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Sat, Jan 27, 2018 6:50 pm

Turning on UltraVNC server service on a Windows system

If you installed UltraVNC, which is free and open-source software, to provide Virtual Network Computing (VNC) connectivity from/to a system for remote administration capabilities, but haven't enabled the UltraVNC server service to allow the system itself to be managed remotely, you can enable that service by taking the following steps:

  1. Run the uvnc_settings.exe program, which you can find in the directory where you installed UltraVNC. You will need to provide the login credentials for an account with administrator-level access on the system.
  2. Click on the Service tab then click on the Install Service button, which will install the software as a service, i.e. as a function provided by a server, on the system.
  3. Once the service is installed, you can click on the Start Service button to run the service.
  4. You can set the password to be used for VNC connections by clicking on the Security tab. You can set two passwords. The "VNC Password" will allow remote control of the system whereas the "View-Only Password" will only allow viewing the display on the system, which is helpful if you want to show someone what is happening on the system without giving the person the ability to control the system. You can then click on the OK button to close the UltraVNC settings window.

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Thu, Feb 02, 2017 10:04 pm

UltraVNC not responding to connection attempts

A user reported he was unable to connect to a Microsoft Windows 8 system functioning as a VNC server using UltraVNC. The remote vncviewer program was reporting "Failed to connect to server !" I logged into the system and verified that the system was listening on the registered port for VNC, port 5900 using the netstat command.
C:\Users\Collen>netstat -a | find "5900"
  TCP           Speleologist:0         LISTENING


I used windump, a free packet capture tool for Microsoft Windows systems, similar to the tcpdump tool found on OS X/macOS and Linux systems, to verify that the system was seeing the incoming connections to network port 5900.

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Fri, Jan 27, 2017 10:29 pm

Changing the UltraVNC passwords

To change the password used for connectivity to a system running the UltraVNC free and open-source software that provides remote-administration/remote-desktop-software functionality for Microsoft Windows, select the icon representing UltraVNC in the system tray; it has an eye within it.

UltraVNC system tray icon

Right-click on it and select Admin Properties. At the Admin Properties window, you can type a password in the "View-Ony Password" that can be used to allow remote users access to the system via VNC. It will only check the first 8 characters of a password.After making any password change, click on the Apply button.

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Fri, Jan 20, 2017 10:02 pm

Installing an encryption plugin for UltraVNC

An encryption plugin is available for the UltraVNC open source remote administration/remote desktop software. The SecureVNC Plugin has the following specifications:

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Tue, May 10, 2016 10:39 pm

Creating a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on your desktop

To create a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on a Microsoft Windows system to reduce the number of steps you need to take to establish a connection to a particular remote system using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), you can take the steps listed at Creating a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on your desktop.

If you need to transfer files between the local and remote systems, you can take the steps listed at Transferring Files Via the Remote Desktop.

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Thu, Oct 10, 2013 10:11 pm

Using TeamViewer on Ubuntu Linux to manage other systems

TeamViewer provides software that will allow you to remotely control a system from another system. You can use it to remotely troubleshoot a system, share a desktop remotely, or transfer files between systems. The software runs on Android, iOS, Linux, OS X, Windows, Windows Phone, and Windows RT systems.

You don't have to install client software on a Linux system to use it as a remote management system to manage other systems. You can simply use a browser, such as Firefox, to connect to the remote system through the TeamViewer website. But installing the TeamViewer client software on a Linux system and using it will give you additional features not present in the browser-based method. E.g., you can adjust the screen resolution for the client's display of the remote desktop, take screen snapshots on the remote system, transfer files, etc.

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Sun, May 19, 2013 6:12 pm

TeamViewer and Chromebook

The antivirus software on a family member's Microsoft Windows desktop system was close to expiring and another member of the household had a license for Norton 360 that would cover 3 systems, so I uninstalled the free Avast antivirus software I had placed on the system previously and started the installation for Norton 360. Because it was going to take more than a half hour for the download of Norton 360 to complete once I had started the installation, I left and tried connecting to the system remotely with TeamViewer, a program that allows you to remotely control a system from a variety of other systems, which I had installed on the system previously.

I had used the TeamViewer application on a Microsoft Windows system before to manage the family member's PC, but since I didn't have access to the Microsoft Windows desktop system which I had used previously at the moment, I thought I would try using my Android phone, instead, since TeamViewer provides an app for it.

I installed the TeamViewer app on my Android phone and remotely connected to the Microsoft Windows 7 PC. The following gestures can be made on the Android phone to remotely manage another system.

Mouse interactions:

From my phone, I connected to the PC, but I found it difficult to manage the PC from the phone's small screen. So I tried from a Chromebook system running the Google Chrome OS, instead.

Using the Chrome browser on it, I logged into the TeamViewer website. I then could see the system I wanted to control with TeamViewer. I then was presented the option to download and install a client program or to use the alternative Web client. When I clicked on "Download and install", I was taken to a download page for a Microsoft Windows application, so I went back and selected the Web client, instead. However, I then received an error message:

TypeError: Object#<HTMLObjectElement> has no
method 'ExternalConnect'

But I was able to proceed past it to a login page to establish the connection where I was able to put in the email address I had given for the TeamViewer account and the accompanying password. But I kept getting "Timeout while connection" messages when I clicked on the Connect to partner button. I went back to the point where I opted for the Web client connection and tried again. This time I was able to successfully establish a connection. The text on the remote Windows system was very tiny, but I was able to read it well enough to complete the installation of the antivirus software.

I clicked on View at the top of the webpage displayed for the connection, then clicked on Quality and changed the setting from Optimize speed to Optimize quality, which made the remote display somewhat easier to read. Quicking on View and changing the scaling to "original" made the display even easier to read, but I had to scroll the display then to see various parts of the remote display.

At this point, I would consider managing a Microsoft Windows system remotely from a Chromebook with TeamViewer acceptable, but I'll have to experiment with managing a system from the Android phone more before I can consider it an acceptable means of remotely managing another system with TeamViewer on it in a situation where I might not have access to another device to use for remote troubleshooting.

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Fri, Mar 23, 2012 5:37 pm

Redirecting a Local Drive with Remote Desktop

The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a protocol developed by Microsoft that allows one to remotely manage a Microsoft Windows system. E.g., you could remotely manage a Microsoft Windows XP PC, Windows Server 2003 system, etc. from another Microsoft Windows system. There are also RDP clients that run on Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X systems that will allow you to manage a Microsoft Windows system from a system running one of those operating systems.

A program that can be run on one of those operating systems is rdesktop. If you have a Linux system, you may find that it is already installed. If not you can download and install it for free.

You can determine if rdesktop is already installed by using the command which rdesktop.

$ which rdesktop

Rdesktop allows you not only to remotely manage a Microsoft Windows system, but also map a directory on the system running rdesktop to what appears to be a shared network drive on the Microsoft Windows system.

$ rdesktop -0 -r 'disk:Linux=/home/jdoe/Documents/' -u administrator

I used the following options with the rdesktop command issued on a Ubuntu Linux system:


The -0 option allows you to attach to the console of the server (requires Windows Server 2003 or newer), which would be akin to sitting down at the system to which you are logging on, i.e., it doesn't establish a session separate from the login session you would get when sitting at the system. So, if you were already logged into the system locally, when you connect remotely via rdesktop, you will see all of the open programs and files.

-r disk:<sharename>=<path>,...

Redirects a path to the share \\tsclient\<sharename> on the server (requires Windows XP or newer). The share name is limited to 8 characters.

In this case I used -r 'disk:Linux=/home/jdoe/Documents/'. I picked "Linux" for the sharename, but you can use whatever name you like. The name you select is the name the Microsoft Windows system will see for a shared network drive. The /home/jdoe/Documents/ means that if, from the Microsoft Windows system, I use the Explorer or an application to browse to the shared network drive named Linux it is really pointing to /home/jdoe/Documents on the Linux system. So I can place a file in /home/jdoe/Documents/ on the Linux system and access it from the Microsoft Windows system. Or I can save a file with an application on the Microsoft Windows system to the directory /home/jdoe/Documents on the Linux system.

-u <username>

The -u option allows you to spcify the Username for authentication on the Microsoft Windows system to which you wish to logon. In this case, I'm logging in as the administrator.

The is the IP address of the Microsoft Windows system to which I wish to connect. You can also use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as well, e.g.,

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Sun, Oct 03, 2010 1:21 pm

Accessing a Windows 7 System via Remote Desktop

I needed to access a Windows 7 Professional system from a Windows Server 2003 Small Business Server (SBS) using Remote Desktop. First I needed to enable Remote Desktop access on the Windows 7 system. I then added the account that I needed to use for remote access to the Remote Desktop Users group.

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Sat, Mar 13, 2010 10:15 am

Transferring Files Via the Remote Desktop

If you want to transfer files between your local system and a remote system using the remote desktop software that comes with Windows you can do so via the following procedure (note: this procedure was written for Windows 7, but should be similar for prior versions).
  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Select All Programs.
  3. Select Accessories.
  4. Select Remote Desktop Connection.
  5. When the Remote Desktop Connection window opens, click on Options.
  6. Click on the Local Resources tab.

    Local resources tab

  7. Click on the More button.
  8. Click on Drives to share all drives. If yo only want to share some local drives, click on the "+" to the left of drives and select only the drives you want to share.

    Selecting drives

  9. Click on OK.
  10. Click on Connect.

If you go to My Computer on the remote system or use Windows Explorer, you should see the drives on the local system from which you connected listed among the drives visible on the remote system.


  1. Transfer files via the Remote Desktop

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