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Sat, Oct 05, 2024 10:51 pm

Resizing an image with CSS

If you want to resize an image on a webpage, e.g., to have it display as a smaller image on a webpage than it would based on the image's dimensions, you can edit the image with a graphics editing application to create a smaller version of the image or you can use Cascading Stylesheets (CSS). If you wished to apply the reduction in size to just one image on the page, you could apply a style directly to the IMG tag for that image. E.g., if image1 is 663 pixels wide by 307 pixels high, and you wanted to have the image displayed as 75% of that size, you could use <img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1" style="transform: scale(0.75)"> to have it display as an image 75% of the actual dimensions of the image. E.g.:

Image 1 at full scale
Image 1

Image 1 at 75% scale
Image 1

Note: The image above is a photo of Robert H. Goddard with an A-series rocket circa 1935

Related articles:

Automatically resizing an image for mobile devices

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Thu, Mar 07, 2024 11:56 pm

Table Attributes Deprecated in HTML 5

In HTML 4, you could use <table width="100%">. In HTML 5, using width in that way has been deprecated in favor of putting the width within a style designation. If you use <table width="100%"> in an HTML 5 webpage and check the page with the W3C HTML validation tool, you will see the message " Error  The width attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead." You can use the following, instead:

<table style="width: 100%;">

The same is true for specification of the width of <td> table elements. Under HTML 4, the following was ok:

<td width="33%" align="left">

In the above HTML code, the cell width could be specified as 33% of the table width and text in a cell could be left-aligned with align="left". Under HTML 5, though, both specifications are considered obsolete and the following should be used, instead:

<td style="width:33%; text-align:left;">

If you need to center the text, you can use text-align:center, instead. If you wish to vertically align an element in a table cell, such as text or an image, in HTML 4 you could use the following:

<td valign="top">March 12</td>

In HTML 5, you can use the following instead of the above deprecated use of valign:

<td style="vertical-align: top;">March 12</td>

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Mon, Aug 21, 2023 9:56 pm

Pinning Evernote to the Microsoft Edge browser toolbar

TO pin the Evernote Web Clipper extension to the toolbar in the Microsoft Edge browser, click on the 3 dots at the top, right-hand corner of an Edge browser window, then select Extensions, then click on the Evernote Web Clipper extension, and then click on the icon that appears to the right of it, which will have a slash through it if an icon for the extension has not yet been added to the toolbar.

Add icon for Evernote to Edge

That will remove the slash from the icon and add an icon for Evernote, the green elephant head, to the toolbar.

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Fri, Aug 18, 2023 2:54 pm

Pinning a Brave browser extension

If you would like an extension you have added to the Brave browser to have an icon at the top of a Brave browser window, you can "pin" it to the right of the address bar in the browser by clicking on the icon that looks like a puzzle piece that appears to the right of the address bar, which will result in a list of installed extensions appearing, and then clicking on the pushpin icon for an extension that you would like to be "pinned" so that an icon for the extension appears to the left of that puzzle piece icon, allowing you to click on the extension's icon to use the extension. E.g., for the Evernote Web Clipper extension shown below, if I click on the pushpin icon next to it, an icon for the Evernote extension than appears next to the puzzle piece icon.

Brave browser - Pin Evernote

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Fri, Feb 04, 2022 3:27 pm

Evernote - Clipper has encountered an error

Recently, when I've tried to save a webpage to Evernote in the Brave web browser, I frequently see the message "Clipper has encountered an error" with "Unknown error occurred. UNK."

Clipper unknown error

I have been able to save the page by disabling and then re-enabling the Evernote extension in the browser. In the Brave Browser, you can do so by closing the error message window, then clicking on the icon of 3 short horizontal bars at the upper, left-hand side of the Brave window which will display a menu of options. Select "extensions" and then click on the red slider button at the bottom, right-hand side of the Evernote Web Clipper extension to turn it off (it will go from red to gray).

Evernote Web Clipper

Then click on it again to re-enable the extension. You can then close the Brave extensions tab (brave://extensions). You will then need to refresh the page. After I've disabled and re-enabled the extension when I've seen the error message, I've then been able to click on the icon for Evernote near the browser's address bar and save webpages to Evernote.

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Wed, Nov 17, 2021 9:56 pm

Automatically resizing an image for mobile devices

I created this domain in April of 1997, a time when mobile device usage was not common. HTML 3 was the version of the HyperText Markup Lanugage (HTML) in usage then with HTML 4.0 not being pubished as a W3C Recommendation until December of that year. In the past, I used to add material to the site far more frequently. I haven't added much to the site in the last few years and haven't made any significant changes to the site for many years. Consequently, visitors viewing pages with large images from a mobile device would see only the leftmost portion of those images and would need to scroll right if they were using a mobile device such as a phone. I finally added a few lines to the site's style.css Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) file today to have images be scaled down to fit the screens of mobile devices. The lines I added are those below:
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

Those lines tell browsers that the maximum width of an image when it is displayed within the user's browser shoud be no wider than the page's width as it is displayed within that browser on that device. I added the "height: auto;" to ensure that when images are resized that the height is also adjusted to maintain the height to width ration of the original image. Otherwise, some images might be distorted so that the image height would be much greater in relation to its width than in the original image. With the auto setting, the height to width balance remains such that the image fits within the displayed page without appearing elongated.

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Sat, Nov 13, 2021 10:25 pm

Removing logo image from 2O11 SMF Theme

After I installed the 2O11 theme (the name of the theme has a capital "O" between the two and the first "1", though it looks like it would be 2011) on a Simple Machines Forum (SMF) web site, I noticed it placed a logo at the top, right-hand side of pages with "SEFFAF Tema" displayed. The logo overlapped a search field. The image that was displayed was in the Themes directory for the site at Themes/2O11/images/smflogo.png. The relevant section of code in the index.template.php was as follows:

echo ' ', empty($settings['site_slogan']) ? '<img id="smflogo" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/smflogo.png" alt="Simple Machines Forum" title="Simple Machines Forum" />' : '<div id="siteslogan" class="floatright">' . $settings['site_slogan'] . '</div>', ' </div>

I removed the code starting with empty and extending through the first '</div>'. I.e., I deleted the following code:

, empty($settings['site_slogan']) ? '<img id="smflogo" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/smflogo.png" alt="Simple Machines Forum" title="Simple Machines Forum" />' : '<div id="siteslogan" class="floatright">' . $settings['site_slogan'] . '</div>', '

The empty function in the PHP code checks whether the variable $settings['site_slogan'] is empty. If it is then the question mark ternary operator results in the logo image being displayed. If the variable is not empty, it creates a div section in the code where the value of site_slogan is displayed from the array settings. Since the site owner didn't have a site slogan and didn't want the image, I removed the code.

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Sat, Nov 06, 2021 8:30 pm


I needed to edit an index.template.php PHP file for a Simple Machines Forum (SMF) theme to correct a problem with an image no longer being available at the site pointed to in the code. For the missing image, I saw the following code in the file:

<a href="#" _fcksavedurl="#" class="yukari"><img src="" _fcksavedurl="" border="0" title="Yukarı" /></a>

Instead of the referenced image appearing, a large image with the message "The image is no longer available appeared" on it appeared. I found the original image at the WayBack Machine from a web crawl performed by the WayBack Machine on November 17, 2018. It was just an upward pointing arrow within a circle with some decorative elements around the circle, so I could easily substitute another image for it—clicking on the image within the theme resulted in the page being redisplayed, but putting the viewer at the top of the page again if the viewer had scrolled down the page. But I wondered why the "_fcksavedurl=" was referenced. It is apparently because the code was edited with the the CKEditor WYSIWYG editor - see "_fcksavedurl?". The CKEditor was first released in 2003 as FCKeditor according to the Wikipedia CKEditor page. I changed both references to the prior image to point to the new image I placed in the "images" subdirectory for the theme where the problem occurred.

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Thu, May 06, 2021 10:59 pm

Importing Firefox Bookmarks and Saved Passwords into Microsoft Edge

If you wish to import bookmarks and/or saved passwords from the Firefox web browser into the Microsoft Edge browser, you can take the following steps:
  1. Click the star with the 3 horizontal lines on it at the top, right corner of the Edge browser window which is used to access your favorite websites.
  2. Click the ellipsis, i.e., the "...", at the top, right corner of the browser window and select Import Favorites.
  3. Change "import from" to "Mozilla Firefox" and then click on Import after deselecting other options, if there are some things like saved passwords that you don't want to import. If you want to import all of the items selected by default, just click on Import.
  4. When you see "All done," you can click on the Done button and you can then close the tab (Ctrl-W is one way to close it).

To view the imported bookmarks, click on the star with 3 lines on it to access the Edge favorites, which are akin to the Firefox bookmarks. You will see "Other favorites" listed under Favorites; you can click on the arrowhead to the left of "Other favorites" to see your imported bookmarks.

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Sat, Apr 10, 2021 5:26 pm

Creating a list that is expandable and collapsible in HTML5

If you wish to make a list that can be collapsed and expanded on a webpage or a section on the page that can be expanded to reveal more details, you can use the details and summary tags with version 5 of HTML. E.g., the following code allows information to be displayed or hidden by clicking on an arrowhead that will appear to the left of whatever appears within the summary tags. The information within the details tag will be hidden or displayed by clicking on the arrowhead to toggle between the two options.
The American Civil War began on April 12, 1865 when South Carolina
militia forces attacked Fort Sumter at Charleston, South Carolina. 
The war effectively ended on April 9, 1865 with the surrender by
Confederate General Robert E. Lee to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, but
the president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, did not declare an
end to the insurrection until May 9, 1865. Each side in the
conflict suffered over 800,000 casualties. The principal cause of the
conflict was the issue of slavery within the United States with abolitionists
in the North viewing the practice as a crime against humanity while Southern
slave owners viewed it as a necessary evil or, for some defenders of slavery,
even as a positive good, which they feared would be eliminated under the
recently elected President Abraham Lincoln.

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