see Will EarthLink contact SORBS about removing the address from the SORBS list?

EarthLink's Response

Thank you for contacting us.

We understand that one of the EarthLink client in your area is unable to receive email from his daughter who uses EarthLink as his ISP.

In addressing the issue we would like to inform you that the issues you're having will require active troubleshooting that can only be accomplished by working with someone in real time. In order to help you efficiently as possible, we recommend that you contact Open Relay department at: "openrelay @"

Open relay is a term used to describe an email server that is not secured against unauthorized access in order to send email. Spam is often generated from such servers, either knowingly or unknowingly.

EarthLink blocks open relay servers from delivering mail to EarthLink. This prevents a great deal of spam from arriving in our customer's email boxes. If someone is trying to send you email, and are being denied for this reason, they will have to speak to the administrator of their email server.

The administrator can choose to secure the server, or contact our Abuse department and prove that their server is in fact secured. If the administrator has secured the server, they need to email and provide the server's IP address or name. Once verified that the relay is closed, the server will be removed from the block list, and EarthLink will begin to accept mail from them.

Please be advised that not all matters may be resolved via email for security reasons or due to the complexity of the issue.

We appreciate your understanding in this regard.

I sent a reply to that message. I'm curious as to whether I can get a relevant response from either ISP within two messages or even at all. I also wonder how many others may have reported the same issues to AOL and EarthLink and gotten the same canned non-germane responses. It is no wonder why an email server may stay on a blocklist for a long time, if one has to get someone at the ISP of the offending server to request a delisting.

[/network/email/spam] permanent link

Sun, Apr 23, 2006 7:37 pm

SORBS Blocking AOL and EarthLink Servers

A user reported today that his daughter had sent email to him today which had been rejected. I obtained her email address from him and then searced the maillog file for that address. I found that her email was rejected because it was coming from an EarthLink email server, [] whose IP address,, is on the Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) spam blacklist. I submitted a report of the problem to EarthLink's technical support group. Hopefully, the response I get will be better than the response I got from AOL when I reported the presence of two of their servers on the SORBS list recently.

A few weeks ago I found that email from AOL users was being blocked by the SORBS list, because two AOL servers were on the list. Those AOL servers are listed below:



I reported the problem to AOL then, using an AOL account I keep just for assisting AOL users, and received a response on April 3. However, the response was irrelevant to the problem I reported. I've included my message and AOL's response below:

My Problem Report

User comments = Two AOL email servers are in the Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) blocklist (see www. Their IP addresses are and

Because those IP addresses are in the SORBS blocklist, whenever email is sent through those AOL servers, it is rejected by other email servers which use the SORBS blocklist.

I am hoping AOL will address the issue with SORBS.

AOL's Response

From: SPIncomingMail
To: <snipped>
Sent: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 11:24:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Re: I have a problem sending or receiving email in AOL

Dear Jim,

Hi! My name isácille from America Online. I would like to thank you for writing and making us aware of your concern.

I understand that you have questions with AOL blocking e-mail coming from Sorbs domain.

I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you, Jim.

AOL has developed Solicited Bulk Mailing Guidelines to both aid 'netizens' with their online marketing campaigns and to protect our member base from e-mail abuse.

To learn about AOL's Unsolicited Bulk Mail Policy, please visit

If you believe that Sorbs organization's e-mail provider can adhere to AOL guidelines provided at, please ask their e-mail provider to call our Postmaster Hotline at 703-265-4670 or 1-888-212-5537 and the Postmaster group will evaluate your mailing patterns and resolve any outstanding issues with their server or domain.

AOL has developed a site for Internet users who are experiencing problems sending e-mail to AOL or for people who have questions about AOL's e-mail and junk e-mail policies at

If they would like to test their e-mail server against our database, enter the IP address at

I hope that I have sufficiently provided you with useful information about your inquiry.

If you have other concerns or questions regarding AOL, please do not hesitate to contact us in the future.

You can chat online with a technical support specialist by going to AOL Keyword:
Live Help. My colleagues there are available 24 hours a day to assist you in a secure, one-on-one session.

If you prefer to be assisted via phone, you may call us at our toll-free number:
1-800-827-6364. Calling early in the day usually reduces the waiting time to speak to a consultant.

We are always ready to answer questions and do whatever we can to make your online experience even more enjoyable.

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.

AOL Customer Care Consultant

I replied to the AOL message today, since I found the two AOL servers are still on the SORBS list, requesting AOL address the issue with SORBS. The address appears to have been on the list since December 15, 2005. And for the other address I see the following:

Record Created: Sun Apr 25 22:36:02 2004 GMT 
Record Updated: Thu Feb 23 04:29:58 2006 GMT 
Additional Information: Received: from ( []) by server (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id k1N2Krh14751 for ; Wed, 22 Feb 2006 20:20:53 -0600 

I would not be surprised if I get a similar non-germane response again, though. There was a time when I recommended America Online (AOL) - I think Ads Online would be a more appropriate name - to novice computer users, but now I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and reports that its membership has been significantly declining don't surprise me.

[/network/email/spam] permanent link

Mon, Apr 17, 2006 8:49 pm

Burst.Com Filed A Patent Infringement Suit Against Apple has filed a patent infringement suit today against Apple Computer, claiming that Apple is infringing on Burst patents for video and audio delivery with Apple's iPod and iTunes products. Apple filed suit against Burst in January seeking to have Burst's patents declared invalid.

Burst and Microsoft wrangled over Burst's patents also. Microsoft eventually capitulated and paid Burst 60 million dollars.


  1. Files Patent Infringement Suit Against Apple Computer
    April 17, 2006
  2. Burst vs Apple
    January 16, 2006

[/software/patents] permanent link

Sun, Apr 16, 2006 10:59 pm

iRows and Opera

I've been using iRows, which is a free online service for creating and storing spreadsheets, to store some spreadsheets so that I can access the information from any system with a web browser. However, I've found that, though the service works fine with Firefox, it is not usable with Opera 8.54. With Opera 8.54, when you try to save a spreadsheet, edit tags, etc. windows open behind the spreadsheet you are working on and it isn't possible to fully access them. I've been able to drag some of the windows to areas on the screen where I can access part of them, but I would not consider the service usable with Opera.

When I checked the FAQ at the iRows website, I found a statement indicating that iRows doesn't work well with the beta 9 version of Opera either. The FAQ states "On Opera-9 not all features work well. We are waiting for Opera to fix a few issues in the beta version."

[/network/web/services] permanent link

Fri, Apr 14, 2006 5:42 pm

Moving ClientApps Folder

There are a number of steps you can take to free disk space on a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 system drive, if you are running low on disk space. You can remove the uninstall folders for hotfixes, compress folders, etc. A step that may give you back 750 MB to a GB of space is to move the ClientApps folder.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/server2003] permanent link

Thu, Apr 13, 2006 4:32 pm

Blosxom Calendar Plugin on a Solaris System Using Apache

I installed the calendar plugin for the Blosxom blogging software on a Solaris 10 system. I put the following line in Blosxom's head.html file, so that a calendar with links to entries made on particular dates would appear at the top of the blog's webpages:


When I then tried to view the blog, I received the message below:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

When I created a state subdirectory beneath the Blosxom plugins directory where I extracted the calendar Perl script and then changed the owner and group for the calendar file to those under which the Apache webserver software on the system runs, the problem ended. By default, on a Solaris 10 system running Apache, Apache runs with a userid of webservd and a group of webservd, so you can change those values for the calendar file with the commands below:

chown webservd apache; chgrp webservd apache

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Apr 10, 2006 9:46 pm

Tuttle City Manager Threatens CentOS Developer

I came across a reference in an InfoWorld column by Robert Cringeley, Okie calls cops, Dell's Ditty flops, to an amusing exchange between the city manager for Tuttle, Oklahoma and a CentOS developer, today. The server on which the Tuttle website resided crashed. It was rebuilt by the city's hosting provider, but the server was not configured properly afterwards to display the city's webpage, leading to a default page being displayed instead of the city's homepage.

The city manager, Jerry Taylor, who claims to have twenty-two years in computer systems engineering and operations, but appears to know very little about webservers or operating systems, saw the default Apache webpage one would see on a webserver running the CentOS operating system and contacted a CentOS developer, Johnny Hughes. But, with absolutely no understanding of what he was seeing, he demanded that the CentOS software be removed from his website.

In one email message sent to CenOS he railed "Who gave you permission to invade my website and block me and anyone else from accessing it??? Please remove your software immediately before I report it to government officials!! I am the City Manager of Tuttle, Oklahoma." Mr Hughes tried to explain the situation to him, but Mr. Taylor was apparently incapable of understanding the explanations and replied by threatening to sic the FBI on CentOS. Mr. Hughes took the time to research the problem instead of just ignoring the city manager at that point and did eventually get the city manager to contact his hosting provider. But even then, the city manager did not seem to understand, or at least appreciate, that Mr. Hughes had made an extra effort to solve the city's website problem for the city. Instead he still stated he did not regret threatening Hughes with FBI action, since he believes that was what prompted Hughes to start treating him seriously.

The city has a article on the issue at City manager misunderstanding prompts international response and even has a link to the email transcript of the exchange, which Mr. Hughes posted after getting exasperated with the city manager's behavior and threats. Comments on the article in the city's paper are available in a forum for the paper.


  1. Okie calls cops, Dell's Ditty flops
  2. City manager misunderstanding prompts international response
  3. OR ... why every city council needs at least one geek
    Transcript of the email exchange

[/os/unix/linux/centos] permanent link

Tue, Apr 04, 2006 10:07 pm

Installing Opera 9.0 on Solaris 10

A preview version of the Opera web browser is available for Solaris on x86, i.e. Intel or AMD based PCs. The preview can be downloaded from There are several files available for download for Solaris on Intel systems. I prefer to use a pkg file, so that I can install the software with a pkgadd -d command.

If you download the pkg.gz version, you can install it with the following steps.

  1. Uncompress the .gz file you downloaded.

    # gunzip opera-9.0-20060206.1-static-qt-sol10-intel-local-en.pkg.gz

  2. Use the pkgadd command to install the package on your system. The following command assumes that your current directory is the directory into which you downloaded the package.
    # pkgadd -d ./opera-9.0-20060206.1-static-qt-sol10-intel-local-en.pkg
    The following packages are available:
      1  SCopera     opera
                     (i386) 9.0
    Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
    all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1
    Processing package instance <SCopera> from </home/sysadmin/opera-9.0-20060206.1-static-qt-sol10-intel-local-en.pkg>
    opera(i386) 9.0
    Opera Software ASA
    Using </usr/local> as the package base directory.
    ## Processing package information.
    ## Processing system information.
    ## Verifying disk space requirements.
    ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
    The following files are already installed on the system and are being
    used by another package:
      /usr/local/bin <attribute change only>
    Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y
    ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
    Installing opera as <SCopera>
    Installing part 1 of 1.
    [ verifying class <none> ]
    Installation of <SCopera> was successful.

You should then be able to run Opera with /usr/local/bin/opera & or just opera &, if /usr/local/bin is in your path.

But when I logged off as root and tried to run Opera from my nonprivileged user account, I received an error message.

# exit

bash-3.00$ /usr/local/bin/opera /usr/local/lib/opera/9.0-20060206.1/opera: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

Since I encountered an error message indicating that could not be found I su'ed to the root account again and looked for the file.

bash-3.00$ su - root
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.10      Generic January 2005
# find / -name -print

So the file existed on the system in several places, but Opera was not finding it. From my regular user account, I tried specifying the library search path by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to first /usr/sfw/lib and then /opt/sfw/lib, but I still got the same results when I tried to run Opera.

bash-3.00$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sfw/lib
bash-3.00$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
bash-3.00$ /usr/local/bin/opera /usr/local/lib/opera/9.0-20060206.1/opera: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

When I tried to list all of the libraries Opera might use with the ldd command, it did not work for the Opera binary.

bash-3.00$ ldd /usr/local/bin/opera
ldd: /usr/local/bin/opera: unsupported or unknown file type

But I then realized I had failed to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH When I took that step, I was then able to run Opera successfully.

bash-3.00$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Using the above method would require that you reissue the commands to set the library path and then export it the next time you logged into the system again. And, if different programs require different library paths, you might have to reset LD_LIBRARY_PATH for particular programs. Alternatively, you can add the applicable library path to your system default search paths with the crle command on a Solaris system. On a Linux system, you would edit /etc/ and run ldconfig.

I prefer Opera over FireFox, since, if the system crashes or I have to restart the browser for any reason, I can return to the state I was in previously within the browser. I understand that a FireFox extension can be installed to provide that capability on FireFox, but that session restoral capability is built into Opera. And Ive never seen Opera wildly consume resources as FireFox seems prone to do on Windows systems where it often gobbles up huge amounts of memory or shoots CPU utilization close to 100%. But when I finally got Opera 9.00 Preview 2 working on my x86-based Solaris 10 system, I was disappointed to discover it doesn't support the SOCKS protocol. I access the Web from that system through a SOCKS proxy server.


  1. Share Library Search Paths

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Tue, Apr 04, 2006 6:12 pm

Obtaining a List of the Libraries Required by a Program

You can use the ldd command on a Unix or Linux system to determine what libraries a program requires. E.g. checking the libraries required by the mboxgrep binary yields the following information:

# ldd /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep =>   /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/ =>  (file not found) =>     /lib/ =>     /lib/

On Solaris systems, you can use the -s option to show the full library search path.

# ldd -s /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep

   find; required by /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/
    trying path=/usr/lib/ =>   /usr/lib/

   find; required by /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/
    trying path=/usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/

   find; required by /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/
    trying path=/usr/lib/ =>  (file not found)

   find; required by /usr/local/bin/mboxgrep
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/ =>     /lib/

   find; required by /usr/lib/
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/

   find; required by /usr/lib/
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/

   object=/lib/; filter for /usr/lib/

   object=/lib/; filter for

   find; required by /lib/
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/ =>     /lib/

   find; required by /lib/
    search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
    trying path=/lib/


  1. Share Library Search Paths
  2. [/os/unix/commands] permanent link

Sun, Apr 02, 2006 11:25 pm

Furl Meta Tags

Furl allows you to archive webpages you visit. With Furl you can have all of your bookmarks online and available from whatever system you happen to be using at the moment wherever you may be as long as you can access the Internet from that system. When you bookmark webpages with Furl, Furl archives a copy of the webpage for you. Unless you mark bookmarks as private, you can share bookmarks with others, but only you can access the copy of a webpage that has been archived for you when you bookmarked the webpage.

When Furl bookmarks a page for you, you can have an area you have highlighted on the webpage added to a "clipping" field. You can add your own comments on the webpage to a "comment" field. You can pick a category or multiple categories for the webpage. You can create whatever categories you choose. The title for the webpage will also be stored with the bookmark for the page.

Furl will also look for "author" and "date" meta tags on the webpage. If you are creating webpages that others may Furl, you can have Furl automatically fill its "Author" and "Publication Date" fields by adding meta tags like the following to your webpages. The date should be in the form YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. year, month, day form with a leading zero added to one-digit months or days.

<META NAME="author" content="Jane Doe">
<META NAME="date" content="2006-04-02">

[/network/web/archiving/furl] permanent link

Sun, Apr 02, 2006 11:07 pm

Why Was My Email Blocked

I use the following blocklists on my email server:

Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor List
Open Relay Database
Composite Blocking List
McFadden Associates E-Mail Blacklist
Passive Spam Block List

I also download the jwSpamSpy Spam domain blacklist, which is available from once a week and update sendmail's /etc/mail/access file with it to block email from domains on that list.

Recently, I was notified by a couple of users that some of their email correspondents are reporting that email to the users is being rejected. I created a Perl script, find-recipients, to check sendmail maillog files for a specified sender's email address to determine if email from that sender was successfully delivered or rejected.

I found one BellSouth sender's email was being rejected because the IP address of a server handling his outgoing email, [] is on the SORBS blocklist. I submitted a report on the matter to BellSouth by completing their support request form at, but I am not a BellSouth customer, so don't know whether my report will prompt them to address the matter. I also notified the sender of why the message was rejected and provided the URL for the support request form to him, but I would be surprised if the sender reported the problem to BellSouth, his email server provider.

I'm afraid most senders will conclude, if they can send email to most of their correspondents that the problem is not on their end, no matter what explanation I might provide about spam blocklists and why their email was rejected. It is difficult just to get a sender to provide the exact rejection message they get when their email is bounced. Most feel they only need say that email they have sent has bounced, ignoring the cause listed in the bounced messages they receive. And when users on my system pass on reports of email to them not getting through, they often don't even provide me with the email address of the sender or a date when the problem occurred making it virutally impossible to immediately isolate the cause of a particular message being bounced.

I found that email from another sender, whose email was coming from Network Solutions' email servers, was rejected four times on March 8, 2006 and once on March 17, because three Network Solutions email servers were on the SORBS blocklist and one server was on the Passive Spam Block List. Two email messages from him were accepted on March 8 and one on March 29, however.

March 8, 2006 Rejections

PSBL: []

March 17, 2006 Rejections


When I checked the PSBL list, I found the Network Solutions server had been detected as sending spam on March 6, but had been removed from that list on March 8, but apparently after the sender had sent his email on that date when one of his messages was rejected, because of the presence of the server's address on that list.

When I checked the SORBS blocklist, I found that all of the Network Solutions server addresses had been removed from that list also, so it appears his email service provider, Network Solutions, has already addressed the problem.

I added both senders to the list of those for whom no blocklist checks should be made by adding their email addresses to /etc/mail/access with lines like the following:       OK        OK

I then rebuilt the access database with the command makemap hash /etc/mail/access </etc/mail/access

Note: In order to bypass blocklist checks for a sender by adding the sender's email address to /etc/mail/access, delay_checks has to have been specified in the sendmail configuration file, e.g. /etc/mail/ This can be done by adding the line below to and then rebuilding from


You can regenerate the file with the m4 command. You need to restart sendmail afterwards for the change to take effect.

m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
/etc/init.d/sendmail restart

[/network/email/spam] permanent link

Thu, Mar 30, 2006 11:00 pm

ClamWin Virus Defintions Not Updating

If you try to update the virus defintions for ClamWin by selecting "Download Virus Database Update" and then see "Completed" immediately without new definitions being downloaded, the problem may be due to an incompatibility with the cygwin1.dll required by ClamWin and the cygwin1.dll file in use by some other application on the system, such as OpenSSH for Windows. See Incompatibility between OpenSSH for Windows and ClamWin for instructions on how to fix the problem.

You can determine which processes have the cygwin1.dll DLL loaded with the tasklist command on a Windows XP system.

C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin>tasklist /m /fi "modules eq cygwin1.dll"

Image Name                   PID Modules
========================= ====== =============================================
sshd.exe                    5276 ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll,
                                 cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll, cygwin1.dll,
                                 ADVAPI32.DLL, RPCRT4.dll, cygz.dll,
                                 ws2_32.dll, msvcrt.dll, WS2HELP.dll,
                                 mswsock.dll, hnetcfg.dll, GDI32.dll,
                                 USER32.dll, wshtcpip.dll, wsock32.dll,
                                 DNSAPI.dll, winrnr.dll, WLDAP32.dll,
                                 Secur32.dll, mpr.dll, uxtheme.dll
switch.exe                  2336 ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, cygwin1.dll,
                                 ADVAPI32.DLL, RPCRT4.dll, Apphelp.dll,
                                 user32.dll, GDI32.dll
sh.exe                      1192 ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, cygwin1.dll,
                                 ADVAPI32.DLL, RPCRT4.dll, user32.dll,
sh.exe                      3836 ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, cygwin1.dll,
                                 ADVAPI32.DLL, RPCRT4.dll, Apphelp.dll,
                                 VERSION.dll, user32.dll, GDI32.dll

[/security/antivirus/clamav] permanent link

Wed, Mar 29, 2006 12:39 am

Installation of CDisplay with wpkg

I wanted to configure wpkg for a silent install of CDisplay, which is a free comic reader program. It allows images of pages that have been scanned from comics and stored in an ace, zip, rar, or tar file to be viewed by loading JPEG, PNG and static GIF images which are automatically ordered and presented for viewing one at a time or two at a time allowing one to read the electronic version in a manner similar to the paper copy.

I needed to have the program installed on a couple of PCs in my household and wanted to be able to install it on a system along with other software we commonly use by running wpkg.js from the server. My wife has scanned a good portion of her extensive comics collection and wants to be able to view them from any PC in the house.

I looked at the setup.exe file with FileAlyzer. When I listed strings in the file, I saw "Inno", so I knew it used Inno Setup an open source installer.

Innso Setup installer used by CDisplay

That installer allows you to perform a silent install with the "/silent" or "/verysilent" options.


Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent. When Setup is silent the
wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation
progress window is. When a setup is very silent this installation progress
window is not displayed. Everything else is normal so for example error
messages during installation are displayed and the startup prompt is
(if you haven't disabled it with DisableStartupPrompt or the '/SP-'
command line option.

If you don't specify the "/SP-", option a window will appear with the question "This will install CDisplay. Do you wish to continue?", which will require a "yes" or "no" response.

You can specify the installation directory with the "/Dir=dir" option. So I put the following lines in the wpkg packages.xml file to install the software in "C:\Program Files\comics\CDisplay". If you specify a directory in which to install the program, rather than taking the default one, you do not need to ensure that higher level directories exist first. E.g., in the example below, the directory "c:\program files\comics" does not have to already exist, if %PROGRAMFILES% corresponds to "C:\Program Files". Both the "Comics" and "CDisplay" directory beneath it will be created.

The package section below, which should be placed in packages.xml, assumes version 1.8 of CDisplay is being used.


  <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="CDisplay 1.8" />
  <install cmd='\\server\wpkg\pkg\comics\CDisplay\setup.exe 
    /VerySilent /SP- /Dir="%PROGRAMFILES%\Comics\CDisplay"'>
    <exit code="0" />
  <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Comics\CDisplay\unins000.exe"' />

The remove command above will uninstall the software, but a prompt will appear on the system asking for confirmation. When I tried the "/silent" or "/verysilent" options for the unins000.exe command, the uninstall failed. It was successful when I did not use either of those options.


  1. Unattended, A Windows deployment system: Unattended/Silent Installation Switches for Windows Apps
  2. Inno Setup Command Line Parameters

[/os/windows/software/wpkg] permanent link

Wed, Mar 22, 2006 11:56 pm

Compressing ClientApps Folder on an SBS 2003 Server

I found the free space on the C: drive on a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 system was almost depleted. By compressing the ClientApps folder I was able to gain another 300 MB of space.

I found the C:\ClientApps folder was taking about 1 GB of disk space, so I chose to compress it, which you can do by the following procedure.

  1. Right-click on "ClientApps" folder.
  2. Select "Properties".
  3. ClientApps - Uncompressed

  4. Click on the "Advanced" button and select "Compress contents to save disk space.
  5. Select compress contents to save
disk space

  6. Click on "OK".
  7. Click on "OK" again to close the "ClientApps Properties" window.
  8. When the "Confirm Attribute Changes" window appears, leave "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files checked and click on "OK".
  9. Confirm attribute changes

When I started the compression, Windows estimated the process would take 23 minutes, but it actually only took a few minutes. It gave me about 300 MB more of disk space. When I right-clicked on the folder afterwards and selected "Properties", the file size was still listed as about 1 GB, but the size on disk was only 751 MB.

ClientApps - Compressed

For other steps for freeing disk space, see Freeing Disk Space.

[/os/windows/server2003/free-disk-space-sbs2003] permanent link

Mon, Mar 20, 2006 7:38 pm

Changing an Account Password from the Command Line

On a Windows 2000 or later system, you can use the net use command to change the password for any account from the command line, if you are logged into an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the system.

If you issuse the command net use username *, you will be prompted for a password and then asked to confirm the password. The password will not be echoed.

C:\Documents and Settings\administrator>net user jsmith *
Type a password for the user:
Retype the password to confirm:
The command completed successfully.

Alternatively, you can specify the new password following the account name on the command line. You will not be asked to confirm the password in that case. This method allows you to change the password for an account with a script.

C:\Documents and Settings\administrator>net user jsmith MyPaSs999 The command completed successfully.

If you attempt to use the command to change the password for another account when you are not logged in as a member of the administrator's group, you will receive a "System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied" error message.


  1. How to Change User Password at Command Prompt
    Microsoft Help and Support
    May 7, 2003

[/os/windows/commands] permanent link

Sun, Mar 19, 2006 6:56 pm

RPC Server Unavailable Because of XP Firewall

If you get an "RPC server unavailable" error message when attempting to remotely query or administer a Windows XP SP 2 system, even though the RPcSs service is running on the remote XP system, you may need to adjust the group firewall policy for the domain.

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[/os/windows/xp/firewall] permanent link

Thu, Mar 16, 2006 8:21 pm


Unix and Linux systems will likely have the file command to help you identify the type of the command. A C program, FileType, is also available to aid with that task.

The developer, Paul L. Daniels, lists the following reasons why you might want to use FileType instead of the file command:

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[/languages/c] permanent link

Wed, Mar 15, 2006 7:08 pm

Solaris Make Errors

The default path for the root account on Solaris 10 is /usr/sbin:/usr/bin. But the make utility is in /usr/ccs/bin/. If you get the error "make: not found" when you attempt to run make, you will need to adjust the path or specify it when you run the make command. You can view the default path with echo $PATH.

# echo $PATH

You can use /usr/ccs/bin/make to run the make command, or you can add the directory that holds the make command to the end of the existing path with PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin.

Make needs a C compiler to compile the source code. Sun would prefer to sell you one, so you may not have one on your system. If you run make and see "cc: not found", then you don't have a C compiler on the system or make can't find it.

If instead, you see "language optional software package not installed", then the directory /usr/ucb is in your path. That directory holds a script named cc, which is the name for the C compiler, but it is pointing make to a location where the C compiler doesn't actually reside. Again, you either don't have a C compiler or make can't find it.

# /usr/ccs/bin/make
cc -Wall -Werror -g  -c pldstr.c
/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `pldstr.o'

If you have Solaris 10, you should have the Gnu C compiler, gcc, in /opt/sfw/bin. If so, you can set up a symbolic link to point to it as shown below.

# ln -s /opt/sfw/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc

If you don't have gcc, which is free, on the system, you can get it from or


  1. Solaris Forums - What is "language optional software package not installed"???
    March 31, 2001
  2. Various problems with building anything under Solaris, especially "/usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed".
    By: Alan J. Rosenthal
    June 15, 2004

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Mar 13, 2006 11:03 pm

XP Service Pack 2 Install Problems

When I tried to upgrade a user's home system running Windows XP Professional from Service Pack 1 to Service Pack 2, I encountered a number of problems which took me a considerable amount of time to resolve.

First I encountered an "Access is denied" error message, which I resolved by resetting the permissions on a registry key. Then I encountered an "The requested section was not present in the activation context" error message, which I resolved by running the command below.

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\ secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose /areas regkeys

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[/os/windows/xp] permanent link

Sun, Mar 12, 2006 9:17 pm

Freeing Disk Space

If you are running low on disk space on a Windows XP system, there are a number of steps you can take that may allow you to reclaim a considerable amount of disk space.

Some steps that you can take to reclaim space include the following:

  1. Run Microsoft's Disk Cleanup utility
  2. Remove hotfix backup files
  3. Remove the service pack uninstall folder
  4. Remove files in the Software Distribution folder
  5. Remove folders in the Downloaded Installations folder
  6. Remove System Restore points

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[/os/windows/xp] permanent link

Fri, Mar 10, 2006 8:37 pm

Troubleshooting CGI Scripts

If you are having problems with a CGI script, some useful links are listed below:

  1. Perl & CGI Tutorial: Troubleshooting CGI Scripts
  2. Troubleshooting Perl CGI scripts
  3. Troubleshooting CGI Installations [CGI & Perl Tutorials]

[/languages/perl] permanent link

Thu, Mar 09, 2006 7:01 pm

Microsoft AntiSpyware Expired Error

If you see a window with the following error message when you log into a PC, check on whether Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta 1 is installed and has expired.

Unexpected error; quitting

[ OK ]

If the message is due to an expired version of Microsoft AntiSpyware attempting to start, you should see the Microsoft AntiSpyware bullseye icon with "Error" next to it in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

Microsoft Antispyware expiration

You will see the same error if you try to start Microsoft Antispyware manually, if it has expired.

[/security/spyware/MS-Antispyware] permanent link

Mon, Mar 06, 2006 11:58 pm

Copying Signatures from one PC to Another

Outlook signatures are stored at C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures. For each signature there will be an RTF, HTM, and .TXT file. To copy signatures from one PC to another, simply copy the 3 files to the appropriate directory on the second system.

[/network/email/clients/outlook] permanent link

Mon, Mar 06, 2006 6:04 pm

ClamWin Outlook Integration Problem

A user was receiving an error message when she tried to send email with attachments:


An Error occured reading clamscan report: [Errno 2] No such file or
zard_err_jpg - Virus Deleted by ClamWin.txt

ClamWin 0.88 was installed on her system and integrated with Outlook so that it was checking incoming and outgoing email for viruses. I had to disable the Outlook integration to stop the error from occuring.

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[/security/antivirus/clamav] permanent link

Sun, Mar 05, 2006 11:59 pm

Installation of Advanced Registry Tracer (ART) with wpkg

I wanted to configure wpkg for a silent install of Advanced Registry Tracer (ART) from Elcomsoft. ART is a utility designed for analyzing changes made to the Windows Registry. I couldn't find any information on the developer's site or elsewhere on configuring it for a silent installation, so I looked at the setup.exe file with FileAlyzer. When I listed strings in the file, I saw "Nullsoft" and "NSIS", so I knew it used the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS).

NSIS installer used by ART

That installer normally allows you to perform a silent install with the "/s" option and to specify the installation directory with the "/D=dir" option. So I put the following lines in the wpkg packages.xml file to install the software in "C:\Program Files\Utilities\SysMgmt\ART"

  name="Advanced Registry Tracer"

  <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Advanced Registry Tracer" />
  <install cmd='\\server\wpkg\pkg\utilities\sysmgmt\advanced_registry_tracer\setup.exe 
    /S /D=%PROGRAMFILES%\Utilities\SysMgmt\ART'>
    <exit code="0" />
  <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Utilities\SysMgmt\ART\uninstall.exe" /S' />


  1. Unattended, A Windows deployment system: Unattended/Silent Installation Switches for Windows Apps

[/os/windows/software/wpkg] permanent link

Sun, Mar 05, 2006 10:53 am

BASH Variables

Some useful variables available in the BASH shell.



if [ $# -eq 0 ]
  echo "Usage: $0 filename"
  wc -l $1

The script first checks for whether any argument has been entered on the command line, i.e. whether $# equals zero. If no arguments are present on the command line, the script prints a usage message. The $0 variable holds the name of the script itself. If an argument is entered on the command line, it is presumed to be a filename and the wc command is called to count the number of lines in the file.

So, if the script is named "example", and is called without any options, then the following output would be printed.

# ./example
Usage: ./example filename

If a filename is entered on the command line and that file has 21 lines in it, the following would be printed.

# ./example sample.txt
     21 sample.txt


  1. Linux Shell Programming

[/os/unix/bash] permanent link

Fri, Mar 03, 2006 4:55 pm

Proxying the LPD Port with Balance

I have a Solaris 10 system that is connected to one network card in a Solaris 7 system. A second network card in the Solaris 7 system connects to the LAN. The Solaris 10 system has no other network connectivity. Its web access is obtained through a SOCKS proxy server running on the Solaris 7 system. I needed to be able to print to an HP laserjet printer on the network, so I needed some way to proxy connections to the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) port, TCP port 515, on which the network printer is listening, through the Solaris 7 system. The balance load balancing and proxy program works well for such situations. In this case I didn't need to use the load balancing features of the program, just its proxying feature.

[ Solaris 10 ] <-----> [ Solaris 7 ] <-----> ( Network )

The network interface on the Solaris system that faces the Solaris 7 system has an IP address of So on the Solaris system, I issued the following command:

# balance -b -f 515

I needed to run the command as root, since I was using a well known port, i.e. a port between 0 and 1023. To set up a process to use a well known port requires root privilege, since those are commonly used by server processes. The -b option specifies the IP address on which the system should listen for connections. In this case I want the Solaris 7 system to only listen for connections on the network card facing the Solaris 10 system, i.e. on IP address Otherwise, by default, it would listen on all network interfaces in the system. Also, normally, balance will run in the background, but in this case I chose to keep it in the foreground with the -f option; normally I would not use that option. I then specify the local port on the Solaris 7 system on which it should listen for incoming connections. In this case the port for printing is the LPD port, TCP port 515 (balance only handles TCP ports). I then specify the system and port to which balance should route the data. I can specify a host, such as, or its IP address, such as, followed by a colon and the port number to be used on the destination system, which is the HP LaserJet printer with a network card in it.

Other options for balance are shown below.

bash-2.03$ balance

balance 3.19
Copyright (c) 2000-2003,2004 by Inlab Software GmbH, Gruenwald, Germany.
All rights reserved.

  balance [-b host] [-t sec] [-T sec] [-dfp] \
          port [h1[:p1[:maxc1]] [!] [ ... hN[:pN[:maxcN]]]]
  balance [-b host] -i [-d] port
  balance [-b host] -c cmd  [-d] port

  -b host   bind to specific host address on listen
  -B host   bind to specific host address for outgoing connections
  -c cmd    execute specified interactive command
  -d        debugging on
  -f        stay in foregound
  -i        interactive control
  -H        failover even if Hash Type is used
  -p        packetdump
  -t sec    specify connect timeout in seconds (default=5)
  -T sec    timeout (seconds) for select (0 => never) (default=0)
   !        separates channelgroups (declaring previous to be Round Robin)
   %        as !, but declaring previous group to be a Hash Type

  balance smtp mailhost1:smtp mailhost2:25 mailhost3
  balance -i smtp

According to the developer, Balance successfully runs at least on Linux(386), Linux(Itanium), FreeBSD, BSD/OS, Solaris, Cygwin, Mac-OS X, HP-UX and many more. Since it runs under Cygwin, you should be able to get it to work on a Microsoft Windows system using Cygwin. It is free Open Source software released under the GPL license. It is available from or here.

On the Solaris 10 system, I'm using the Java Desktop System. I clicked on "Launch", "Preferences", "System Preferences", and then "Add/Remove Printer". I put in the root password when prompted, since I was logged in under a normal user account. When the Solaris Print Manager opened, I clicked on "OK" to use the default and only value of "files" for the "Naming Service". I then clicked on "Printer" and "New Network Printer". I gave the printer a name of "laserjet" and specified "" for the "Printer Server" value and selected "TCP" for the "Protocol" value.


  1. RFC 1179 - Line Printer Daemon Protocol
  2. Print Server Port Numbers for Netcat
    by Jeff Liebermann jeffl (@)
    Version 1.04 05/17/00
  3. Setting up Sun Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8 to print to Canon Networked Printers using LPD
  4. Port Numbers

[/os/unix/programs/network/proxy] permanent link

Thu, Mar 02, 2006 10:50 pm

Creating a Personal Distribution List in Outlook 2003

I created instructions for someone to use to build a mailing list from a subset of the individual's in her contact list, but I haven't yet figured out how she can add addresses from the contact lists of others in her office, which have been shared and so can be accessed by selecting them from under "Other Contacts" or by "Open Shared Contacts", but which don't seem to be accessible when adding members to the personal distribution list.

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[/network/email/clients/outlook] permanent link

Wed, Mar 01, 2006 8:45 pm

Obtaining Information About the Windows XP Firewall from the Command Line

If you wish to check the state of the Microsoft Windows XP firewall software, you can issue the following command from a command line prompt.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show state

Firewall status:
Profile                           = Standard
Operational mode                  = Enable
Exception mode                    = Enable
Multicast/broadcast response mode = Enable
Notification mode                 = Enable
Group policy version              = None
Remote admin mode                 = Disable

Ports currently open on all network interfaces:
Port   Protocol  Version  Program
10243  TCP       IPv4     (null)
10280  UDP       IPv4     (null)
10281  UDP       IPv4     (null)
10282  UDP       IPv4     (null)
10283  UDP       IPv4     (null)
10284  UDP       IPv4     (null)
20099  TCP       IPv4     C:\Program Files\Network\SSH\OpenSSH\usr\sbin\sshd.exe
3389   TCP       IPv4     (null)
42599  TCP       IPv4     C:\Program Files\Network\pcAnywhere\awhost32.exe
42600  UDP       IPv4     C:\Program Files\Network\pcAnywhere\awhost32.exe
2869   TCP       IPv4     (null)
1900   UDP       IPv4     C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe

The command also shows the open ports and applications that have opened particular ports.

You can also request information just on open ports with netsh firewall show portopening as below.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show portopening

Port configuration for Domain profile:
Port   Protocol  Mode     Name
10280  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10281  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10282  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10283  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10284  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10243  TCP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
1900   UDP       Enable   SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
2869   TCP       Enable   UPnP Framework over TCP

Port configuration for Standard profile:
Port   Protocol  Mode     Name
20099  TCP       Enable   SSH
10280  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10281  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10282  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10283  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10284  UDP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
10243  TCP       Enable   Windows Media Connect
1900   UDP       Enable   SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
2869   TCP       Enable   UPnP Framework over TCP
3389   TCP       Enable   Remote Desktop

You may notice that the second example doesn't list the two ports opened by pcAnywhere, TCP port 42599 and UDP port 42600 (the system is using non-standard pcAnywhere ports), which are listed in the first example. That is because those ports were allowed to be open in the firewall not by designating the specific ports as allowed, but by specifying the program that opens them as an "allowed program". You can see the allowed programs by using the command netsh firewall show allowedprogram.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show allowedprogram

Allowed programs configuration for Domain profile:
Mode     Name / Program
Enable   Remote Assistance / C:\WINDOWS\system32\sessmgr.exe

Allowed programs configuration for Standard profile:
Mode     Name / Program
Enable   Remote Assistance / C:\WINDOWS\system32\sessmgr.exe
Enable   pcAnywhere Main Executable / C:\Program Files\Network\pcAnywhere\Winaw32.exe
Enable   pcAnywhere Host Service / C:\Program Files\Network\pcAnywhere\awhost32.exe
Enable   pcAnywhere Remote Service / C:\Program Files\Network\pcAnywhere\awrem32.exe
Enable   proxy / C:\Program Files\Network\Proxy\proxy.exe

In the above example, the AnalogX Proxy program, proxy.exe, is allowed to open ports, though it was not running at the time the command was issued and therefore hasn't opened any ports.

If you just want to know whether the firewall is enabled, you can use the netsh firewall show service command.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show service

Service configuration for Domain profile:
Mode     Customized  Name
Enable   No          UPnP Framework

Service configuration for Standard profile:
Mode     Customized  Name
Enable   No          UPnP Framework
Enable   No          Remote Desktop

Other firewall "show" commands that are available are listed below.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
show allowedprogram - Shows firewall allowed program configuration.
show config    - Shows firewall configuration.
show currentprofile - Shows current firewall profile.
show icmpsetting - Shows firewall ICMP configuration.
show logging   - Shows firewall logging configuration.
show multicastbroadcastresponse - Shows firewall multicast/broadcast response configuration.
show notifications - Shows firewall notification configuration.
show opmode    - Shows firewall operational configuration.
show portopening - Shows firewall port configuration.
show service   - Shows firewall service configuration.
show state     - Shows current firewall state.

[/os/windows/xp/firewall] permanent link

Tue, Feb 28, 2006 10:12 pm

Importing a Public Key with GPG

You can import someone's public key into your GPG keyring in a number of ways.

Suppose you have received the following key by email or see it on a webpage. (the key below is from the The Linux Kernel Archives OpenPGP Signature webpage.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see

  1. Copy and Paste

    1. Copy the entire block from the "BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" line to the "END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" line (get the dashes on those lines as well).
    2. At a shell prompt, type gpg --import. The gpg program will start awaiting your input.
    3. Paste the PGP key and then hit enter followed by Ctrl-D to terminate the program.
    4. You should then see something like the following (the email address has been altered to preclude spam spiders picking it up).

      gpg: key 517D0F0E: public key "Linux Kernel Archives Verification Key <>" imported
      gpg: Total number processed: 1
      gpg: imported: 1
  2. Import File

    1. Save the PGP public key above to a file. The file should contain the entire block from the "BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" line to the "END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK" line (get the dashes on those lines as well).
    2. If you saved the file as ftpadmin.txt you would issue the command gpg --import ftpadmin.txt
  3. Obtain from a Keyserver

    1. Public keys are normally available from a key server, but you need to know which key server or key servers have the key. In this case the key is available from, so you could issue the command gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x517D0F0E presuming you know the key id is the hexadecimal value 517D0F0E.

After you have imported a key, you can verify it is on your keyring using the command gpg --list-keys. You can delete a key with the command gpg --delete-keys. E.g., suppose I have the public key on my keyring, but wish to delete it. I can issue the command gpg --delete-keys to remove it from the public keyring. It is possible that you may have multiple public keys for the same email address. Perhaps you have one that is no longer used by the person to which it belongs and want to delete that specific one. You can use the key id associated with that one, e.g. gpg --delete-keys 517D0F0E in this case.

The key id is the sequence of numbers and letters after the slash that you see when you list the keys on the keyring. E.g. for the Linux Kernel Archives Verification Key, I see the following, if I issue the command gpg --list-keys when it is on my public keyring:

pub  1024D/517D0F0E 2000-10-10 Linux Kernel Archives Verification Key 
sub  4096g/E50A8F2A 2000-10-10

In this case, the key ID is 517D0F0E


  1. The GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)

[/security/encryption/gnupg] permanent link

Tue, Feb 28, 2006 12:20 am

Using ScanOST to Repair OST Files

Sometimes an Outlook Offline Folder file, i.e. an outlook.ost file, will become corrupted. In such cases you can use Microsoft's OST Integrity Check Took, scanost.exe, to analyze and, hopefully, repair any corruption in the file.

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[/network/email/clients/outlook] permanent link

Mon, Feb 27, 2006 6:02 pm

Suspending An Errant Process with PsSuspend

Quite often I will find some process, usually Internet Explorer or Firefox, will go amuck and start consuming most of the CPU cycles. I usually have to kill the process through the Task Manager, which can be run by hitting the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys simultaneously and selecting "Task Manager". You can then select the misbehaving application by clicking on it and kill it by then clicking on "End Task". Another alternative for killing a misbehaving task is to get a command prompt and use the taskkill command, which is available on Windows XP and 2003 systems.

There are occasions, though, where I only want to suspend the errant process, not kill it. For instance, if Internet Explorer is the errant application, but you have multiple copies of Internet Explorer open, killing the one that is not responding through the Task Manager will result in all of the other copies of Internet Explorer closing as well.

An alternative is to use the free Sysinternals utility PsSuspend, which allows you to suspend a process temporaily and then resume it when you choose. The PsSuspend command is run from a command prompt. With it you can suspend a process on the system on which you run it or you can even suspend a process on a remote system, if you have administrator access to that system. By using PsSuspend, I can suspend just the one errant Internet Explorer process allowing me to continue working with other open copies of Internet Explorer or other applications without the system being bogged down so much by the errant process consuming 95% to 100% of the CPU's cycles, making working on the system aggravating.

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[/os/windows/software/utilities/sysinternals] permanent link

Sun, Feb 26, 2006 10:17 pm

Installing and Uninstalling digestIT 2004 with WPKG

I installed digestIT 2004, a program that can generate an MD5 sum for a file, with WPKG, a software deployment, upgrade and removal script for Windows. I had never tried removing a program from a system before with WPGK, so I decided to test a deinstallation of digestIT 2004. You can remove a program from a system using WPKG by removing the program's entry from the appropriate section or sections of WPKG's profiles.xml file. When I initially tried to remove the digestIT 2004, the uninstall failed. I realized I had an incorrect removal section for it in WPKG's packages.xml file, which I then corrected. But even after I made the correction, WPKG was still trying to use the incorrect removal instruction from the previous version of packages.xml.

I then discovered that WPKG creates a c:\windows\system32\wpkg.xml file on the systems where you install software using WPKG. Even though I was updating the packages.xml file on the server from which I was installing the software, WPKG was not looking at it for the uninstall instruction. Instead it was checking the wpkg.xml file in the c:\windows\system32 directory on the system on which I had installed digestIT 2004. The instruction for removing digestIT 2004 in that file was the one placed in the file when I installed the software, so it was the incorrect version. I made the correction in the wpkg.xml file as well and then was able to uninstall the program using WPGK.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/software/wpkg] permanent link

Sat, Feb 25, 2006 8:55 pm

Installation of RealPopup 2.6 Build 167

When I installed RealPopup 2.6 Build 167 on a new system at a site that uses RealPopup for communications among users on the LAN at the site, I received the error message below:


The existing file is marked as read-only.

Click Retry to remove the read-only attribute and try again, Ignore to skip this file, or
Abort to cancel installation.
[ Abort ] [ Retry ] [ Ignore ]

I copied the existing file to another location and chose "Retry" to remove the read-only attribute on the existing file and replace it. I checked the version numbers of the one that had been on the system and the one that RealPopup placed on the system afterwards by right-clicking on the files and choosing "Properties" then "Version". The one placed on the system by RealPopup was a later version, though they are the same size. The system has Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 installed.

File version 7.10.2292.0 7.10.3077.0
Date modifiedWednesday, January 29, 2003, 11:34:40 PM Wednesday, March 19, 2003, 6:19:59 AM
Size1.01 MB (1,060,864 bytes) 1.01 MB (1,060,864 bytes)
MD5 Sumdee7a82b7ebe7ae2b21d611580bcb911 f35a584e947a5b401feb0fe01db4a0d7

The mfc71.dll is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file with a description of "MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version". It is is the module that contains the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) functions used by applications created in Microsoft Visual Studio.


  1. MFC71 - MFC71.dll - DLL Information
    WinTasks DLL Library

[/os/windows/software/network/chat] permanent link

Fri, Feb 24, 2006 6:37 pm


You can use the fuser command on Unix or Linux systems to determine if any process has a file open or determine the specific process that has the file open. The fuser program is usually locate in /sbin, so you will need to spcificy /sbin/fuser if it isn't in your path.

The output of the command may differ somewhat depending on the operating system you are running. I've found that on a Solaris 7, Solaris 10, and SGI IRIX64 system that a command like fuser somefile.txt will return the filename followed by a colon and then the process ID (PID) of the process that has the file open with a letter code indicating how the file is being used. The letter code will be an "o", if the process is using the file as an open file. Fuser will still return the filename followed by a colon even if no process has the file open.

fuser somefile.txt

However, on a Linux system, specifically a Redhat Linux 9 system, nothing is returned, if no process has the file open. You have to use a "-a" option if you want the same response as on the Unix systems mentioned above. If you use the "-a" option, you will see the filename followed by a colon and nothing else, but then you will also see "no process references; use -v for the complete list" on a line below.

$ /sbin/fuser -a somefile.txt
No process references; use -v for the complete list

I also don't see a letter code appended to the end of the PID when I run fuser on a Linux system and some process has the file open.

If you run fuser from a regular user account, you may get an indication that no process has a file open when a process owned by another account has the file open. E.g. I know that the /var/log/maillog file is open, but checking it with fuser from a user account doesn't show that the file is open. But, if I rerun fuser from the root account, I do see which PID has the process open and can issue a ps -p command followed by that PID to see the name of the process that has the file open.

$ /sbin/fuser /var/log/maillog
$ /sbin/fuser -a /var/log/maillog
No process references; use -v for the complete list
$ su - root
# fuser /var/log/maillog
/var/log/maillog:     2599
# ps -p 2599
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 2599 ?        00:00:14 syslogd

You can kill a process that has a file open with the "-k" option, e.g. fuser -k somefile.txt

[/os/unix/commands] permanent link

Thu, Feb 23, 2006 7:44 pm

Mboxgrep Installation on Solaris 10

Mboxgrep is a nifty little utility for finding particular messages in a mailbox on a Unix or Linux system. It allows you to scan an entire mailbox file for messages using a regular expression. Its features include the following:


But if you have a default Solaris 10 installation, you may have to set path variables appropriately to compile and run it.

[ More Info ]

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Wed, Feb 22, 2006 11:00 pm

NicTech.BM2 guard.tmp file

Microsoft AntiSpyware reported the presence of NicTech.BM2 on a Windows XP system. It did not report any other files or registry keys associated with the malware. I did not find any processes running that appeared to be related to that file, which I removed.

I submitted the file for analysis by 14 different antivirus programs to Jotti's Online Malware Scan. One half of the antivirus programs reported the file as being associated with malware.

Dr. WebAdware.Look2me
Kaspersky Anti-Virusnot-a-virus:Adware.Win32.Look2Me.u
NOD32Win32/Adware.Look2Me application
Norman Virus ControlLook2Me.U

[ More Info ]

[/security/spyware] permanent link

Wed, Feb 22, 2006 11:48 am

Oracle Acquires Sleepycat

Oracle has acquired database developer Sleeycat Software, Inc., which produces open-source database software and will add Sleepycat's Berkeley DB to its line of embedded databases.

Sleepycat's Berkeley DB may be the most sidely used open-source database software with an estimated 200 million deployments. Bekeley DB is a programmatic toolkit that provides fast, reliable, scalable, and mission-critical database support to software developers. I use it for makemap hash support for Sendmail.


  1. Oracle Pounces on Sleepycat
    By John G. Spooner
    February 14, 2006
  2. Installing Sendmail on Solaris

[/software/database] permanent link

Sat, Feb 18, 2006 10:12 am

Spam from

Looking through email logs for this week, I noticed someone attempted to send email from IP address to an email list on the system that I invalidated over a month ago. The email was coming from an IP address that appears to belong to a South Korean Internet Service Provider (ISP), which was suspicious, sine the address was only supposed to be known by 4 to 5 people in an office of an organization in the U.S. The office was closed down at the end of last year.

The email was blocked because the sending IP address was on a blacklist that I use to curtail spam coming into the email server. When I checked the IP address against other blacklists, I found it was present on several lists. The system may be running an open SOCKS proxy service.

[ More Info ]

[/network/email/spam/blocklists] permanent link

Mon, Feb 13, 2006 11:05 pm

Incompatibility between OpenSSH for Windows and ClamWin

When I attempted to scan a directory with 83 .exe files with ClamWin, the scan completed almost instantly and I saw the message below.


I was skeptical that any scan had actually been conducted. I suspected a cygwin.dll incompatibility, since I also had installed OpenSSH for Windows to set up the Windows 2000 Professional system as an SSH server. So I got a command prompt and attempted to run clamscan on one of the files in the directory. The ClamWin application uses clamscan.exe to do the actual scanning for viruses. Sure enough, when I ran clamscan, I received a message, which is shown below, informing me that there was a likely cygwin.dll compatibility problem instructing me to search for multiple versions of cygwin1.dll on the system.

C:\Program Files\Security\AntiVirus\ClamWin\bin>clamscan \zips\11700.exe
C:\Program Files\Security\AntiVirus\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe (1356): *** system
shared memory version mismatch detected - 0x75BE0074/0x75BE0084.
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version.  The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution.  Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.

I looked at the versions of cygwin1.dll which came with each application and found the versions shown below. The cygwin1.dll files are in the Clamwin\bin and OpenSSH\bin subdirectories underneath \Program Files, if you installed the applications in the default directories. You can check the version number for the dll files by right-clicking on them and selecting "Properties" and then clicking on the "Version" tab of the window that opens. You will see "File Version" listed near the top of the window then. You will also see "Product Version" listed under the "Item name" section of the version window. You will need to click on "Product Version" to see the value for it. The timestamps on the files also showed the ClamWin version of cygwin1.dll to be a later version.

ProgramProgram VersionCygwin1.dll File Version Product VersionTimestamp
ClamWin0.881005. July 03, 2005, 11:30:52 AM
OpenSSH3.8.1p1-11005. Tuesday, May 25, 2004, 9:07:50 PM

Obviously, ClamWin 0.88 has a later version of the DLL file cygwin1.dll than OpenSSH for Windows 3.8.1p1-1. I shouldn't have had a problem if the later version was loaded into memory, so OpenSSH must have started first. Windows won't load another version of a DLL file with the same name as one already loaded.

You can resolve such a problem by overwriting the older version with the newer version. In this case, since OpenSSH for Windows had its copy of cygwin1.dll loaded in memory already, I couldn't overwrite its copy of the dll file without stopping it first. Otherwise I would get an error message "Cannot copy cygwin1: There has been a sharing violation. The source or destination file may be in use." So I stopped OpenSSH with the command net stop opensshd, copied the newer version of the cygwin1.dll file from Clamwin's bin directory to the OpenSSH bin directory, overwriting the existing version, and then restarted OpenSSH with net start opensshd. Note: if you have any SSH connections open, you will need to close those as well in order to overwrite the cygwin1.dll file in the OpenSSH bin directory.

I then rescaned the directory I had been trying to scan with ClamWin earlier. This time it took considerably longer to finish and produced a report at the end indicating the number of directories and files it had scanned. It found 3 infected files in the directory.

[/security/antivirus/clamav] permanent link

Sun, Feb 12, 2006 7:15 pm

Site Not Present in the Wayback Machine

Due to a power outage at the facility where I house my web server, I was unable to access it today. There was some PHP code I wanted to retrieve from one of my webpages. I had obtained the code from another site, but was unable to relocate the information with a Google search. I had posted the information relatively recently and didn't think I had it on a server where I keep a backup of the website files. I thought I would check the Wayback Machine to see if the information was archived there, but found that there was no archive of this website, which I've maintained for about two years now.

The Wayback Machine aka Internet Archive is an attempt to preserve a historical record of the Web, just as libraries perserve written materials for posterity.

In the words of its maintainers:

The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an .Internet library,. with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and located in the Presidio of San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow to include more well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages in our collections.

I've encountered instances where I or someone else had a bookmark to a site with needed information that was once there, but when I attempted to visit the bookmarked webpage again, the site no longer existed or the relevant information was no longer there. And I couldn't find it anywhere else on the web. But in several such instances I've been able to go to the Wayback Machine, type in the site's address and locate the information in an archive of the website within the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine will often have snapshots of the site at various points in time. So, if the site existed two years ago, but is no longer present, you may still be able to retrieve information it contained from the Wayback Machine.

Since this site wasn't there, I wanted to add it. The FAQ for the site states that you can go to Alexa Web Search -- For Webmasters to submit your site to an Alexa search, which will result in it being incorporated into the Internet Archive. The FAQ states "Sites are usually crawled within 24 hours and no more then 48. Right now there is a 6-12 month lag between the date a site is crawled and the date it appears in the Wayback Machine."

I submitted my site, but then realized I probably should have waited until power is restored to the facility where the webserver is housed, since I don't know what will occur if the Alexa webcrawler tries to access it, but finds it isn't accessible. Will it try again later or just discard the request? I suppose I should resubmit the request once the site is available again.

Some of you may recall another "Wayback Machine". There was a cartoon, "Peabody's Improbable History", which I used to watch as a boy. In it a boy, Sherman, and his erudite talking dog, Mr. Peabody would travel back in time each episode using Mr. Peabody's time machine, which was called the "Wayback Machine". They would then fix problems to make sure history would turn out the way we know it.


  1. Internet Archive
    Universal Access to Human Knowledge
  2. Peabody's Improbable History
    Don Markstein's Toonopedia
  3. Mr. Peabody
  4. Hollywood on Shakespeare and Bacon
    Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learning

[/network/web/search] permanent link

Sat, Feb 11, 2006 8:52 pm

PWS.Bancos.A (Password Stealer) False Positive

When I remotely logged into a user's system this morning to check an FTP transfer log on it prior to running a backup of the system, I saw Microsoft AntiSpyware's scan report indicated it had detected one item during its nightly scan of the system. The spyware it detected was "PWS.Bancos.A (Password Stealer)".

Item Details


Type: Password Stealer
Threat Level: Severe

Description: A Trojan that captures or transmits passwords to an attacker.

Advice: Severe-risk tiems have an extreme potential for adverse effect, such as a security exploit, and should be removed.

When I looked at the registry key values detected, I saw they referred to "Intel\Landesk\VirusProtect6" (see Scan Results).

The Intel LANDesk software allows enterprises to manage client PCs1, so I thought this might be a false positive.

The spyware definitions on the system were version 5805 (2/11/2006 8:12:18 AM).

Microsoft AntiSpyware Version: 1.0.701
This version expires on: 7/31/2006
Spyware Definition Version: 5805 (2/11/2006 8:12:18 AM)

After finding PWS.Bancos.A Password Stealer on the user's system, I checked the Microsoft Antispyware results from its early morning run on my wife's PC. I found the same report of PWS.Bancos.A being detected with references to the same registry entries. And a short time later, I received an email from the vice president of the company where I had found the first report of the problem. She had also found the same scan results when she came in to the office to work on her system.

After extensive searching for any postings regarding this detection, I did find an indication that it was a false positive in a February 10, 2006 posting at Siljaline's IE & Security Blog, where I found the following posted.

Definitions "5807" released to address a false-positive detection some essential components of several Symantec Corporate Antivirus versions are being identified as PWS.Banco.A

The 3 systems in question are all running Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.0. I monitor the installation of programs on systems with Inctrl. Inctrl2 can record the file and registry changes that occur during software installation. Looking at an installation report for SAV 8.0, I found that the Software\Intel\Landesk registry keys were created during the installation of that software.

According to Trend Micro, the company was one of the original developers of the Intel LANDesk Virus Protect (LDVP) technology 3. But in 1998, Symantec purchased Intel Corporation's anti-virus business and also licensed Intel systems management technology which it combined with its own antivirus technology4.

Inside Microsoft Antispyware, I went to "File" and selected "Check Updates". Newer spyware definitions were downloaded and I then saw the version number listed as 5807 when I selected "Help" and "About Microsoft AntiSpyware".

Microsoft AntiSpyware Version: 1.0.701
This version expires on: 7/31/2006
Spyware Definition Version: 5807 (2/11/2006 8:12:18 AM)

When I ran a full scan with those definitions nothing was detected. I updated the definitions on my wife's system and ran a scan of her system also. Likewise, this time nothing was detected.

For anyone who finds Microsoft AntiSpyware is reporting a false positive, Microsoft provides a False Positive Report Form.


  1. LANDesk Management Suite 8.6
    Network America
  2. Stay in Control
    PC Magazine
    By Neil J. Rubenking
  3. Trend Micro Offers Free Upgrades And Support to Intel Landesk Virus Protect Customers Worldwide
    Trend Micro
    1998 Press Release
  4. Symantec buys Intel's Anti-Virus Business
    Symantec Corporation
    September 28, 1998
  5. MS Anti-Spyware Defs. "5807" now available
    Siljaline's IE & Security Blog
    Posted Friday, February 10, 2006 3:41 PM by siljaline
  6. Microsoft AntiSpyware False Positive Report Form
    Microsoft Corporation

[/security/spyware/MS-Antispyware] permanent link

Sat, Feb 11, 2006 3:46 pm

RTF Converter

If you need a utility to convert RTF files to HTML, you can use rtf-converter.

The program won't put in the <html>, <body>, etc. tags, so you will have to add those manually. I've also found it doesn't deal well with underlining in the RTF file and, though it will put in <br> tags for line breaks, it doesn't break the line at those spots in the output, so you'll have to do some editing to the resultant HTML output files. To put in line feeds, I use the following vi command to insert them after the <br> tags.

:1,$ s/<br>/<br>\r/g

You will need a C++ compiler to compile the source code into an executable file.

[/languages/c++] permanent link

Sat, Feb 11, 2006 12:36 pm

Passive Spam Block List (PSBL) Added

I added the Passive Spam Block List (PSBL) to the spam blacklists I employ on my email server. I now am using six different blacklists on the system to combat spam. The ones I'm now using are as follows:

Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor List
Open Relay Database
Composite Block List (CBL)
McFadden Associates E-Mail Blacklist
Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS)
Passive Spam Block List (PSBL)

To add the PSBL to the blacklists queried by sendmail, I added the following line to /etc/mail/

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"550 Mail from " $`'&{client_addr} " refused - see"')dnl

I then regenerated the file from the file and restarted sendmail with the commands below.

m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
/etc/init.d/sendmail restart

[/network/email/spam/blocklists] permanent link

Fri, Feb 10, 2006 11:15 pm

Who Is Logged On?

If you need to determine who is logged into a Windows system, there are several alternatives for collecting that information from a command line interface. One of method is to use a Visual Basic script to determine who is logged on, such as the WhoLogon.vbs script by Guy Thomas. Or you can use the free PsLoggedOn utility by Mark Russinovich at Sysinternals. There is also a whoami utility within the Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities, which contains ports of some common GNU utilities to native Win32.

[ More Info ]

[/languages/vbs/sysadmin] permanent link

Thu, Feb 09, 2006 11:24 pm

Why Is Email From a Hotmail.Com or MSN.Com Account Rejected?

I have received reports from three users recently that email addressed to the users from either a or email address is not getting through. The reason is that the servers, which handle email from and accounts, are currently on the SORBS blacklist.

[ More Info ]

[/network/email/spam/blocklists] permanent link

Thu, Feb 09, 2006 6:25 pm

Creating an ISO File From a CD on Solaris 10

Insert the data CD from which you wish to create an ISO file in the CD-ROM drive. Then issue the command below when the CD is mounted.

mkisofs -r -R -J -l -L -o /dirname/filename.iso /cdrom/cdname

You specify the name of the ISO-9660 output file with the -o parameter. You can include the full path name prior to the filname.

The last argument on the line is the location of the CD you wish to use. When you insert the CD, you should see a File Browser window open with this information. E.g., if I was copying a Slax Linux CD, I might see /cdrom/slax.

You can see the meaning of the other parameters by issuing the command mkisofs -help or by going to YoLinux Tutorial: Burning a CD.

Note: you may have a problem copying CDs using the Joliet format rather than the standard ISO-9660 format. The Joliet format is a Microsoft extension to ISO-9660. It uses Microsoft Windows 95 like 8.3 file names with translation to 64 character names. If you create an ISO file from the CD and get a .iso file that is only a few hundred kilobytes in size, that is likely the cause of the problem.


  1. YoLinux Tutorial: Burning a CD

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Wed, Feb 08, 2006 11:15 pm


If you need to generate a calendar in HTML, Pcal will allow you do generate one. To generate an HTML file you specify the -H parameter. You specify the output file with the -o parameter. Otherwise output will go to standard output, e.g. the screen. You can specify that a calendar be created for an entire year by putting a two digit representation of the year at the end of the command line. You can specify text to be used for both the title of the webpage, i.e. what you commonly see in the top line of your browser, and for the webpage heading by using the -C parameter. E.g. to create a file /tmp/mycalendar.html for 2006 with a title and heading of "My 2006 Calendar", you could use the command below. Remember, the case of the letters you use for the parameter is significant. A -O is not the same as a -o.

pcal -H -o /tmp/mycalendar.html -C "2006 Calendar" 06

2006 Calendar created by the above command. The program can also produce postscript output.

If a file exists by that name in the specified directory, it will be overwritten. I've created a simple BASH script, generate-calendar, that takes 3 parameters, two of which are optional, that will check if the output file exists. If it does, it will prompt as to whether it should be overwritten.

Usage: generate-calendar -o output_file [-t title]  [-y yy]

The script takes optional title and year arguments

-o specifies the HTML output file, e.g. /example/index.html
-t specifies the title and heading for the HTML file
   If there is a space in the title enclose it in double quotes
-y specifies the year for the calendar, e.g. 06
   If no year is specified, the calendar will be created only
   for the current month

A companion program for pcal is Lcal, which generates a graphical "lunar phase" calendar for an entire year.

[/os/unix/programs/utilities] permanent link

Wed, Feb 08, 2006 12:09 pm

Including Files in a Web Page with PHP

If you want to pull in code from other files into your webpages, you can use the PHP include function.

Suppose you want to include a header and footer file in each webpage you create so that you don't have to type the same HTML code into each webpage to get a standard header and footer for each webpage. You can create a template directory beneath the root directory of your website and put two files there: header.php and footer.php. The files can contain standard HTML code, though of course you just have the snippets of code you need not the <html>, <body>, and other tags you would have in a complete webpage.

For instance, suppose you just want to include a logo for your site at the top of every page. You could create a header.php file with just the following code.

<div id="header" align="center">
<img src="/images/mplogo-white.jpg" alt="MoonPoint Support Logo">

Let's suppose that you have two directories called examples and template beneath the root directory for your website. You place all template files, such as header.php, footer.php, menu.php, etc. in the template directory. You want to place those in every webpage on your site. In the examples directory you have a webpage titled mywebpage.php. To include the header file in the page you could insert the following line at the appropriate place in mywebpage.php. You would insert similar lines for any other files you wished to include.

<?php include("../template/header.php"); ?>

Now, whenever you want to change the header file, you don't have to edit every webpage on the site and make the needed changes. You just edit header.php.

But one caveat to this approach is that you have to keep in mind the directory structure for the site every time you use the include function. For instance you may have 8 levels of directories beneath the root directory of your website. For a particular dirctory you might need to use <?php include("../../../../../template/header.php"); ?>. Keeping track of the number of dots and slashes you need can be a little cumbersome. And, if you rearrange the directory structure for the site, you may have to edit every webpage in the affected directories to put in the appropriate number of dots and dashes for the new directory structure.

However, you could also insert the following code provided by Paul Whitrow at PHP Include File Path Finder in the webpages instead.


function incfile($file,$d=""){
include ($d.$file);


Then instead of using PHP's include function to insert the header file, you could place the incfile function in your webpages where you want the header to appear, as below. Make sure you have inserted the incfile function code shown above prior to the point where you call it.

<?php incfile("template/header.php"); ?>

You could use either incfile("template/header.php"); or just incfile("header.php");. The incfile function will check the current directory, i.e. the one in which the webpage is located, for a subdirectory named template with header.php within it if you use the first form or will look for header.php within the current directory if you use the second form. If it doesn't find the requested file, then it will put a "../" in front of the directory path and try again. If it still doesn't find header.php, it will prepend another "../" and try again and so on.

So using including the incfile function in your webpages and calling it to look for files you want to include will save you from figuring out how many sets of dots and slashes you need to locate the file you want to include and from having to edit webpages to modify the number of dots and slashes should you alter the directory structure of your website.

One note of warning, though. The file you include must exist. Otherwise your website visitors may see many repetitions of lines like the following when they visit your webpages where you used incfile.

Warning: stat failed for ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.
in /www/mysite/examples/linux/test.php on line 22


  1. PHP Include File Path Finder
    By Paul Whitrow
    September 28, 2005

[/languages/php] permanent link

Tue, Feb 07, 2006 10:05 pm

Lists of Blacklists

One way to combat spam at the email server level is to use blacklists, aka blocklists, which are lists of IP addresses of systems known to regularly transmit spam or at least to have recently transmitted spam. Various organizations and companies throughout the Internet create their own lists and then, frequently, to help other email server administrators combat spam, will provide access to those lists to others on a real-time basis.

To find out whether your IP address is on such a list or to see what lists you might use for your own email server, I've created a list of sites that provide links to multiple blocklists from one webpage and also my own list of sites.

[/network/email/spam/blocklists] permanent link

Tue, Feb 07, 2006 9:34 pm

Setting up Apache on a Solaris 10 System

First you need to create an httpd.conf configuration file. There is an example configuration file, httpd.conf-example in /etc/apache2. You can use it as a starting point.

# cd /etc/apache2
# cp httpd.conf-example httpd.conf

Apache will run with the username of webservd and the group of webservd when using the default configuration provided when Solaris 10 was installed, which means you will find the following two lines in the httpd.conf file.

User webservd
Group webservd

With the default setup, you should also have the following entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.

# grep webservd /etc/passwd
webservd:x:80:80:WebServer Reserved UID:/:
# grep webservd /etc/group

You should find the following line within httpd.conf and modify the email address to be the email address which you would like to use to receive email related to problems with the web server.


Next find the following line.


ServerName is the name that the server uses to identify itself. It should be set to a valid DNS name for your host, e.g., or, if no DNS name is available, then the IP address for the system. Note: this does not preclude having multiple domain names handled by one server through virtual hosts. This name should be the primary name for the system if you will have multiple websites hosted on the system with unique domain names. You can also include a port number after the name, e.g.

Next find the following line.

DocumentRoot "/var/apache2/htdocs"

This specifies the directory out of which you will serve your documents. If instead, you would like to place your website under /home/www, you would change the line accordingly. Don't put a slash at the end of the directory name.

With the default configuration, if someone visits your website, the IP address of her system will be stored in Apache's log files. If you want the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) stored as well, change the following line from "Off" to "On". E.g., if you would like as well as, you would change the value to "On".

HostnameLookups Off

Changing the value to "On" means it is more apparent from the log files where your visitors are coming from, but adds additional bandwidth usage, because every time someone visits the website, the server must perform an IP address to name lookup. If you are likey to get only a few hundred or less hits on the websites on the server per day, then the name lookups will be adding little traffic, but if you expect hundreds of thousands of hits a day, it might be preferable to leave HostnameLookups off.

If someone tries to access a webpage on the server, but it doesn't exist or there is some other problem accessing the webpage, errors will be logged in the log file specified below by default. You can have the error log somewhere else on the system by changing the ErrorLog value.

ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/error_log

A web server can tell browser clients the language that is used for webpages on the server when one is not listed specifically on webpages residing on the server. With the default configuration, the DefaultLanguage value is commented out, i.e. there is a "#" at the beginning of the line.


If you know all of the pages on your web server will be in one language, you can change this line. E.g., to indicate that all pages on the server are in English, I could change the DefaultLanguage line to the one below.

DefaultLanguage en

When you start Apache, it records its process identification number, aka Pid, in a specified location. The location is controlled by the value of PidFile. Make sure the directory exists. If you use the default value of /var/run/apache2/, you will need to create the /var/run/apache2 directory.

PidFile /var/run/apache2/

I use /var/run/, instead, since the /var/run directory already exists and is used to store other pid files and I don't see a need to have a separate directory under it just for Apache's file, so I have the following line in httpd.conf.

PidFile /var/run/

You will also need to remove the "#" from the beginning of the following line, so that it is no longer commented out.

#LockFile /var/apache2/logs/accept.lock

Otherwise, Apache may not start and you may see lines like the following in error_log

[Tue Feb 07 17:57:40 2006] [emerg] (2)No such file or directory: Couldn't create accept lock

If you want to have multiple websites residing on your web server with each pointing to a different set of documents, then you need to set the VirtualHost configuration parameters. E.g., you might wish to have and accessible on the same web server. To have such virtual hosts, first remove the comment from the line below.

#NameVirtualHost *:80

Then copy the "VirtualHost example" section below that line and make whatever chanes you desire. You don't need to specify a unique ErrorLog and CustomLog, but I would normally recommend having separate log files for each website hosted on the server, rather than having all log entries go into an access and error log shared by all sites hosted on the server. An example VirtualHost section is shown below.

DocumentRoot /home/jsmith/www
ErrorLog /home/jsmith/www/logs/example-error_log
CustomLog /home/jsmith/www/logs/example-access_log common

You can have aliases for a particular website by specifying names after ServerAlias. E.g. in the example above, someone could put either or in his browser and be taken to the same website.

Be sure the directores where the log files will be stored have been created before you start the Apache web server. And the DocumentRoot directory should exist also.

Once you have finished editing the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file, you can start the Apache web server with the command below. Be sure you are logged in as root before issuing the command.

# /usr/apache2/bin/apachectl start

If you made a mistake in the httpd.conf file or want to modify the file for another reason, you can edit it and then restart Apache with the following command.

# /usr/apache2/bin/apachectl restart

Note: if you use the apachectl command to start Apache, it won't restart automatically when you reboot the system, unless you have enabled it as a service or have a script on the system that starts Apache which gets executed at system startup. To enable Apache to run as a service and have it restart when the system reboots, use the command svcadm enable apache (See Using the svc and svcadm Commands ).

Where do you look if Apache won't start? Look in the default error_log file. For instance, if you left the value of ErrorLog for the primary site in /var/apache2/logs, check the error_log file there.

For instance, when I first tried starting Apache it wasn't starting. I looked in the error_log file and saw the following.

[Tue Feb 07 17:38:15 2006] [error] httpd: could not log pid to file /var/run/apache2/

I realized the /var/run/apache2 directory didn't exist and changed the PidFile value in httpd.conf to be /var/run/, instead. When I then tried starting Apache again, as before I didn't get any error message on the terminal indicating it had failed to start, but it wasn't running. I looked in the error_log again. This time I didn't see any additional entries for the above error message, but did see the one below.

[Tue Feb 07 17:57:40 2006] [emerg] (2)No such file or directory: Couldn't create accept lock

So I looked through httpd.conf for any references to "lock". I found #LockFile /var/apache2/logs/accept.lock. I removed the "#" at the beginning of the line and attempted to restart Apache. It then started successfully.

Some additional problems you might encounter

Perhaps you get Apache running successfully, but then attempt to access a website on the server and get the following error message.


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) DAV/2 Server at Port 80

Check the permissions on the directory that contains the root of the website. Suppose that the website is housed under /home/jsmith/www. If you see permissions like the following, then the permissions are the cause of the problem.

# ls -ld /home/jsmith/www
drwxr-xr-- 4 jsmith staff 512 Feb 7 18:24 /home/jsmith/www

In this case you would need to change the permissions on the www directory from 754 to 755 so that everyone has execute permission for the directory. And not only do you have to change it for the www directory, but for the directory above it as well, i.e. the user's home directory.

# chmod 755 /home/jsmith
# chmod 755 /home/jsmith/www

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Tue, Feb 07, 2006 9:06 pm

Verizon Tech Support Phone Numbers

If you need technical support from Verizon for dial-up access, DSL service, or ISDN support, you can use the telephone numbers below:

Verizon 1-800-567-6789 Dial-up Access/ISDN (24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week)
 1-800-567-6789Consumer DSL (Dynamic IP)
 1-888-649-9500Business DSL (Static IP)

[/network/Internet/ISP] permanent link

Tue, Feb 07, 2006 12:02 am

Foxconn 661M03-G-6L Motherboard Memory

If you have a motherboard with a BIOS ID string of 10/28/2004-SiS-661-6A7I4FK9C-00, then you have a Foxconn 661M03-G-6L motherboard. The Foxconn 661M03-G-6L Motherboard has two 184-pin DIMM slots. You can use PC 3200, PC 2700, or PC 2100 memory in the slots. The motherboard manual states that it supports 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB modules for a maximum capacity of 2 GB, but if it only supports upt to 512 MB per slot, then the maximum memory you can support is 1 GB.

[ More Info ]

[/pc/hardware/motherboard] permanent link

Mon, Feb 06, 2006 6:31 pm

SORBS Blocking Hotmail.Com and MSN.Com Email

I had reports from two users who were informed by inviduals using and addresses that mail was being rejected when sent to the users. The senders were not able to provide me with the reason for the email being rejected. When I used my own test account, I discovered that was because Hotmail hides that informaton from the Hotmail account holder by default, but Hotmail's settings can be changed to reveal the reason a message is rejected.

When I used my own test account, I found that email from and accounts was being rejected because the email servers are on a SORBS blocklist.

I resolved the problem by adding the relevant and email addresses to sendmail's /etc/mail/access file.

[ More Info ]

[/network/email/spam/blocklists] permanent link

Mon, Feb 06, 2006 11:44 am

Yahoo and AOL Postage Charge

Yahoo and AOL will provide email senders the capability to bypass spam filters on the Yahoo and AOL email servers, if the sender pays a postage fee that would range from 1/4 of a cent to one cent per email address. AOL and Yahoo will use the services of a company called Goodmail Systems to provide the postage-based email service.

By providing the capability to bypass spam filters on their servers, if the sender pays a fee for each email sent, the two companies will be providing mass mailers the capability to ensure that their email reaches recipients rather than perhaps being identified as spam and automatically discarded. The email senders using the service must pledge to send email ony to those who have agreed to receive it. In return they will be able to bypass spam filters and their messages will arrive in recipients' inboxes with a seal indicating that the mesages are legitimate.


  1. Yahoo, AOL to Charge Some E-Mail Senders
    By Dan Goodin AP Technology Writer
    Date: February 6, 2006

[/network/email/spam] permanent link

Sun, Feb 05, 2006 11:00 pm

Logical Disk Manager Not Responding

I removed an external 120 GB USB disk drive from a Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server (SBS) system. The drive in the external USB 2.0 enclosure was full and I replaced it with a new 200 GB drive I just purchased. I plugged the USB external drive enclosure back into the server. I then tried to create a partition on the drive. But when I chose Manage Computer and then selected Disk Management, I got the message below:

Logical Disk Manager

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

When I tried diskpart from the command line, I got the message The disk management services could not complete the operation.

When I checked the Services on the system, I saw the following:

NameDescriptionStatusStartup Type
Logical Disk ManagerDetects and monitors new hard disk drives and sends disk volume information to Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service for configuration. If this service is stopped, dynamic disk status and configuration information may become out of date. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. StartedAutomatic
Logical Disk Manager Administrative ServiceConfigures hard disk drives and volumes. The service only runs for configuration processes and then stops. StoppedManual
Virtual Disk ServiceProvides software volume and hardware volume management service. StoppedManual

All of the above service states appear to be normal

The last entry I saw in the System Event Log is shown below:

Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	Service Control Manager
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	7000
Date:		2/5/2006
Time:		7:00:18 PM
User:		N/A
Computer:	S
The Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service service failed to start due to the following error: 
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. 

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I also saw the following entry appearing several times during the period I was trying to set up the new drive:

Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	Service Control Manager
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	7000
Date:		2/5/2006
Time:		7:13:02 PM
User:		N/A
Computer:	S
The Virtual Disk Service service failed to start due to the following error: 
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. 

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I stopped and started the Logical Disk Manager service, but still got the same results.

The system does not have Service Pack 1 installed. I see a lot of diskpart related fixes listed for Service Pack 1 at Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 as well as references to fixes for Logical Disk Manager problems.

I rebooted the system and the problem no longer existed afterwards.


  1. You receive an error message when you use the Diskpart.exe command-line tool to perform storage management on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
    Date: August 20, 2004
  2. You receive an error message when you use the Diskpart.exe command-line tool to perform storage management on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
    Microsoft Help and Support
    Date: August 20, 2004
  3. Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 list of updates
    Microsoft Help and Support
    Date: February 3, 2006

[/os/windows/server2003] permanent link

Sat, Feb 04, 2006 5:17 pm

Adding a Domain Account to the Power Users Group

To add a domain account to the "Power Users" group on a Windows XP system, take the following steps:
  1. Click on "Start".
  2. Click on "Control Panel".
  3. Click on "Performance and Maintenance". If you don't see it, then you are in Windows XP's "classic" view and you can skip to the next step.
  4. Click on "Administrative Tools".
  5. Double-click on "Computer Management".
  6. Click on "Local Users and Groups" in the "Computer Management" window.
  7. Double-click on "Groups".
  8. Double-clik on the "Power Users" group in the right pane of the window.
  9. Click on the "Add" button.
  10. In the "Enter object names to select" field, put in the domain account name. E.g. if the domain was "example" and the user name was "Beth", you would put in "example\beth".
  11. Click on "Check Names" to verify the name you entered.
  12. Then click on "OK", if it was accepted. A "name not found" window will open if it wasn't accepted.
  13. Click on "OK" to close the "Power Users Properties" window, which should now show the name you added.

[/os/windows/domain] permanent link

Wed, Feb 01, 2006 6:49 pm

Get ARP Table

I needed to be able to get the ARP table from Cisco devices, so I created get_arp, a Perl script which will query a router, switch, etc. via SNMP and obtain the ARP table from the device. There are two mandatory arguments for the script, the hostname or IP address for the device and the read-only community string for the device. If given only those two arguments, the script will produce output similar to what is shown below:
% ./get_arp tViSoN1a
ARP table for on Wed Feb  1 22:21:38 2006 = 0:30:f2:ec:17:fc = 0:30:f2:ec:8b:fc = 0:30:f2:ec:17:ff = 0:30:f2:ec:8b:ff = 0:90:b1:81:e9:0 = 0:60:3e:7e:c7:40 = 0:9:b7:7d:e6:0 = 0:60:3e:7e:1e:a0 = 0:f:f7:5b:b:0 = 0:f:f7:5d:64:f0

An optional argument "--nomac" will cause the script to only display the IP addresses in the ARP table, not the MAC addresses associated with the IP addresses as shown below:

% ./get_arp --nomac tViSoN1a
ARP table for on Wed Feb  1 22:21:49 2006

To use the script, download the script and use chmod 744 to make the script executable by the owner. Modify the first line, if Perl is located somewhere else on your system, which you can determine by the command which perl. The script relies on the snmpwalk utility, which is available from You can determine if it is available on your system already by issuing the command which snmpwalk.

[/network/snmp] permanent link

Tue, Jan 31, 2006 11:04 pm

QF File Found After Crash

A user sent an email message with a substantial number of large attachments, which exhausted the free space in the /var partition of a Linux email server, which was running low on space because of other large messages queued on the system and some large log files. That particular message proved to be the proverbial last straw on the camel's back. The system crashed and rebooted. In addition to the df file containing the message's body and attachments, I found a QF file, instead of the normal qf file, in the /var/spool/mqueue directory. The qf file contains the message's headers and other information.

# ls -lh *fk0PJ0eqI021438
-rw-------    1 root     smmsp         49M Jan 25 14:04 dfk0PJ0eqI021438
-rw-------    1 root     smmsp         948 Jan 25 14:04 Qfk0PJ0eqI021438

After clearing space on the partition, I didn't see the message associated with the two files when I used the mailq command, apparently because there was a QF file rather than a qf file.

So I renamed the Qf file changing the "Qf" to "qf" and then sent the message with sendmail -v -qIk0PJ0eqI021438. You can have sendmail manually process a queue by using a "-qI" option followed by the queue ID, which is the sequence of letters and digits after the "qf" in the filename. Adding a "-v" as well provides verbose information on what is happening as the queued message is processed.

The message was then processed by the server. It was addressed to two addresses. The hotmail server didn't like its size either, though, and rejected it. Apparently, though Microsoft now offers 250 MB of free storage with their free accounts, there is a limit on the size of any individual email message and the Hotmail email server regarded a 49 MB message as too large and bounced it back to the sender.

[root@example mqueue]# sendmail -v -qIk0PJ0eqI021438
Running /var/spool/mqueue/k0PJ0eqI021438 (sequence 1 of 1)
<>,<>... Connecting to via esmtp...
220 Sending unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail
to Microsoft's computer network is prohibited. Other restrictions are found at Violations will result in use of equipment located in California and other states. Tue, 31 Jan 2006 19:19:37 -0800
>>> EHLO ( Hello []
250-SIZE 29696000
250 OK
>>> MAIL From:<> SIZE=51191604
552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
Service unavailable
<>... Connecting to local...
<>... Sent
Closing connection to
>>> QUIT
221 Service closing transmission channel


  1. [Chapter 23] 23.3 A Bogus qf File (V8 only): Qf
  2. Hotmail to offer 250MB of free storage
    By Jim Hu
    Staff Writer, CNET
    Published: June 23, 2004

[/network/email/sendmail] permanent link

Tue, Jan 31, 2006 9:51 pm

Messages File Too Large

I needed to make some more free space in the /var partition on a Linux system and found that the largest file in /var/log was the messages file, which had grown to 75 MB, because it was no longer being rotated. I moved the current messages file to another partition and then used /etc/init.d/syslog restart, which restarts syslogd, which was the process that had the messages file open. Restarting syslogd leads to the creation of a new messages file

[/os/unix/syslog] permanent link

Tue, Jan 31, 2006 9:16 pm

PowerPoint Animation Schemes Grayed Out

If you find that the entries under "Animation Schemes" in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 are grayed out, you may need to change a PowerPoint option setting. For instance, if you click on "Slide Show" and select "Animation Schemes", but see that the Animation Schemes entries are unavailable, i.e. they are grayed out, then the "New animation effects" option may be set to "disabled". To re-enable the Animation Schemes effects, within PowerPoint, click on "Tools", then "Options" and then make sure that "New animation effects", under "Disable new features", is not checked.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/office/powerpoint] permanent link

Tue, Jan 31, 2006 9:00 pm

Windows Security Center.AntiVirusOverride

If you run Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4 and find that it detects Windows Security Center.AntiVirusOverride, that is not necessarily anything to worry about and, in fact, you may want to deselect this item as one that Spybot will "fix".

[ More Info ]

[/security/spyware/spybot] permanent link

Fri, Jan 27, 2006 2:34 pm

File Export

I wanted to view the files within an MSI file, i.e. a .msi file. I found a VBScript, called File Export at Export File List to Excel From MSI Using VBScript, which will create an Excel spreadsheet, i.e. a .xls file that lists the contents of an MSI file.

' File Export v 1.0

' Export File Table from a given MSI Database to an Excel Spreadsheet
' J.Loomes Nov 2000

Option Explicit

Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0

On Error Resume Next
Dim installer : Set installer = Nothing
Dim szMSI

szMSI = InputBox("Enter MSI File (including full path)", "Select MSI", "")
DIM folder : folder = InputBox("Enter Folder to Write Table to...", "Select Export Folder","")

Set installer = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") : CheckError

Dim database : Set database = installer.OpenDatabase(szMSI, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly) : CheckError

Dim table, view, record

        table = "File"
        Set view = database.OpenView("SELECT 'Name' FROM _Tables")
        view.Execute : CheckError
            Set record = view.Fetch : CheckError
            If record Is Nothing Then Exit Do
            Export table, folder : CheckError
        Set view = Nothing
        Export table, folder : CheckError


Sub Export(table, folder)
    Dim file :file = table & ".xls"
    database.Export table, folder, file
End Sub

Sub CheckError
    Dim message, errRec
    If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub
    message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description
    If Not installer Is Nothing Then
        Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord
        If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText
    End If
    Wscript.Echo message
    Wscript.Quit 2
End Sub

If saved as File-Export.vbs, the script can be run by double-clicking on it in Windows Explorer or typing File-Export.vbs, or cscript /nologo File-Export.vbs.

The script will prompt for the MSI file to process. Enter the full path to the file and the filename at the prompt. Make sure you type it correctly as you may see no error message and no output otherwise.

You will then be prompted for the export folder. A file named File.xls will be created in the directory you specify.

An examination of the MSI file contained within the whoami_setup.exe setup file for Microsoft's Windows 2000 Resource Kit utility Whoami, produced this File.xls, which can be viewed here.

If you would like further information on how an MSI file is structured, see Inside the MSI file format by Rob Mensching.


  1. File Extension Details for .MSI
    FilExt - The File Extension Source
  2. Export File List to Excel From MSI Using VBScript
    By John Loomes
    December 7, 2000
  3. Whoami
    Microsoft Corporation
    March 8, 2001
  4. Inside the MSI file format
    Rob Mensching's blog
    November 25, 2003

[/os/windows/msi] permanent link

Wed, Jan 25, 2006 8:04 pm

Google and Government Control has an article today titled Google Vs. the Government where David Vise, author of 'The Google Story', discusses how Google has dealt with censorship in China and the recent attempt by the U.S. government to monitor what U.S. citizens are searching for on the Internet by demanding that search engine companies turn over massivive amounts of search records to the government, ostensibly so the government can protect children from pornography. China and Singapore also claim they must control their citizenry's web browsing to protect citizens from pornography.

The interview with David Vise also mentions that the former chef for the Grateful Dead was the executive chef for Google for awhile, but has since left to start his own restaurant.


  1. Google Vs. the Government
    Date: January 25, 2006
  2. Internet Filtering in Singapore in 2004-2005: A Country Study
  3. Censorshipo in Singapore
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. Internet Censorhip - China

[/network/web/search] permanent link

Tue, Jan 24, 2006 9:04 pm

Environmental Impact of Hardware Disposal

Most people blithely dispose of old electronic equipment without any thought to the environmental impact. But, if such equipment ends up in a landfill or an incinerator, toxic chemicals can be released into the environment.

Electronic equipment, such as computers and monitors, may contain lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. A Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor may contain 4 to 5 pounds of lead4. Even the newer flat panel Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors will contain hazardous materials, though they don't need the large amounts of lead required in the heavier CRT monitors, which require the lead to shield the user from X-ray radiation generated by the monitor. Mercury and lead have long been known to cause neurological damage. Some have speculated that the lead in wine storage vessels, food, and plumbing used by the Roman ruling classes was a major contributing factor in the downfall of the Roman empire. Though the Romans were aware of the serious health problems that could be caused by lead, they used it for many purposes and didn't consider the long-term implications of everyday use. Modern Americans use 10 times as much lead per person per year than the ancient Romans did before the downfall of Rome5.

Mercury, too, can have devastating effects on the human body. Many may be familiar with the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. The reason madness was associated with hatters is that mercury was commonly used in the fur, felt, and hat industries of a few centuries ago7. When Lewis Carroll published Alice in Wonderland in 1865, mercury was widely used in the creation of the felt hats worn in England at that time and the phrase "mad as a hatter had been in common use for almost 3 decades. The effects of mercury poisoning on hatters included erratic, flamboyant behavior, excessive drooling, mood swings, and various debilities. A hatter might developer what were known as "hatter's shakes", which were characterized by severe and uncontrollable muscular tremors and twitching limbs. Hatters with advanced cases of mercury poisoning sufferred from hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms8.

Of the other harzardous substances in computers, hexavalent chromium (trivalent Chromium is actually an important component of a human diet) has been shown to cause high blood pressure, iron-poor blood, liver disease, and nerve and brain damage in animals. The movie Erin Brockovich is based on a true story of how Ms. Brockovich brought to public attention the environmental contamination in the town of Hinkley in the Mojave Desert resulting from the use of hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosive in the cooling tower of a gas compressor station in the town. Residents of the town had been experiencing an array of health problems, such as liver, heart, respiratory and reproductive failure, Hodgkin disease, frequent miscarriages, and cancers of the brain, kidney, breast, uterus, and gastrointestinal systems at an alarming rate. As a result of Ms. Brockovich's actions, the town's residents were successful in seeking damages from PG&E, which was responsible for the gas compressor station9. But no amount of money can bring a loved one back from the dead or restore lives ruined by devastating health problems.

Cadmium, also found in computers, is a known carcinogen and chronic exposure to dust or fumes containing cadmium can irreversibly damage the lungs. Eating food or drinking water contaminated with high levels of cadmium severely irritates the stomach, causing vomiting and diarrhea. An accumulation of cadmium in the body can lead to kidney failure. Cadmium stays in the body a long time and can build up in the body to dangerous levels through many years of low level exposure10. For further information on the health risks posed by exposure to cadmium, see the Cadmium entry at the Corrosion Doctors website.

So, if you don't want to contaminate your own or someone else's air or water, you should not just dump your outdated computers, monitors, and other electronic equipment in the trash.

The Your Planet section of an article, Is Your Computer Killing You?, lists a number of alternatives to simply throwing the equipment in the trash. An 800 number, 1-800-CLEANUP, is listed for state-specific information for the U.S. on how to safely discard such equipment. You can also visit Earth 911 for general recycling information as well as information specifically related to the disposal of cell phones and computers.

The InformationWeek article also lists steps you can take to minimize health problems, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and eyestrain, associated with prolonged computer use.

Some computer manufacturers, such as Dell, have their own recycling programs. Dell will recycle your unwanted PC or computer electronics for a flat fee per item. If you buy a new Dell desktop or laptop, you can select the free recycling option at the time of purchase to recycle your old PC and monitor.


  1. Is Your Computer Killing You?
    By Lee Hamrick
    Small Business Pipeline
    January 18, 2006
  2. Earth 911
  3. Dell Recycling
  4. Disposal of Old Computer Equipment
    A Mounting Environmental Problem
    By Michael J. Meyer, Waleed Abu El Ella, and Ronald M. Young
    The CPA Journal
    A Publication of the New York State Society of CPAs
  5. Lead Poisoning: A Historical Perspective
    By Jack Lewis
    EPA Journal - May 1985
    United States Environmental Protection Agnecy (EPA)
  6. Lead in history
    Corrosion Doctors
  7. Mercury Toxicology
    Corrosion Doctors
  8. Mad as a hatter
    Corrosion Doctors
  9. Chromium health and environment
    Corrosion Doctors
  10. Cadmium health and environment
    Corrosion Doctors

[/hardware/recycling] permanent link

Tue, Jan 24, 2006 7:40 am

GCN Interview of Vinton Cerf

Vinton Cerf is often referred to as the “father of the Internet”, though he modestly declines the title, crediting Bob Kahn with starting the internetting project at DARPA in late 1972 or early 1973. He later joined with Bob Kahn to work on network ideas after joining the Stanford University faculty. But Mr. Cerf certainly is one of the fathers of the Internet.

Government Computer News (GCN) has an interview with Mr. Cerf, who now works for Google, at The search continues. In it he states, when asked what Internet developments have most impressed him over the years, that "The massive sharing of information among individuals who offer their expertise and knowledge has been stunning in its scope." I think that is the most important benefit of the Internet. I've benefitted enormously from the information others have been willing to freely share on the Internet and I hope that information I provide will also benefit others.

I believe the impact of the Internet will be comparable to the impact the invention of the printing press had on civilization in helping to eradicate ignorance and disseminate knowledge. Just as the printing press sparked the Reformation and the Enlightenment, the Internet will spark new ways of looking at the world. The Internet, though at last enjoying wide popularity, is still in its infancy and its full impact has not yet been realized.


  1. The search continues
    By Brad Grimes
    GCN Staff
    January 23, 2006

[/network/Internet] permanent link

Mon, Jan 23, 2006 11:12 pm

CDT Asks FTC to Stop Adware Developer 180solutions

The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), a nonprofit technology group, has asked the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to stop 180solutions, Inc. from distributing software deployed using "deceptive and unfair" methods to generate pop-up ads.

180solutions develops adware products such as Zango Search Assistant and Seekmo Search Assistant, which generate pop-up ads. Like most adware distributors, the company asserts that users have consented to be bombarded with such ads.

The CDT asserts that 180solutions isn't aggressive enough in policing its distribution partners. Often adware/spyware developers will rely on other companies or individuals to distribute their products. Some of those distribution partners will use surreptitious means to install the adware on a system. When confronted about such nefarious practices, the developer can blame the distributor and claim it doesn't countenance such practices. The CDT cites CJB Management, Inc., which provides free web hosting services, as an example of how a 180solutions distributor misleads consumers who visit CJB websites. People who visit CJB websites are notified to expect advertising, but aren't told software will be installed on their systems that continuously monitors their Internet activities in order to send targetted ads to them.


  1. Group Asks FTC to Stop Software Developer
    By Anick Jesdanun AP Internet Writer
    January 23, 2006

[/security/spyware] permanent link

Fri, Jan 20, 2006 8:03 pm

Internet Explorer JavaScript Support

JavaScript is often used to create dynamic webpages. However, when designing webpages you can't be certain that all users will visit your webpages with a browser capable of handling JavaScript code. Very old browsers or text-only browsers won't process the JavaScript code. Or an Internet Explorer user may have JavaScript support disabled. You can include code on a webpage to test whether JavaScript is supported and enabled.

[ More Info ]

[/network/web/browser/javascript] permanent link

Wed, Jan 18, 2006 1:07 pm

Network Solutions DNS Outage on January 18, 2006

A short while ago I found that I couldn't access my website. I then discovered that I couldn't retrieve IP addresses for any of my domain names for which I have DNS service from Network Solutions. Network Solutions is probably the largest domain name registrar in the world. I've been using GoDaddy primarily for registering domain names for quite some time, since their service is as good or better than Network Solutions service and they are a lot cheaper, but I still have some domain names registered with Network Solutions.

At the Internet Storm Center (ISC), I found a posting from Swa Frantzen at 2006-01-18 17:14:32 UTC regarding reports that Network Solutionsworldnic DNS servers are not responding to name queries. Network Solutions name servers have names of the form, where xx is some number.

I called the Network Solutions customer support number. I heard a recorded message stating that they are experiencing a widespread outage and are working diligently to resolve the problem, which is their highest priority at the moment. There was no estimated time for restoring service.

The 24 x 7 Network Solutions support numbers are as follows:

In the U.S. and Canada call:
1.888.642.9675 (General Support)
1.866.391.HELP (Technical Assistance)

Outside the U.S. call:

I first noticed the problem at noon US EST. At 12:55 PM EST, the problem was resolved. I could then successfully lookup IP addresses for domain names hosted with Network Solutions. I don't know when the problem first started, but it appears to have taken at least an hour to resolve (I'm presuming I didn't see it at the exact moment it started).

[/network/dns] permanent link

Wed, Jan 18, 2006 11:09 am

Auotmatically Starting Apache When the Server Reboots

If you wish to have the Apache web server software start automatically when a Solaris 2.7 system reboots, you can create a script with root ownership in /etc/rc3.d. Start the script's file name with Sxx where xx is a number not already being used in a filename for an existing script in the directory. For instance, if you have S34dhcp already in the /etc/rc3.d directory, you shouldn't use S34httpd, but you could use S88httpd, if S88 wasn't already used as the start of some other script name. The text that comes after the Sxx part of the name is arbitrary. You could call it S88httpd, or S88apache, or whatever else you choose.

You then need only the following line in the file to have Apache start automatically, presuming apachectl is located in /usr/local/apache2/bin.

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

You can then change the permissions on the file to make it executable, though I found Apache was still started with permission settings of 644, i.e. "-rw-r--r--".

chmod 744 /etc/rc3.d/S88httpd

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Tue, Jan 17, 2006 9:57 pm

Allowing Authenticated Senders From Otherwise Blocked IP Addresses

I had a user who uses Verizon's wireless broadband service report that he could not send email from his laptop. I had Outlook on his laptop configured to use sender authentication when sending email, i.e. I had "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" and "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" checked for his email account properties. Yet when Outlook attempted to send email, he would see messages similar to the following:

Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC78) : 'Unable to send the message. Please verify the e-mail address in your account properties.
The server responded: 550 5.7.1 Mail from refused - see'

The IP address assigned to his laptop by the Verizon network was in a range listed on the Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) blocklist as being a dynamically assigned address range. I would expect a fair amount of spam to come from spammers using infected home users' systems as spam distribution points with most home users having dynamically assigned IP addresses, so I wanted to keep the SORBS blocklist in place on the server, but I did need to allow the user to send email through the server.

In order to allow the user to send email via the email server, but keep the SORBS blocklist, I maintained the sender authentication on his system, but modified /etc/mail/ on the email server. I "uncommented" the delay_checks line in the file as below:

Original line

dnl FEATURE(delay_checks)dnl

New line


I then regenerated the file and restarted sendmail with the following commands:

m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
/etc/init.d/sendmail restart

I was then able to send from his laptop while connected to the Verizon broadband wireless service without a problem.

The delay_checks feature delays checks of the IP address of the sender against blocklists, aka blacklists, until after sender authentication. If sender authentication succeeds the presence of the sender's IP address on a blocklist won't matter. His email will still be accepted.


  1. Anti-UBE FEATUREs in Sendmail 8.10/8.11

[/network/email/sendmail] permanent link

Mon, Jan 16, 2006 12:01 pm

Burst Versus Apple

Last year, Burst.Com, got Microsoft to agree to settle Burst's patent and antitrust suit against Microsoft for $60 million. Microsoft agreed to license Burst's technology. Burst then threatened Apple with litigation. In turn, Apple is attempting to have Burst patents for audio and video software declared invalid. Burst claims that its patents apply to Apple's popular iPod player and iTunes software and service.


  1. Jobs' Apple Locks Horns With
    By Chris Noon
    January 9, 2006
  2. Win Some, Lose Some
    By Robert X. Cringely
    January 12, 2006
  3. vs Microsoft
    September 9, 2004
  4. Bursts's lawsuit against Microsoft
  5. Burst.Com, Inc.: Company Snapshot
    By the Winthrop Corporation
  6. BRST.PK: Summary for Burst.Com Inc.
    Stock Price

[/software/patents] permanent link

Thu, Jan 12, 2006 12:47 am

Controlling a Windows System from a Linux System

If you need to remotely control a Windows system from a Linux or Unix system, you can use rdesktop. Rdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000/2003 Terminal Services, capable of communicating with a Windows system using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

With rdesktop you get an X Window display on your Linux/Unix system that looks very similar to what you would see if you were sitting at the Windows system. It works much like Windows remote desktop software that allows you to control one Windows system with another.

If you are using a Linux system, rdesktop may already be present. You can check by issuing the command rdesktop. If it isn't present, installing rdesktop is easy. Download the file from,, or here and then issue the following commands on your Linux or Unix system, subsituting the particular version number you have downloaded:

tar -xvzf rdesktop-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd rdesktop-1.4.1
make install

You can then run the software with the rdesktop command. E.g., if I wanted to connect to a Windows system with IP address, I could issue the command rdesktop If the Windows system is behind a firewall, you will need to open TCP port 3389.

I often boot a Windows system with a Knoppix Linux Live CD when I am working at a site, so that I can be sure that I am working on a secure system rather than a system that may have been compromised by viruses, trojans, spyware, etc. If I need to access a server at the site, such as a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 server, I can still access it from the system booted into Knoppix Linux with a Live CD by using rdesktop. Knoppix Linux comes with rdesktop, but you may have another Linux Live CD, which doesn't already provide rdesktop. Since you are booting from a Live CD and can't alter its contents, you need to specify a directory that is stored in memory rather than on the CD when you are installing rdesktop. You can do so by using "--prefix" to specify the directory into which you wish to install it. Otherwise, you will get the following error when you attempt to install it.

$ make install
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/bin': Permission denied
make: *** [installbin] Error 1

To eliminate the problem, you can use the following commands after you have downloaded the software into a virtual disk Live CDs will typically set up in memory. Suppose you have /ramdisk/tmp as such an area and you have made that your working directory.

tar -xvzf rdesktop-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd rdesktop-1.4.1
./configure --prefix=/ramdisk/tmp
make install

Unless you specify otherwise, a new logon session will be established to the system. The current one won't be terminated. But, perhaps a user is already logged onto the system and you wish to connect to the current console session on the system, to see exactly what you would see if you were sitting at the system. Then you should use the -0 option to attach to the console, e.g. rdesktop -0 You can specify the userid to use with the -u option, e.g. rdesktop -0 -u administrator You may also want to change the color depth with the -a option. The default value is 8-bit color, which gives you only 256 colors. If you use -a 16, you will get 16-bit color, which is 2 raised to the power of 16 colors, i.e. 65,536 colors. If you use rdesktop alone with no options, you will get a list of other available options for the command.


  1. Administer Windows from Linux with rdesktop
  2. Using Rdesktop To Access Windows Terminal Services from A GNU/Linux Client

[/os/windows/software/remote-control/rdp] permanent link

Tue, Jan 10, 2006 10:56 pm

Windows Vulnerability in Embedded Web Fonts

Microsoft released a patch today, which is January's "Patch Tuesday", for a vulnerability in the way Windows handles fonts embedded in a webpage. The vulnerability could allow a malicious webpage developer, or someone who has compromised a website, to install an embedded font on a webpage such that when a user views the webpage the user's system could be compromised, potentially even allowing a remote attacker to take complete control of the user's PC.

[ More Info ]

[/security/vulnerabilities/windows] permanent link

Sun, Jan 08, 2006 11:48 pm

Attempted SpyAxe Installation

SpyAxe is suspect antispyware that, through deceptive and agressive deployment techniques, may be installed on a PC. If you see the message below, some malware is likely trying to install SpyAxe on the system.

Your computer is infected!
Dangerous malware infection was detected on your PC
The system will now download and install most efficient
antimalware program to prevent data loss and your private
information theft.
Click here to protect your computer from the biggest malware 

The software should not be installed. You can use the smitRem tool to remove the software which is attempting to set up SpyAxe on the system.

[ More Info ]

[/security/spyware/spyaxe] permanent link

Sat, Jan 07, 2006 6:02 pm

ClamAV Error While Loading Shared Libraries

I wanted to run the current version of the ClamAV antivirus software with a PLoP Linux boot CD. PLoP Linux provides a LiveCD that can be used to boot a Windows system and scan it for viruses. This can be useful when a Windows system is badly infected and you wish to avoid even booting into Windows to check the system. The version of PLoP Linux I downloaded from the developer's website at included ClamAV, but it was the 0.86.2 version rather than the current 0.87.1 version. I put the most current version of clamscan on a Zip disk, which I mounted after booting from the PLoP Linux CD, but when I tried to run the current version I got the message "error while loading shared libraries: libbz2.s0.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory."

I used the ldd command on a Linux system where I had clamav working to find out what shared libraries it needed.

# ldd `which clamscan` => /usr/lib/ (0x40022000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4006e000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4007c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4008b000) => /lib/tls/ (0x400b8000) => /lib/ (0x400c6000) => /lib/tls/ (0x42000000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

I then copied all of those files to the same directory on the Zip disk where I had the clamscan program. But I got the same error message when I ran clamscan. So clamscan wasn't able to find the libraries it needed in the current directory.

After reading the article CLI Magic: ldconfig and friends by Joe Barr, I realized I need only add the directory where I had stored the libraries to /etc/ file. So I added /mnt/zip to the end of /etc/


I then issued the ldconfig command. That allowed the newer version of clamscan I had on the Zip disk to look in the /mnt/zip directory while searching for the shared libraries it needed, when it couldn't find them in the other directories listed as locations for shared library files. I was then able to use /mnt/zip/clamscan to run the newer version on the Zip disk rather than the older version on the CD.

If you don't want to add a directory permanently to the list of directories searched for libraries, then you can issue the ldconfig command followed by the directory, e.g. ldconfig /mnt/zip would specify that the /mnt/zip directory be searched for libraries as well, but only until the system is rebooted.


  1. CLI Magic: ldconfig and friends
    By Joe Barr
    May 16, 2005
  2. What is ldconfig used for?
    By Nathan Wallace, Kim Shrier
    August 3, 1999
  3. Shared Libraries
    By David A. Wheeler
    April 11, 2003
  4. Building and Using Static and Shared "C" Libraries
    By Guy Keren
  5. LDD Library Dependencies
    By Karsten M. Self
    April 8, 2005
  6. Automatic Dependencies
    By Red Hat, Inc.

[/security/antivirus/clamav] permanent link

Tue, Jan 03, 2006 8:17 pm

Disabling the FTP Service

If you wish to disable the FTP service on a Solaris 2.7 system, you can take the following steps while logged in as root.
  1. Edit /etc/inetd.conf, since the ftp daemon is started through inetd and comment out the ftp line.

    ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.ftpd

    #ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.ftpd

  2. Send a "-HUP" signal to the inetd process, which will cause inetd to restart using the new contents of inetd.conf.

    # pkill -HUP inetd

If you issue the ps -e | grep inetd commands before and after the pkill command, you may see the same PID for the inetd process, but if you now try connecting to the system with FTP, you should get a "connection refused" message, since the ftp daemon will no longer be started by the inetd service.

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

Mon, Jan 02, 2006 11:45 pm

WMF Vulnerability Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Code that will allow attackers to compromise a Windows-based PC using a vulnerability in the way such systems handle images has been posted online over the holidays. Exploitation of this vulnerability by attackers could allow them to install spyware on a system or take complete control of it.

The vulnerability is within software that is part of the Windows operating system distribution. The affected software processes Windows MetaFile (WMF) images, but an attacker need only rename an infected WMF file with a JPG, GIF, PNG, or other common graphic file format extension to avoid any block on all WMF files, since a Windows system will examine the contents of files with those extensions and execute the code in them, if they are really WMF files.

An attacker can send infected images by email or put them on a website. The mere presence of an infected file on a system can lead to the system's infection, if file indexing software, such as Google's desktop search utility is presence. When the file is indexed, the exploit is triggered.

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[/security/vulnerabilities/windows] permanent link

Sun, Jan 01, 2006 6:33 pm

Adding a Domain Account to the Administrators Group

To add a domain account to the local "Administrators" group on a Windows XP system, take the following steps:
  1. Click on "Start".
  2. Click on "Control Panel".
  3. Click on "Performance and Maintenance". If you don't see it, then you are in Windows XP's "classic" view and you can skip to the next step.
  4. Click on "Administrative Tools".
  5. Double-click on "Computer Management".
  6. Click on "Local Users and Groups" in the "Computer Management" window.
  7. Double-click on "Groups".
  8. Double-clik on the "Administrators" group in the right pane of the window.
  9. Click on the "Add" button.
  10. In the "Enter object names to select" field, put in the domain account name. E.g. if the domain was "example" and the user name was "Sally", you would put in "example\sally".
  11. Click on "Check Names" to verify the name you entered.
  12. Then click on "OK", if it was accepted. A "name not found" window will open if it wasn't accepted.
  13. Click on "OK" to close the "Administrators Properties" window, which should now show the name you added.

[/os/windows/domain] permanent link

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