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Fri, Aug 08, 2008 9:00 pm

RUBotted (Beta)

I installed a free bot detection utility from Trend Micro called RUBotted on a system to check for bot software on the system. I didn't expect to find such software on the system, but wanted to check it thorougly.

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Fri, Aug 08, 2008 12:10 pm

Adding a Link to a Local File in ELOG

I had some initial difficulties adding a link in an ELOG entry for a file stored locally on the server on which ELOG was running. I discovered that I needed to prepend a timestamp to the file name when placing it in the directory where entries are stored for the relevant logbook and then use that prepended timestamp as part of the path to the file in the URL.

E.g. for a file called samplefile.txt, I had to store it in the logbook directory as 080808_110230_samplefile.txt where 080808 represented the date for the file, August 8, 2008, and 110230 represented a timestamp for the file, i.e. 11:02:03 A.M. The date is in yymmdd format. I was then able to use as the URL for the link in the logbook entry. I placed the 080808_110230 between slashes and followed it by the orginal filename.

I was then able to access the file through a link in the logbook entry.

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