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Fri, Mar 06, 2009 8:20 pm

Centering a Div

One of the many ways in which Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other browsers interpret the same HTML code differently is when margin: auto is used to center a block on a webpage, such as a div section. Adding margin: auto to the style definition for a block will result in the block being centered when viewed in Firefox or Netscape, but it isn't sufficient to result in the display of a centered block in Internet Explorer. To have the block centered in Internet Explorer, you have to also add text-align: center to the style definition of the body tag.

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Fri, Mar 06, 2009 5:57 pm

Group Membership Under Unix/Linux

To see the groups to which an account belongs, you can use the command groups
# groups jsmith
staff code210

To place an account in an additional group, you can use the command usermod --groups newgroup account.

# usermod jsmith programmers


  1. Managing Group Access on Linux and Unix

[/os/unix/commands] permanent link

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