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Mon, Dec 22, 2014 11:59 pm

Allow file downloads in Internet Explorer 11

A user reported she received the following message when attempting to download an attachment to email she was viewing while logged into her GoDaddy email account through Internet Explorer 11.

Security Alert - Your current security settings do not allow this file to 
be downloaded

I tried downloading a Microsoft Word .docx attachment to an email and saw the same Security Alert window, which stated "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded."

The setting, which applies to all files rather than a particular type of file such as a Microsoft Word document, can be changed through the following steps in Internet Explorer (IE) 11:

  1. Click on Tools.
  2. Select Internet Options.
  3. Click on the Security tab.

    IE Internet Options Security tab

  4. Select the Internet zone, which is the left-most zone in the row of icons representing the four zones: Internet, Local intranet, Trusted sites, and Restricted sites.
  5. Click on the Custom level button.
  6. In the Security Settings - Internet Zone window that opens, scroll down through the settings list until you see Downloads. For the File download option, change it from "Disable" to "Enable"

    IE Security Settings - File Download

  7. Click on the radio button next to "Enable".
  8. Click on OK.
  9. When asked "Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone?", click on Yes.
  10. Click on the OK button to close the Internet Options window.

[/network/web/browser/ie] permanent link

Sun, Oct 27, 2013 2:19 pm

IE 9 to 10 Upgrade Failure with Code 9C59 Error

Yesterday, while in the process of bringing all of the software on a laptop running Windows 7 Professional up-to-date, I tried upgrading Internet Explorer from version 9 to 10 as Windows Update listed it as one of the important updates pending installation on the system. But every time I tried updating Internet Explorer 9 to version 10 through Windows Update, I received a "Code 9C59" error message. I worked on the issue for all day yesterday before being finally being able to successfully complete the upgrade from IE 9 to 10 today after uninstalling packages from the C:\Widnows\servicing\packages directory via the pkgmgr /up command.

[ More Info ]

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Sat, Oct 26, 2013 1:20 pm

Determining the version of IE from a command prompt

To determine the version of Internet Explorer from a command prompt without having to run the program, you can enter the command reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" /v version | find "version" at the command line:
C:\>reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" /v  vers
ion | find "version"
    version    REG_SZ    9.0.8112.16421

[/network/web/browser/ie] permanent link

Thu, Nov 11, 2010 9:27 am

Zooming In and Out on a Webpage

If you are using Internet Explorer 8 and find a webpage hard to read, because the text appears too small, you can "zoom in" on the webpage, i.e., enlarge the font size, by hitting the Ctrl and "+" (plus) keys simultaneously. You can zoom out, i.e., reduce the font size, by hitting the Ctrl and "-" keys simultaneously.

A webpage designer can choose to specify fonts and their size for a webpage or can rely on the user's browser to pick what is best for the user based on the browser's default settings. So some pages may be harder to read than others, if the webpage designer selected a font that is smaller than the default size.

You can do the same thing on a Mac system with Safari using the command and "+" key to zoom in or the command and "-" key to zoom out.

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Sun, Mar 21, 2010 11:23 am

Embedding Userid and Password in a URL

With versions of Internet Explorer from 3.0 to 6.0, the following syntax for HTTP or HTTPS URLs was supported:


Using the syntax of http:// or https:// followed by username:Password@ and then the URL, you could supply a username and password in the address bar. This could be useful in cases where you had to script access to a webpage or file download from a password protected directory on a website. Using this technique you could use a command in a batch file to gain access to the protected resource.

However, after version 6.0 of Internet Explorer, Microsoft disabled this capability. The rationale for disabling the capability is explained at Internet Explorer does not support user names and passwords in Web site addresses (HTTP or HTTPS URLs). Microsoft states there that the capability was disabled, because it could be used by a malicious person to mislead someone into thinking he was going to a trusted side when in actuality he would be directed to another site.

E.g., other information, besides a username and password, could be placed before the "@", for example someone could use A user might only notice the in the address bar, whereas the URL would actually be taking the user to In this case, Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 only display "" in the address bar. However, earlier versions of Internet Explorer display "" in the address bar, but users might think they were going to, whereas they would actually be taken to

If you want later versions of Internet Explorer to retain the behavior of prior versions, you can disable the new default behavior in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. To do so, create iexplore.exe and explorer.exe DWORD values in one of the following registry keys and set their value data to 0.

On the support webpage, Microsoft states that, if users attempt to use the previously supported syntax with later versions of Internet Explorer, users will see a webpage that has the title "Invalid syntax error". When I used the technique to try to access a protected file on a site using Internet Explorer 8.0 on a Windows 7 system, I received a message stating "Windows cannot find" followed by the URL and then "Check the spelling and try again."

The syntax of still worked on the same system with Firefox 3.6


  1. Internet Explorer does not support user names and passwords in Web site addresses (HTTP or HTTPS URLs)
    Article ID: 834489
    Last Review: November 15, 2007
    Revision: 11.4
    Microsoft Support

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Thu, Feb 21, 2008 12:34 pm

Internet Explorer Crash Recovery

An area in which Opera is far superior to Internet Explorer as a web browser is crash recovery. Internet Explorer, even in version 7.0, does not provide any crash recovery features. In Opera, should the browser or system crash, when you reopen the browser, you can go back to exactly where you were prior to the crash. You can have all of your tabs reopened and even move backwards through the prior URLs you visited in each tab. In contrast, Internet Explorer offers no crash recovery features. Since I've often encountered probelms with Internet Explorer crashing or hanging, I find the lack of any crash recovery features in the browser to be a major drawback to using Internet Explorer.

So, I decided to look for an add-on that might add similar functionality for Internet Explorer. I found a free add-on, IE7Pro, that offers that functionality as well as other enhancements for Internet Explorer. The developer states "IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Inline Search, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many more power packed features. You can customize not just internet Explorer, but even your favorite web site according to your need and taste using IE7Pro."

During the installation, which uses a Nullsoft Install System v2.33 installation program, you are given the option to select default settings, which are shown below:

Please select default settings:

[x] Enable ADblock
[ ] Enable Userscripts
[ ] Enable Plugins
[X] Enable Spelling Checker
[ ] Set EasyHome as Homepage

At the end of the installation, you are requested to set the default search engine to be IEPro's Google based search, to help finance further development of the software, but you don't have to do so. Selecting that option is certainly a small measure that you can take to make continued development of the software possible.

To simulate a system crash, I powered off the system. When I restarted the system and opened Internet Explorer, I saw a "Crash Recovery" window stating "Your last session crashed, Please review and open last URLs. All of the Internet Explorer 7 tabs I had open previously were listed and checked to be reopened. I could deselect tabs I didn't want reopened, if I wished. There were also Select All and Select None buttons. I chose to reopen all of the tabs I had open previously. Unfortunately, unlike Opera's crash recovery feature, I couldn't click on the backwards arrow button in Internet Explorer to view my history of previously visited sites in any tab. So, IE7Pro definitely offered an improvement over the total lack of crash recovery features in Internet Explorer, but also falls far short of the built-in crash recovery features of Opera.

Download Sites
MoonPoint (may not be the most current version)


  1. IE7Pro User Guide
  2. IE7Pro FAQ

[/network/web/browser/ie] permanent link

Sun, Feb 03, 2008 11:08 am

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

I use Furl to save copies of webpages I've found interesting. Furl creates an online bookmarks or "favorites" list for you. If you make your Furl archive public, others can also have access to your links. You also get an online archived copy of the webpage you've "furled". So if the webpage disappears or the website where it resided is inaccessible for some other reason the next time you want to view it, you have a stored copy at Furl.

But sometimes I run into difficulty with multi-page news articles. I don't want to have to furl each page individually. Some websites offer a "print" function, so that you can display a copy of all pages of the article at once to send them to the printer at once. But often, when the window opens that displays the entire article for printing, I don't see the Internet Explorer (IE) menubar with "File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tooks, and Help" on it. The link to furl pages is under "Favorites", so I don't then have access to that link.

One alternative is to right-click on the "print" version of the webpage, choose "Properties" and then copy the URL for the webpage, which you can paste into another IE window with the menubard displayed to access the page. Another method is to hit the Ctrl and "I" keys simultaneously, which will bring up the IE Favorites box.

Other IE shortcut keys to view and explore web pages are listed below:

To do this                                Press this key
Display Internet Explorer Help or to      F1
display context Help about an item in 
a dialog box

Toggle between full-screen and other      F11
views in the browser

Move forward through the items on a       TAB 
Web page, the Address box, or the 
Links box

Move through the items on a Web page,     SHIFT+TAB
the Address box, or the Links box

Go to your Home page                      ALT+HOME

Go to the next page                       ALT+RIGHT ARROW

Go to the previous page                   ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE

Display a shortcut menu for a link        SHIFT+F10

Move forward between frames               CTRL+TAB or F6

Move back between frames                  SHIFT+CTRL+TAB

Scroll toward the beginning of a          UP ARROW

Scroll toward the end of a document       DOWN ARROW

Scroll toward the beginning of a          PAGE UP
document in larger increments

Scroll toward the end of a document       PAGE DOWN
in larger increments

Move to the beginning of a document       HOME

Move to the end of a document             END

Find on this page                         CTRL+F

Refresh the current Web page              F5 or CTRL+R

Refresh the current Web page, even if     CTRL+F5
the time stamp for the Web version and 
your locally stored version are the same  

Stop downloading a page                   ESC

Go to a new location                      CTRL+O or CTRL+L

Open a new window                         CTRL+N

Close the current window                  CTRL+W

Save the current page                     CTRL+S

Print the current page or active frame    CTRL+P

Activate a selected link                  ENTER

Open the Search box                       CTRL+E

Open the Favorites box                    CTRL+I

Open the History box                      CTRL+H

In the History or Favorites boxes,        CTRL+click
open multiple folders


  1. Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
    Article ID : 306832
    Last Review : May 7, 2007
    Revision : 2.3
    Microsoft Help and Support

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