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Mon, Jan 24, 2005 12:32 pm

Changing the Port Used by LapLink

LapLink has a mechanism for changing the port number used for establishing connections. It is a more cumbersome mechansm than that provided by some other Windows remote control programs, such as Symantec's pcAnywhere, but it is possible to change the port.

LapLink uses UDP and TCP ports 1547 by default. But, if you edit the LLW.INI file, that will be in the directory C:\Windows\TSI32\LLW, you can get it to use another port. In LLW.INI, in the [TCPIP] section, add ListenPort= followed by the port number you wish to use as below:


What makes this approach more cumbersome is that if you need to connect to systems listening on different ports with LapLink, you need to edit the file, save your changes, and then restart LapLink to get it to use the port you want to use. If you want to go back to the default port, you can just put in "1547" for the ListenPort value.

[/os/windows/software/remote-control] permanent link

Sun, Jan 23, 2005 6:16 pm

Setting up a Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server (SBS) as an FTP Server

To set up a Windows Small Business Server 2003 server as a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server, take the following steps:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click on Control Panel.
  3. Click on Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Click on Add/Remove Windows Components.
  5. Click on Application Server to highlight it then click on Details.
  6. Click on Internet Information Services (IIS) to highlight it then click on Details.
  7. Click on File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service, so that it has a checkmark next to it.
  8. Click on OK.

You can configure the FTP service by taking the followng steps:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click on Control Panel.
  3. Click on Admimistrative Tools.
  4. Click on Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  5. Click on the plus sign to the left of the server name to expand the list of services under it.
  6. Click on the plus sign to the left of FTP Sites to expand the list.
  7. Right-click on Default FTP Site and select Properties.
By default anonymous FTP connections are allowed. If you wish to disallow anonymous FTP connections, click on the Security Accounts tab and uncheck Allow anonymous connections. If you wish to permit only anonymous connections, checck the Allow only anonymous connections check box under this tab.

To change the directory FTP users are connected to when they logon, click on the Home Directory tab under Default FTP Site Properties. Change the Local path to whatever directory you wish to be the default directory when users login. You can control the type of access allowed through Windows Explorer by right-clicking on a folder name in the Explorer then selecting Properties and clicking on the Security tab.

[/os/windows/iis] permanent link

Sun, Jan 23, 2005 12:07 am

Internet Information Servier (IIS) Won't Permit File Download

I placed the Bazooka Spyware Scanner executable file, bazookasetup.exe, in a downloads directory on my website along with the latest spyware database for the program, bazooka_db.bdb. I was able to download both files from my webserver running Apache, but I was not able to download the .bdb file from a webserver running Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). When I tried clicking on the link to download it, I would get an error page that included the information below:

The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

I renamed the file to have different extensions, such as .bak, .txt, and .rtf and saw that IIS would recognize the file was there and allow me to download it if it had an extension for a file type the system recognized, such as .txt or .rtf, but not one it didn't recognize, such as .bak or .bdb. To allow the download of this file from IIS, I took the following steps:

  1. Clicked on Start
  2. Clicked on All Programs
  3. Selected Administrative Tools
  4. Selected Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  5. Right-clicked on Default Web Site and selected Properties
  6. I then clicked on the HTTP Headers tab
  7. Clicked on the MIME Types button
  8. Clicked on New
  9. Put bdb in the Extension field and application/x-msdownload in the MIME type field
  10. Clicked on OK twice
  11. When I clicked on OK at the Default Web Site Properties window, another window appeared titled Inheritance Overrides, which stated the following:

    The following child nodes also define the value of the "UNCPassword" property, which overrides the values you have just set. Please select from the list below those nodes which should use the new value.
  12. I didn't select any, just clicked on OK. I don't know why the change I made should have an effect on "UNCPassword".
I was then able to get a download window when I clicked on the bazooka_db.bdb file, though.

[/os/windows/iis] permanent link

Wed, Jan 19, 2005 12:15 am

Problem Printing AOL Email and Webpages with Internet Explorer

A user reported that he was unable to print his email from within AOL on his Dell Dimension XPS R350 system running Windows 98 Second Edition and Internet Explorer 6.0. He could print from within Microsoft Word and I found that I could print from Notepad also, but I couldn't print webpages from within AOL nor from within Internet Explorer. This occurred after I removed adware/spyware from the system. I thought perhaps some adware/spyware hadn't been fully removed or some damage had been done in removing some deeply embedded adware/spyware, but I could find nothing that I could identify as the source of the problem.

I updated Ad-aware SE Personal, Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner, BHODemon, and Spybot Search & Destroy, but when I scanned the system with those antispyware programs, they did not find anything else. I installed another antispyware program, PestPatrol. It found additional adware/spyware that the others hadn't detected. Though much of what it found were just cookies, which I didn't regard as more than a privacy vulnerability. It also found remnants that Ad-aware and Spybot had left, i.e. some registry entries. But, even removing everything PestPatrol found had no impact on the problem. I've seen odd behavior on systems due to problems with Layered Service Provider (LSP) software after I've removed adware/spyware, so I even checked the system with LSP-Fix and Ad-aware's LSP Explorer add-on, but found no LSP problems either.

I also updated ClamWin Antivirus and scanned the system for viruses, but found none.

I checked the system for updates by opening Internet Explorer and choosing "Tools" and then "Windows Update". I scanned for updates and found that there were 23 Critical Updates and Service Packs needed. I clicked on "Review and Install Updates", which showed me the updates I was about to install, but when I clicked on the "Install Now" button nothing appeared to happen. Trying it several times, I noticed the title bar for Internet Explorer did change color briefly each time I clicked on "Install Now".

Examing the source code for the page showed that Microsoft used javascript on the page, but when I checked the page using various browser test tools, such as BrowserHawk, BrowserInfo, and BrowserSpy, showed that Internet Explorer on the system did have javascript support enabled (another test page that just verifies javascript support is JSsupport), plus all of the other support that I would expect from the browser. None of those test tools showed anything unusual.

It appeared that the "Install Now" button would open another window and, since the title bar was changing color briefly when I clicked on it, I thought some popup blocking software was causing the problem. But when I used the Windows 98 System Information tool (click on "Start", "Programs, "Accessories", "System Tools", then "System Information", then select "Tools", "System Configuration Utility" and click on the "Startup" tab) to see what processes were starting when Windows 98 started, I didn't see any popup blocking software listed. I installed WinTasks Pro 4.3 to show me all of the running tasks, but didn't see anything unusual. Nor did ending almost all of the running processes make any difference.

Yet something was definitely stopping popup windows from appearing. I went to and ran various popup tests that one could use to test popup blocking software. Normally users don't want annoying popup ads appearing, but there are occasions where the opening of a popup window is desireable. For instance, if you click on a link in a webpage that would open another window or right-click on a link in Internet Explorer and choose "Open in New Window", you want a new window to open. Good popup blocking software should allow windows to open in those cases, but some popup blocking programs may block those as well, though they shouldn't. You can test whether the latter type of popup windows are blocked at I found those popup windows were blocked as well. And running checks at another popup blocker test site, also showed that all popup windows were blocked, even the kind that should be allowed.

I ran a Google search and found others reporting similar problems with popup windows not opening when clicking on links that should open a new window or when selecting "Open in New Window" for a link displayed in Internet Explorer.

  1. Internet Explorer won't open in a new window
  2. Internet explorer won't display anything in a new window
I found suggestions advising one to use regsvr to register DLL's as suggested on a Microsoft Knowledgebase article, " You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or nothing occurs after you click a link. That page suggested entering the following regsvr32 commands at a command prompt, aka MS-DOS prompt, to resolve the problem.

regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Msjava.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Browseui.dll

You should close all open programs before doing so and I found I had to change the working directory to C:\Windows\System first. I've created a batch file, RegSvr32-FixIE.bat to enter the commands.

When the commands were executed, all were executed successfully, except the one for Oleaut32.dll. I saw windows appear with the following information displayed.

An " Explanation of Regsvr32 Usage and Error Messages" provides some information on the errors regsvr32 will return, but you need to check the "Error List from WINERROR.H" section of INFO: Translating Automation Errors for VB/VBA (Long) for the meaning of the "0x80029c4a" hexadecimal error code. Unfortunately, the only explantion is that the code 80029c4a means "Error loading type library/DLL". WinTasks did show a couple of processes running using that module, but I wasn't able to close all of them, so perhaps the problem was due to one of those processes having the oleaut32.dll module in use.

I thought the oleaut32.dll file might have become corrupted, altered, or replaced by some other program, so I also compared oleaut32.dll against a copy I obtained from A binary comparison using the Windows fc command, i.e. "fc /b", showed that the copy of oleaut32.dll on the system was exactly the same as the one I downloaded.

The Microsoft Knowlegebase article also suggested checking entries in the registry.

If the problem is still not resolved, verify that the following registry values are present and correct:
Name: (Default)
Value: IDispatch
Name: (Default)
Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Name: (Default)
Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

I checked all of the listed registry entries and found they were present and correct, however. The next step listed in the Knowledgebase article, if the problem was still not resolved, was to reinstall Internet Explorer. I did reinstall Internet Explorer 6.0. While doing so, I encountered the error message below.

An error has occurred while setting up "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\oleaut32.dll". This error has been logged, the installation will continue.

Afterwards nothing appeared to be different. I still had the same problem as before. After the sentence about reinstalling Internet Explorer, the Knowledgebase article stated "If you are using the version of Internet Explorer that is included with your operating system, reinstall or repair your operating system." I used the Windows 98 "System File Checker", which can be run by clicking on "Start", "Programs", "Accessories", "System Tools", "System Information" and then choosing "Tools" and "System File Checker". It indicated that a couple of files should be restored, but those didn't appear to be related to the problem nor did restoring them from the Windows 98 Second Edition CD change the problem. So after that I reinstalled Windows 98 Second Edition and that finally resolved the problem. I was then able to click on links that open popup windows or right-click on a link and select "Open in New Window" and have windows actually open. And I could print webpages by going to "File" and "Print" in Internet Explorer and could also print AOL email from the system.

[/network/web/browser] permanent link

Mon, Jan 17, 2005 8:40 pm

Determining if a Task is a Legitimate Process

If you have a question about whether a process you see running under Task Manager, or something listed in a "Startup" group, is a legitimate process there are a number of websites that provide informaton on processes you might see running.

  1. I Am Not A Geek - Startup DB
  2. CastleCops - StartupList
  3. WinTasks Process Library
  4. Windows Files Database

[/security/spyware] permanent link

Sat, Jan 15, 2005 2:17 pm

Using PHP to Upload Files to a Website

You can use PHP to provide the capability for users to upload files to your website. First create an HTML file with a form for uploading a file. Specify the PHP file that will handle the uploads in the "action" part of the form.

For the form portion of the HTML file, I've named the PHP file I will use as "upload.php". You must specify "POST" rather than "GET" for "action". PHP on the server you are using is likely to have a maximum size for POST data of 8 MB. Look for the following lines in your php.ini file, which should be in the /etc directory on a Linux system, and adjust the size to what you consider to be an appropriate number.

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 8M

There is also another limiting factor, the maximum size for a file to be uploaded, which is controlled by upload_max_filesize, in php.ini. The default value is likely to be 2 MB. When you are transmitting a file via POST using a form on a webpage, there may be other data transmitted for other fields on the form as well plus MIME headers as well. So, if you wanted to be able to transmit a file of 8 MB, you would need to set the value of upload_max_filesize to 8M, and make post_max_size slightly larger. But for this example, I'm simply going to set them both to 8M, since the other data I'm transmitting is fairly small.

To adjust the maximum allowed size for file uploads, look for the following lines in php.ini. You can specify the number in bytes or in KiloBytes (KB) or MegaBytes (MB) by putting a "K" or "M" immediately after the number in the latter two cases. Keep in mind a KiloByte is 1,024 bytes and a MegaByte is 1,024 KiloBytes, so to determine the number of bytes equivalent to a certain number of MB use Bytes = MB * 1024 * 1024.

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M

There are also other parameters to consider when using a form that calls a PHP script to upload files to your website. There is also a memory_limit value, which will be a factor if the enable-memory-limit is set. In my case, using Apache 2.0.40 and PHP 4.2.2 on a Fedora Linux system, the only parameters I needed to set in php.ini were upload_max_filesize (you can determine the versions by apachectl -v and php -v. For a complete discussion of the parameters to consider see How to optimize your PHP installation to handle large file uploads.

Once you have adjusted the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to the desired values, you may need to restart your webserver software. If you are using Apache on a Linux system you will need to do so. Use apachectl restart to restart Apache. You will need to have root access to do so. If you are using Apache, you will also need to put the following lines in Apache's httpd.conf, likely located in /etc/httpd/conf, before restarting Apache.

<Files *.php>
  SetOutputFilter PHP
  SetInputFilter PHP
  LimitRequestBody 8388608

The reason you will need to add the lines above to httpd.conf is that Apache has a default limit for LimitRequestBody that restricts the size of all POST data for any scripting language used on a webpage. Some Redhat Package Manager (RPM) installations may set this value at 512 KB.

The HTML code you should use for the form portion of your HTML file is shown below.

<!-- The data encoding type, enctype, MUST be specified as below -->
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST">
<!-- Name of input element determines name in $_FILES array -->
Send this file: <input name="userfile" type="file">
<input type="submit" value="Send File">

See upload.html for a complete HTML file to perform the upload.

For the PHP file, you can use the following code:

// In PHP versions earlier than 4.1.0, $HTTP_POST_FILES should be used instead
// of $_FILES.

$uploaddir = "../../uploads/";
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
   echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.<br><br>";
   echo "<b>Name:</b> " . $_FILES['userfile']['name'] . "<br>";
   echo "<b>Type:</b> " . $_FILES['userfile']['type'] . "<br>";
   printf ("<b>Size:</b> %.2f KB ", $_FILES['userfile']['size'] / 1024);
   echo "(" . $_FILES['userfile']['size'] . " bytes)<br>";
else {
   echo '<pre>';
   echo "Possible file upload attack!\n\n";
   echo "Here is some more debugging info:\n";
   print "</pre>";

Be sure to put a "/" at the end of the directory name for the upload directory.

When a user uploads a file, it will go into whatever directory is specified as the temp directory in php.ini. If no temp directory is specified in php.ini, the files will go into the default temp directory for the system. When the PHP program completes, it will be moved into whatever directory you specified for the upload directory. You should change the permission of the upload directory to 733, e.g. chmod 733 uploads or grant permission for the user account under which your webserver software runs, e.g. Apache, to write to this directory. I would strongly advise you to use a directory outside the document root for your website, e.g. if all of your website HTML files go under a directory named "www" under your home directory, create another directory, e.g. "uploads" at the same level as the www directory, but not underneath the "www" directory. Otherwise, if some malicious user guesses where you are placing the uploaded files, he can store a file with executable code in that directory and then use a URL which includes the name of the file he just uploaded to execute its contents.

For example, let's suppose that you are putting the uploaded files in a directory called "uploads" that lies directly beneath the one where your upload.php file resides. Someone knows or guesses that you are using a directory with that name underneath the one containing the upload.php file. He then creates a file with PHP code within it and uploads it to your webserver. Let's suppose your upload.html file is at and the upload.php file is at The malicious user puts the code below in showinfo.php and then uploads it. He knows it went into a directory called "uploads" beneath the "files" directory He can then use the URL to execute the PHP file he just put on the site.


$files = `ls -la`;
$users = `who`;

echo "<pre>";
echo "Directory \n";
echo $files . "\n";
echo "Users \n";
echo $users . "\n";
echo "</pre>";


The code above is relatively innocous. On a Unix or Linux system, it will only display all files in the directory where it is located and a list of the users logged into the system. But code could just as easily be inserted to replace or delete files, including system files, so it is important to protect yourself against malicious individuals wishing to do damage to your system or compromise it. So put the uploaded files in a location where no one can execute the files.

You may also wish to password protect the directory where the upload.php file is located, so that you can limit who will be able to upload files.


  1. Chapter 38. Handling file uploads
  2. File Uploads (tutorial)
  3. How do I do html form file uploads
  4. How to optimize your PHP installation to handle large file uploads
  5. ini_get (finding post_max_size)

[/languages/php] permanent link

Fri, Jan 07, 2005 10:33 pm

Browser Information

For information on the system and browser you are using, such as the browser version, monitor resolution, number of colors supported, whether Flash and Java support are enabled, etc., use one of the webpages listed below.

  1. BrowserHawk
  2. BrowserInfo
  3. BrowserSpy

[/network/web/browser] permanent link

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