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Thu, Nov 30, 2006 9:10 am

Rdesktop for x86/Solaris 10

Rdesktop for Solaris 10 on the Intel platform is available from at Freeware for Solaris.

rdesktop-1.5.0-sol10-x86-local.gz Rdesktop is a client for Windows terminal servers - installs in /usr/local. You will also need to install libiconv, openssl-0.9.8d, and to obtain /usr/local/lib/ you will need to have installed libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc-3.4.6 or higher.

rdesktop-1.5.0.tar.gz Source Code. [Details]

When I checked for libiconv on my Solaris 10 system, I did not find evidence of its presence.

# find / -name libiconv\*

When I checked which version of OpenSSL I had on the system, I found I had an older version than the one recommended.

# /usr/sfw/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004

I also found an older version of libgcc than the one recommended.

# find / -name libgcc\* -print

I found gcc in /usr/sfw/bin, but it was version 3.4.3, not version 3.4.6 as recommended.

# pkgchk -l -p /usr/sfw/bin/gcc
Pathname: /usr/sfw/bin/gcc
Type: linked file
Source of link: ../../../usr/sfw/bin/i386-pc-solaris2.10-gcc-3.4.3
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installed

Since libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc-3.4.6 was recommended for libiconv, I installed gcc version 3.4.6 first.


  1. Freeware for Solaris (x86/Solaris 10)

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Thu, Nov 30, 2006 12:30 am

Printing Problem for Excel Workbooks with Multiple Worksheets Using Acrobat

If you are experiencing problems printing all of the worksheets in a Microsoft Excel workbook to one PDF file using Adobe Acrobat, the problem is likely caused by a variation in the "print quality" setting for the worksheets in the Excel workbook.

You can verify this is the source of the problem by clicking "File", then selecting "Page Setup" in Excel. With the "Page" tab selected, you will see the "Print Quality" setting for the currently selected worksheet. Let's say it is "300 dpi". But if you select the second worksheet titled "Page 2", when you take the same steps to view the print quality setting and don't see the print quality specified or it is different, then the variation in print quality settings is the source of the problem.

When the print quality settings vary between worksheets in the workbook, Adobe Acrobat will attempt to create multiple PDF files, one for each worksheet in the workbook, which is why it will prompt you multiple times for a file name. If you enter different filenames at each prompt, it will put each worksheet in a separate file.

To rectify the problem, make the print quality settings the same for each worksheet. In the case above, you could specify a print quality setting of 300 dpi for the "Page 2" worksheet as well.

You can change the print quality settings one by one for each worksheet in the workbook or you can select all of the worksheets at once by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the Excel window for the other worksheets one by one to select all of them, if you are working on a Windows system (you would use the Shift key on an Apple system). When all the worksheets are selected, you can release the Ctrl key then click on "File" and "Page Setup" to specify the print quality settings for all of the worksheets at once.

The minimum dpi for a laser printer is normally 300 dpi and is probably adquate for most spreadsheets you will print. Adobe uses 600 dpi as the default setting for Adobe Acrobat and Distiller and recommends that setting, but you can make the setting whatever you like. The output you will get when printing will depend on whether the printer selected can actually support the dpi value you've selected, though.

Once, you have set the print quality settings to be the same for all worksheets, take the following steps to print the workbook.

  1. Click on "File".
  2. Select "Print".
  3. Select "Adobe PDF" as the printer.
  4. In the "Print what" section, select "Entire workbook".

You should now have one PDF file containing all of the worksheets.


  1. More than one PDF file is created from an Excel workbook (Acrobat 5.0-6.x on Windows or Mac OS)
    Adobe Systems Incorporated

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