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Thu, Feb 24, 2005 7:59 pm

Microsoft AntiSpyware

Microsoft purchased Giant Company Software's antispyware program in December of 2004 and now offers that software for free under its own name. I've found the software works very well at detecting and removing adware and spyware. It should be easy to install and use, even for users who aren't particularly technically proficient. The only negative factor I've found with the product is a lack of a capability to generate report files.

The sofware can be downloaded from Microsoft® Windows AntiSpyware (Beta).

Instructions for Installing Microsoft AntiSpyware

  1. Microsoft Windows Anti-Spyware Preview

[/security/spyware/MS-Antispyware] permanent link

Tue, Feb 22, 2005 1:18 am

QuarkXPress 4.0 Installation on XP

I encountered a few problems while trying to install QuarkXPress 4.0 on a new Windows XP Professional system. I was unable to get the software to run from an account with only standard user privileges on the system and had to put the user's account in the Power Users group on the system.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/software/quarkxpress] permanent link

Sun, Feb 20, 2005 1:52 pm

Using Ad-aware SE

Lavasoft provides an excellent antispyware product, Ad-Aware. There are several versions available. One of the versions, Ad-Aware Personal edition is free for non-commercial use.

Ad-aware SE Personal Edition is available from the following site:


If you need help on how to use Ad-aware SE, you can use these instructions.

[/security/spyware/ad-aware] permanent link

Fri, Feb 18, 2005 8:08 pm

WAV Files Using IMA ADPCM Codec Not Playing

A user was unable to play some wav files on her Windows XP Professional system. When I checked the codec used in the file, I found it was the IMA ADPCM codec. Though her system was showing that codec as being installed, Windows Media Player and WinAmp would not play it. I had to reinstall the codec.

[More info ]

[/os/windows/xp/sound] permanent link

Fri, Feb 18, 2005 5:46 pm

Fonts supplied with Windows XP

I've listed below the fonts that Microsoft states it supplies with Windows XP. All of these may not necessarily be installed with a typical Windows XP installation. See Fonts Installed by Windows XP for a list of fonts typicall installed with Windows XP.

For Windows 95, 98 and ME, you can install a maximum of approximately 1,000 fonts. With versions of Windows from NT onwards, i.e. NT, 2000, and XP, there is no limit on the number of files that can be installed. However, the time required to boot your system increases as you add fonts, because the system has to read in information for all of the installed fonts as it is booting.

Font Name Font File
Aharoni Bold ahronbd.ttf
Andalus andlso.ttf
Angsana New angsa.ttf
Angsana New Bold angsab.ttf
Angsana New Bold Italic angsaz.ttf
Angsana New Italic angsai.ttf
AngsanaUPC angsau.ttf
AngsanaUPC Bold angsaub.ttf
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic angsauz.ttf
AngsanaUPC Italic angsaui.ttf
Arabic Transparent artro.ttf
Arabic Transparent Bold artrbdo.ttf
Arial arial.ttf
Arial Black ariblk.ttf
Arial Bold arialbd.ttf
Arial Bold Italic arialbi.ttf
Arial Italic ariali.ttf
Browallia New browa.ttf
Browallia New Bold browab.ttf
Browallia New Bold Italic browaz.ttf
Browallia New Italic browai.ttf
BrowalliaUPC browau.ttf
BrowalliaUPC Bold browaub.ttf
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic browauz.ttf
BrowalliaUPC Italic browaui.ttf
Comic Sans MS comic.ttf
Comic Sans MS Bold comicbd.ttf
Cordia New cordia.ttf
Cordia New Bold cordiab.ttf
Cordia New Bold Italic cordiaz.ttf
Cordia New Italic cordiai.ttf
CordiaUPC cordiau.ttf
CordiaUPC Bold cordiaub.ttf
CordiaUPC Bold Italic cordiauz.ttf
CordiaUPC Italic cordiaui.ttf
Courier New cour.ttf
Courier New Bold courbd.ttf
Courier New Bold Italic courbi.ttf
Courier New Italic couri.ttf
David david.ttf
David Bold davidbd.ttf
David Transparent davidtr.ttf
DilleniaUPC upcdl.ttf
DilleniaUPC Bold upcdb.ttf
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic upcdbi.ttf
DilleniaUPC Italic upcdi.ttf
Estrangelo Edessa estre.ttf
EucrosiaUPC upcel.ttf
EucrosiaUPC Bold upceb.ttf
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic upcebi.ttf
EucrosiaUPC Italic upcei.ttf
Fixed Miriam Transparent mriamfx.ttf
Franklin Gothic Medium framd.ttf
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic framdit.ttf
FrankRuehl frank.ttf
FreesiaUPC upcfl.ttf
FreesiaUPC Bold upcfb.ttf
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic upcfbi.ttf
FreesiaUPC Italic upcfi.ttf
Gautami gautami.ttf
Georgia georgia.ttf
Georgia Bold georgiab.ttf
Georgia Bold Italic georgiaz.ttf
Georgia Italic georgiai.ttf
Impact impact.ttf
IrisUPC upcil.ttf
IrisUPC Bold upcib.ttf
IrisUPC Bold Italic upcibi.ttf
IrisUPC Italic upcii.ttf
JasmineUPC upcjl.ttf
JasmineUPC Bold upcjb.ttf
JasmineUPC Bold Italic upcjbi.ttf
JasmineUPC Italic upcji.ttf
KodchiangUPC upckl.ttf
KodchiangUPC Bold upckb.ttf
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic upckbi.ttf
KodchiangUPC Italic upcki.ttf
Latha latha.ttf
Levenim MT lvnm.ttf
Levenim MT Bold lvnmbd.ttf
LilyUPC upcll.ttf
LilyUPC Bold upclb.ttf
LilyUPC Bold Italic upclbi.ttf
LilyUPC Italic upcli.ttf
Lucida Console lucon.ttf
Lucida Sans Unicode l_10646.ttf
Mangal mangal.ttf
Marlett marlett.ttf
Microsoft Sans Serif micross.ttf
Miriam mriam.ttf
Miriam Fixed mriamc.ttf
Miriam Transparent mriamtr.ttf
MV Boli mvboli.ttf
Narkisim nrkis.ttf
Palatino Linotype pala.ttf
Palatino Linotype Bold palab.ttf
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic palabi.ttf
Palatino Linotype Italic palai.ttf
Raavi raavi.ttf
Rod rod.ttf
Rod Transparent rodtr.ttf
Shruti shruti.ttf
Simplified Arabic simpo.ttf
Simplified Arabic Bold simpbdo.ttf
Simplified Arabic Fixed simpfxo.ttf
Sylfaen sylfaen.ttf
Symbol symbol.ttf
Tahoma tahoma.ttf
Tahoma Bold tahomabd.ttf
Times New Roman times.ttf
Times New Roman Bold timesbd.ttf
Times New Roman Bold Italic timesbi.ttf
Times New Roman Italic timesi.ttf
Traditional Arabic trado.ttf
Traditional Arabic Bold tradbdo.ttf
Trebuchet MS trebuc.ttf
Trebuchet MS Bold trebucbd.ttf
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic trebucbi.ttf
Trebuchet MS Italic trebucit.ttf
Tunga tunga.ttf
Verdana verdana.ttf
Verdana Bold verdanab.ttf
Verdana Bold Italic verdanaz.ttf
Verdana Italic verdanai.ttf
Webdings webdings.ttf
Wingdings wingding.ttf
SimHei simhei.ttf
FangSong_GB2312 simfang.ttf
DFKai-SB kaiu.ttf
KaiTi_GB2312 simkai.ttf
Batang batang.ttc
Gulim gulim.ttc
Mingliu mingliu.ttc
MS Gothic msgothic.ttc
MS Mincho msmincho.ttc
Simsun simsun.ttc


  1. Fonts supplied with Windows XP
    Microsoft Corporation
    November 20, 2001
  2. Fonts Installed by Windows XP
    Styopkin Software
  3. Windows Font Limit
    Styopkin Software

[/os/windows/xp] permanent link

Mon, Feb 14, 2005 11:45 am

Disaster Alert System Proposal from IBM and Cisco Engineers

Engineers at Cisco Systems Inc. and IBM Corporation submitted a draft proposal to the Internet Engineering Task Force on September 11 for a system that would alert people to impending catastrophic events such as the December 26, 2004 tsunami that ravaged southern Asia.

Fred Baker, a fellow at Cisco systems, and Brian Carpenter, a senior engineer at IBM, proposed an Internet-based system, which would not require any new communication protocols. As an example of how the system might work, a NOAA ocean buoy might detect a series of large incoming waves. NOAA could send out a machine-readable alert to communications companies and emergency managers using an existing security protocol, such as Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange (S/MIME), which would mitigate the chance that an alert had been spoofed. Cellular phone carriers might then alert their users by sending an alert message to the phones of all of their users in the affected area. So someone at a beach threatened by incoming waves might be alerted by his phone beeping. That person then might alert others nearby who didn't have cell phones with them.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is also considering ways to enhance communications in the event of such catastrophes as the recent tsunami. The DOD's Chief Information Officer (CIO) is considering the purchase of a system that will allow the DOD to quickly implement a communications system in an affected area which would facilitate coordination with officials in allied countries and non-governmental orgganizations (NGOs) participating in humanitarian relief efforts.


  1. Cisco, IBM propose Internet-based disaster alert system
    By Joab Jackson
    Government Computer News
    Published February 11, 2005
  2. Structure of an International Emergency Alert System
    Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
    Submitted on January 10, 2005
  3. Defense seeks humanitarian communication
    By Frank Tiboni
    Federal Computer Week
    Published on Feb. 11, 2005

[/network/Internet/IETF/drafts] permanent link

Tue, Feb 01, 2005 7:03 pm

Ejecting Floppy Despite "Device busy" Message

If you try to eject a floppy using the eject command on a Solaris system, but receive a "Device busy" message, you can just push the button to eject the media, but if you make changes to the diskette and then reinsert it or another one, the system may show the contents of the original diskette and not the contents of the new one when you use ls or try to access files on the new diskette. The Volume Manager may be preventing you from unmounting the diskette, in which case you need to stop it before issuing the eject command. Use /etc/init.d/volmgt stop to stop the Volume Manager. Then use the eject command to unmount the diskette. You can then physically eject it with the eject button. You can then restart the Volume Manager with /etc/init.d/volmgt start as shown below. When you put a new floppy disk in the drive, you can mount it with the volcheck command. You will need to stop and start the Volume Manager from the root account.

# eject floppy
/vol/dev/diskette0/unnamed_floppy#6: Device busy
# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
# eject
/dev/rdiskette can now be manually ejected
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start
volume management starting.

Tested on Solaris 7

[/os/unix/solaris] permanent link

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