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Sun, Jul 16, 2017 6:54 pm

ELOG cannot open /etc/elogd.cfg error

When I attempted to add a new entry with a new category to an ELOG logbook on a Linux system, I saw the error message below:

Cannot open file /etc/elogd.cfg: Permission denied
Please use your browser's back button to go back

I checked the file permissions on the elogd.cfg configuration file and saw the following:

# ls -l /etc/elogd.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 785 Jul 16 14:47 /etc/elogd.cfg

So only the root account had write access to the file. I then checked to see which account elogd was running under. The program lisens on port 8080 on that system. If you don't know the port that is being used for ELOG, you can find it in the /etc/elogd.cfg file. E.g.:

port = 8080

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Thu, Feb 05, 2009 2:25 pm

ELOG Logbooks Location

I moved my ELOG logbooks from one laptop to another. After installing ELOG on the new laptop, I needed to tell ELOG where to look for logbooks, since by default it expects logbooks to be in the logbooks directory beneath the installation directory, e.g. C:\Program Files\ELOG\logbooks. To do so, I took the following steps:
  1. Open elogd.cfg, which is stored in the ELOG installation directory, e.g. C:\Program Files\ELOG\elogd.cfg, with Notepad from an administrator account.
  2. In the global section add a Logbook dir = <directory> line where <directory> is the directory where you wish to have the logbooks stored. Note: don't use quotes around directory names, even if there are spaces in the names of directories in the path to the logbook directory. E.g.:
    port = 8080
    logbook dir = C:\Documents and Settings\James\My Documents\ELOG\logbooks
  3. You then need to create a section in elogd.cfg for the logbook. Put the name of the logbook between "[" and "]" and then add the relevant lines for that particular logbook. E.g.:
    Theme = default
    Comment = System Administration
    Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject
    Options Type = Configuration, Malware Scan, Patches, Problem, Problem Fixed, Routine, Software Installation, Upgrade, Other
    Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Security, Other
    Options Author = John Smith
    Required Attributes = Author
  4. Save the modified elogd.cfg.
  5. Restart ELOG, which you can do from an administrator account from the command line using the following commands:
    C:\>net stop elogd
    The elogd service is stopping.
    The elogd service was stopped successfully.
    C:\>net start elogd
    The elogd service is starting.
    The elogd service was started successfully.

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Fri, Aug 08, 2008 12:10 pm

Adding a Link to a Local File in ELOG

I had some initial difficulties adding a link in an ELOG entry for a file stored locally on the server on which ELOG was running. I discovered that I needed to prepend a timestamp to the file name when placing it in the directory where entries are stored for the relevant logbook and then use that prepended timestamp as part of the path to the file in the URL.

E.g. for a file called samplefile.txt, I had to store it in the logbook directory as 080808_110230_samplefile.txt where 080808 represented the date for the file, August 8, 2008, and 110230 represented a timestamp for the file, i.e. 11:02:03 A.M. The date is in yymmdd format. I was then able to use as the URL for the link in the logbook entry. I placed the 080808_110230 between slashes and followed it by the orginal filename.

I was then able to access the file through a link in the logbook entry.

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Sat, Aug 02, 2008 6:23 pm

ELOG Port Configuration

I installed the Electronic Logbook (ELOG) package developed by Stefan Ritt on a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 system to track work I do on the system. By default, ELOG uses port 8080, but I already had other webserver software listening on that port, so I changed the listening port for ELOG. I also configured ELOG to support SSL, i.e. to accept HTTPS connections. I also set a read and write password for access to the logbook I created.

Port Configuration
SSL Configuration
Password Configuration

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