If you want to "cut" a file from one directory and "paste" it into another directory under Apple's OS X operating system, you may expect the functionality to work as it does under Microsoft's Windows operating system where in the Windows File Explorer you can click on a file to select it then right-click on it, choose Cut, then right-click in some other folder and choose Paste to move the file from one directory to another. In Apple's OS X Finder application, if you highlight a file by clicking on it to select it and then choose Edit expecting to be able to use the Cut option you will find that option grayed out. The Cut option is only available to you from the Edit dropdown list when you have text highlighted that can be cut. E.g., you could cut text out of the file's name, but you can't cut the file from the directory the way you can under Microsoft Windows.
You can achieve similar functionality with keyboard shortcuts under OS X, however. Click on the file you wish to cut from a directory to highlight it, then hit the command-C keys. I.e., hit the command and C keys simultaneously. Then navigate to the directory where you wish to paste the file and hit the command-option-V keys simultaneously. The file will then be removed from its prior directory location and placed in the new directory location.