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Tue, May 31, 2016 9:27 pm

Establishing a SOCKS proxy using an SSH client

You can establish a Socket Secure (SOCKS) server on a Secure Shell (SSH) server using the -D option to the ssh client command.

     -D [bind_address:]port
             Specifies a local “dynamic” application-level port forwarding.
             This works by allocating a socket to listen to port on the local
             side, optionally bound to the specified bind_address.  Whenever a
             connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over
             the secure channel, and the application protocol is then used to
             determine where to connect to from the remote machine.  Currently
             the SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols are supported, and ssh will act
             as a SOCKS server.  Only root can forward privileged ports.
             Dynamic port forwardings can also be specified in the configura-
             tion file.

             IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing the address in
             square brackets.  Only the superuser can forward privileged
             ports.  By default, the local port is bound in accordance with
             the GatewayPorts setting.  However, an explicit bind_address may
             be used to bind the connection to a specific address.  The
             bind_address of “localhost” indicates that the listening port be
             bound for local use only, while an empty address or ‘*’ indicates
             that the port should be available from all interfaces.

E.g., if I wished to create a SOCKS proxy server at the SSH server end from an SSH client using the registered port commonly used as the listening port for a SOCKS proxy, i.e., TCP port 1080, I could use the command below, assuming that I have a jdoe account on the SSH server at

$ ssh -D 1080

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Sun, May 29, 2016 11:00 pm

RS File Repair Review

After taking a large number of photos yesterday and then transferring the memory card from her camera to her PC, my wife found that three of the JPG files on the memory card were not readable. I tried to open the files using various graphics programs on her PC, which is running Microsoft Windows 8, to see if any of them might be able to read the files by right-clicking on a photo and choosing "open with". I saw the following error messages:
Application Error Message
Paint Paint cannot read this file.
This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.
Photos This file can't be opened. The file might be damaged.
Windows Photo Viewer Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the file appears to be damaged, corrupted, or is too large
Corel PaintShop Pro X7 Unable to open the file. Pleae verify that the file is valid.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 Editor Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found.

Possibly some sectors on the memory card were damaged or the corruption could have been due to some other reason, but I thought I might be able to recover the images using a file repair tool. I tried the RS File Repair tool, which runs on Microsoft Windows systems, from Recovery Software, but the repaired files it generated were not useful.

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Fri, May 27, 2016 10:53 pm


On Unix, Linux, and OS X systems, traceroute sends UDP datagrams to high-numbered ports with an increasing time to live (TTL) value. The first datagram sent has a time to live of 1. Each network hop, e.g. a router, along the path of a UDP datagram or TCP packet to its destination will decrement the TTL value by 1 and, unless the system is the final destination, will send an ICMP error datagram (11 - Time Exceeded) back to the source system, if after it decrements the TTL the TTL value is 0.

As an example, suppose you are performing a traceroute between two computers with two routers between the source and destination systems as in the diagram below.

Hop count

When you issue the command traceroute workstation2, the traceroute command will first send out a UDP datagram with a TTL of 1. Router 1 will decrement the TTL, at which point it becomes 0, so router 1 sends an ICMP "time exceeded" datagram back to workstation 1. Workstation 1 then sends another datagram to workstation 2, but this time with a TTL of 2. Router 1 is the first hop on the path to workstation 2 and it decrements the TTL and sends it on to router 2 which also decrements the TTL at which point it is now 0, so router 2 sends back a "time exceeded" datagram to workstation 1. Then workstation 1 sends a datagram with a TTL of 3. This time the TTL is decremented to 2 at router 1 and then to 1 at router 2, which sends the datagram on to workstation 2, which is the destination system that will send a reply back to workstation 1. On Microsoft Windows systems, the tracert command uses a similar process except it sends ICMP echo requests, instead of UDP packets to a high-numbered port.

Another tool available for use on Microsoft Windows systems is tcproute. Tcproute sends TCP packets to port 80 on the destination system, increasing the TTL value by one with each packet sent, so the tool is similar to the process employed by traceroute on Unix, Linux, or OS X systems, though it is using TCP rather than UDP and is using a destination port of 80, the default port used by web servers for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) traffic.

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Thu, May 26, 2016 11:53 pm

Running a command on a remote system using SSH

The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol allows you to interactively log into remote systems. Once logged into a remote system, you have a shell prompt where you can enter commands on the remote system. But you can use an SSH client to execute a command on a remote system without logging into that system and obtaining a shell prompt on the remote system. E.g., if you wanted to get a command line interface (CLI) on the remote system, you might enter a command similar to the following one:
$ ssh

But, if you just were logging in to enter one command, say you wanted to find the hardware platform of the remote system using the uname command uname --hardware-platform, you could simply append that command to the end of the above ssh command you would have used to log into the remote system. E.g.:

$ ssh uname --hardware-platform's password: 
$ uname --hardware-platform

In the example above, issuing the same command on the local system, i.e., the one on which the SSH command is being issued shows that the result returned when the uname command was issued at the end of the ssh command line returned a result from the remote system.

You may even be able to use a text-based editor, such as the vi editor, though you may see error messages like the ones below:

$ ssh vi temp.txt's password: 
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal

When you enter an ssh command in the form ssh user@host the remote system allocates a pseudo-tty (PTY), a software abstraction used to handle keyboard input and screen output. However, if you request SSH to run a command on the remote server by appending that command after ssh user@host, then no interactive terminal session is required and a PTY is not allocated, so you see the error messages when you use a screen-based program intended for use with a terminal, such as the vi editor.

For such cases you should inclde the -t option to the SSH command.

-t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.


$ ssh -t vi temp.txt

[/network/ssh] permanent link

Mon, May 23, 2016 11:31 pm

TeslaCrypt master key released

TeslaCrypt is a now defunct variant of ransomware. It can now be considered defunct because this month (May 2016) the TeslaCrypt developer(s) released a master key that will decrypt the files on any system that were encrypted with TeslaCrypt after Lawrence Abrams, a security researcher for the IT security company ESET, asked for the master decryption key on a TeslaCrypt support site after noticing that the TeslaCrypt variant of ransomware was being phased out in favor of another ransomware variant, CryptXXX, though Abrams rated CryptXXX inferior to TeslaCrypt stating "TeslaCrypt showed a great deal of experienced coding and knowledge about cryptography. CryptXXX on the other have had both of their versions decrypted already."1

TeslaCrypt underwent improvements in its own coding over time after first emerging in March 2015. It was originally developed to encrypt files associated with some computer games forcing players to pay a ransom in bitcoins, a preferred payment method for ransomware developers, because of its anonymity feature. Once a system was infected the ransomware would search for 185 file extensions related to 40 different games, including the Call of Duty series, World of Warcraft, Minecraft and World of Tanks and encrypt files so that players would be forced to pay a ransom to the TeslaCrypt developer(s) to unlock their data2. Later the developers expanded the types of files that were encrypted to include Microsoft Word, PDF, and JPG files that would likely be found on nongamers' systems. When researchers for Cisco Systems Talos Group managed to develop a decryption tool for TeslaCrypt, the TeslaCrypt developer(s) released a version 2.0 of the ransomware so that the Talos Group tool could no longer be used to free victims from paying a $500 USD ransom to decrypt their files.

Later, in November of 2015, Kaspersky Lab researchers discovered a flaw in the 2.0 version of TeslaCrypt, which was corrected by the TelaCrypt developer(s) in a 3.0 release circulating as of January 2016.

On March 18 of 2016, version 4.0 of the ransomware was discovered. Researchers for the Danish security firm Heimdal Security published the security alert Security Alert: TeslaCrypt 4.0 – Unbreakable Encryption and Worse Data Leakage regarding enhancements to the malware that made it even harder to crack. The 4.0 upgrade also fixed a bug that would render files greater than 4 GB permanently unavailable even to those who paid the ransom. Morten Kjaersgaard, CEO of Heimdal, stated "They're really trying to make it like a product so when you do pay up you get your money's worth,"3 since ransomware developers know they won't be able to get new victims to pay the ransom if there are widespread reports by prior victims that they couldn't decrypt files even after paying the ransom. The 4.0 version of the ransomware also incorporated code to join infected computers into a botnet.

Now, though, with the release of a free, publicly available tool from ESET, which can be dowloaded from, to decrypt files encrypted with TeslaCrypt using the master key, victims can unencrypt their files without paying a ransom.


  1. TeslaCrypt authors release master keys, Ransomware Info Day held 19 May
    By: Danielle Correa
    Date: May 20, 2016
    SC Magazine
  2. TeslaCrypt
    Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
  3. TeslaCrypt 4.0 emerges; ransomware features tougher encryption, deeper penetration
    By: Bradley Barth, Senior Reporter March 21, 2016
    SC Magazine
  4. Security Alert: TeslaCrypt 4.0 – Unbreakable Encryption and Worse Data Leakage
    By: Andra Zaharia
    Date: March 18, 2016
    Heimdal Security

[/security/ransomware] permanent link

Sun, May 22, 2016 11:56 pm

Determining the system name for a computer running Windows 10

To determine the system name for a computer running the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system (OS), you can take the following steps:
  1. Click on the Windows Start Button at the lower, left-hand corner of the screen or hit the Windows key.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on System.
  4. In the System window, click on About. You will see the system name to the right of "PC name".

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Sat, May 21, 2016 10:46 pm

Using Preview to adjust the colors in an image

When I need to work on a piece of new equipment that has a power adapter, I usually note the model number and part number for the power adapter in case the adapter should be separated from the equipment later, so that I can easily determine which adapter goes with which piece of equipment and so, if a wire within the cord for the adapter gets broken over years of use, I can easily locate a source for a replacement if needed. I sometimes also take a photo of the power adapter, so I know what it looks like if I'm searching through boxes of adapters for the correct one.

So I took some pictures of the adapter for a new HP 15-af131dx notebook. I used a station my wife has in her studio for taking photos that has a white cloth for a backdrop and lights that are focused on the area to be photographed. But I used my cell phone to take the photos rather than the camera she uses. Even though I made some adjustments to the phone's settings for taking photos so that the images had a white background when I viewed them on the phone, when I uploaded them from the phone to a computer I found that the white backdrop looked somewhat gray when I viewed them on a couple of computers.

On my MacBook Pro laptop, I normally use the Preview program, which is found in the Applications directory on OS X systems, to view images. That application provides color adjustment capabilites that allowed me to easily adjust the colors in the image so that I got the whiter background I wanted for the images. After opening a photo in Preview, I could click on Tools then Adjust Color to bring up an Adjust Color window where I could change the following values for an image:

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Thu, May 19, 2016 10:33 pm

Suspending and resuming a process on OS X

A MacBook Pro laptop with OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) I've been using today had been performing poorly. When I checked on CPU and memory usage, I found Firefox 38.7.0 was responsible for most of the memory usage and was consuming an excessive amount of CPU cycles. The Activity Monitor application, which is found in Applications/Utilities, showed that Firefox was consuming about 1/2 of the 16 GB of Random Access Memory (RAM) on the system. The Activity Monitor was also showing about 100% CPU utilization by Firefox. If a process is misbehaving, you can kill it with the kill command, but you can also suspend and resume it with the kill command using kill -STOP pid and kill -CONT pid where pid is the process identifier for the process. I used the command kill -STOP 509 to temporarily suspend execution of Firefox so I could complete some pressing tasks.

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Tue, May 17, 2016 8:27 am


If you wish to take a screen shot on a Linux system, whether it is a CentOS, Ubuntu, or other Linux distribution, one tool that may already be on the system that will allow you to perform a screen capture from a command line interface, i.e., a shell prompt, is gnome-screenshot. You can determine if the utility is present on a system using the which command.
$ which gnome-screenshot

You can obtain help on using the tool to take a screenshot by typing gnome-screenshot at a shell prompt.

$ gnome-screenshot --help
  gnome-screenshot [OPTION...] Take a picture of the screen

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show help options
  --help-all                     Show all help options
  --help-gtk                     Show GTK+ Options

Application Options:
  -c, --clipboard                Send the grab directly to the clipboard
  -w, --window                   Grab a window instead of the entire screen
  -a, --area                     Grab an area of the screen instead of the entire screen
  -b, --include-border           Include the window border with the screenshot
  -B, --remove-border            Remove the window border from the screenshot
  -d, --delay=seconds            Take screenshot after specified delay [in seconds]
  -e, --border-effect=effect     Effect to add to the border (shadow, border or none)
  -i, --interactive              Interactively set options
  --display=DISPLAY              X display to use

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Mon, May 16, 2016 7:12 am

Break out of SSH session

Sometimes after I've established an SSH connection to an SSH server, I encounter a situation where the remote system isn't responding to keyboard input and I want to terminate the SSH session and return to a command prompt. E.g., often when I've connected to a Microsoft Windows system running SSH software from my Ubuntu Linux laptop, I find that I'm in a situation where after I've entered a command at the Windows system's command prompt the remote system no longer seems to be accepting keyboard input from the Linux system. Sometimes it seems to occur when I've mistyped a Windows command and the Windows system may be waiting for further input, but doesn't seem to accept what I type. In such cases, rather than close the Terminal tab on the Linux system to terminate the connection, which then requires me to open a new tab and establish a new SSH session, I'd prefer to break out of the current SSH session and return to the shell prompt on the Linux system where I can re-establish the SSH connection. In such cases, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, and Ctrl-Z don't help me.

But there is an escape sequence that will allow me to terminate the current SSH session. Hitting the three keys listed below will allow me to terminate the session.

↲ Enter, ~, .

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Sun, May 15, 2016 10:30 pm

apt-get resource temporarily unavailable

When I tried to install a package on an Ubuntu Linux system with apt-get yesterday, I saw the error message below:

$ sudo apt-get install ibmonitor
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

I saw there was another installation in progress via the Update Manager, but the Update Manager update had been running for many days without successfully completing. I couldn't cancel or kill the Update Manager update through the graphical user interface (GUI) for the Update Manager, so I checked for any process identifier (PID) associated with update-manager.

$ ps -ef | grep -i update-manager | grep -v grep
jdoe      4339     1  0  2015 ?        00:02:24 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/update-manager --no-focus-on-map
jdoe     14331     1  0 Apr17 ?        00:01:21 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/update-manager/check-new-release-gtk
jdoe     25428     1  0 May01 ?        00:00:39 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/update-manager/check-new-release-gtk

I killed all three of the processes I found associated with "update-manager", but that still did not allow me to successfully run apt-get.

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Sat, May 14, 2016 10:54 pm

Creating a simple Debian .deb package

Versions of Linux based on the Debian distribution, such as Ubuntu, use .deb files for the package management system. Debian .deb packages are standard Unix ar archives that include two tar archives, which may optionally be compressed with gzip (zlib), Bzip2, the Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm (LZMA), or xz (lzma2). One of the two archives holds the control information and the other contains the program data. At the base of the software management system is dpkg; dpkg originally stood for "Debian package". dpkg is a low-level tool that is used by other package management tools such as Advanced Package Tool (APT). APT was originally designed as a front end to dpkg. In turn aptitude, which allows a user to interactively choose packages to install or remove, is a front end to apt. Synaptic provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for apt.

To install a .deb package with dpkg, you can use dpkg -i debFileName . You can obtain a list of the installed packages on a system with dpkg -l or dpkg -l [optional pattern] to filter the list of packages shown by an optional pattern.

I've never created a .deb package and was curious as to how to do so. I thought I'd start with something simple by creating a .deb package for ibmonitor, since the program is just one Perl script. To build the package, I followed the instructions in the How to Build section of Debian Packages.

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Fri, May 13, 2016 11:00 pm

Monitoring network traffic with ibmonitor

If you want to monitor the traffic on network interfaces on a Linux system, one tool that will give you real-time statistics on network utilization is ibmonitor. An RPM package and the Perl script that constitutes the program and is contained in ibmonitor-1.4.tar.gz can be downloaded from ibmonitor. The program is a console application , i.e., a command line program with a text interface. It is written in the Perl programming language. Its features include the following:

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Tue, May 10, 2016 10:39 pm

Creating a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on your desktop

To create a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on a Microsoft Windows system to reduce the number of steps you need to take to establish a connection to a particular remote system using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), you can take the steps listed at Creating a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on your desktop.

If you need to transfer files between the local and remote systems, you can take the steps listed at Transferring Files Via the Remote Desktop.

[/os/windows/software/remote-control/rdp] permanent link

Mon, May 09, 2016 11:25 pm

Creating a Bash menu

You can create a menu of options for someone to choose from in a Bash script using the select construct. E.g., the following Bash script will present a text-based menu with three choices: "Option 1", "Option 2", and "Option 3".

# Bash Menu Script Example
PS3='Please enter your choice: '
options=("Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" "Quit")
select option in "${options[@]}"
case $option in
"Option 1")
echo "You chose option 1"
"Option 2")
echo "You chose option 2"
"Option 3")
echo "You chose option 3"
echo "Quitting the program"
*) echo invalid option;;

Note: to make a script executable from your account, you must set the file permissions for the script to grant execute permission for your account, e.g. with chmod u+x menu, if the file name for the script was named menu.

When the script is run, it will display the following text:

1) Option 1
2) Option 2
3) Option 3
4) Quit
Please enter your choice:

If the person running the script types "1", the script will display "You chose option 1". It will display "You chose option 2", if he/she types "2", "You chose option 3", if he/she types "3" and, if he/she types "4", will display "Quitting the program" and then exit from the script. Hitting any other key will cause the script to display "invalid option" while allowing the user to type another key for one of the other options.

By setting the PS3 variable you can control the prompt that is displayed to the user. If it wasn't set, the user would see a default prompt, which is #?, displayed, instead, as shown below:

1) Option 1
2) Option 2
3) Option 3
4) Quit

The select construct has the following format:

select Word in Array

Word and Array are names of your choosing. If you are unfamiliar with what an array represents, think of it as a collection of items. You can think of it as a list, though in computer programming languages those are not necessarily synonymous. You can find more information at Bash Arrays.

In the example above, I chose "Option" for Word and "Options" for the array name. The array, i.e., the list of options, was created with the following command:

options=("Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" "Quit")

The first element of the array, which contains 4 elements in this case, is "Option 1", the next "Option 2", etc.

The ${options[@] in select option in "${options[@]}" returns each item in the array as a separate word.

Between the case $option in and esac (case reversed), I can insert the commands to be carried out for each option that is selected. Including a *) allows the script to take some action when any key not associated with a valid option is typed. Each clause in the case statement must be terminated with ";;". Each case statement is ended with the esac statement. For further information on the case statement, see Using case statements in Machtelt Garrels Bash Guide for Beginners.

Bash is a common shell on Unix and Linux systems and is the default shell when you open the Terminal application on a Mac OS X system. And even Microsoft has announced that it will provide a Bash shell in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, which is expected to be shipped this summer. So you can create text-based menus using this method on a variety of operating systems.

[/os/unix/bash] permanent link

Fri, May 06, 2016 10:10 pm

Producing a sequence of numbers on a Linux or Mac OS X system

If you need to produce a sequence of sequential or random numbers on a Mac OS X or Linux system among the options available to you are the seq or jot commands, or you can use "brace expansion".


E.g., if you want to generate the numbers from 1 to 15 in increments of 1, you could use the seq command below:
$ seq 1 15

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Thu, May 05, 2016 10:56 pm

MacBook Pro crash due to kernel panic associated with plugin-container

While I was working on a MacBook Pro laptop running OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) today, the system crashed. When it restarted I saw the message below:

Your computer restrated because of a problem. Press a key or wait a few seconds to continue starting up.

Later, when I had time to try to obtain some information on why it crashed, I checked the time it rebooted with last reboot.

$ last reboot | head -n 1
reboot    ~                         Thu May  5 12:26

When I looked for a crash report at that time in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports, I saw the folllowing file:

$ ls -l /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports | grep '12:26'
-rw-rw----@ 1 root  admin     7905 May  5 12:26 Kernel_2016-05-05-122657_GSSLA15122293.panic

So it seemed the cause was a kernel panic, which occurs when the operating system detects an internal fatal system error from which it can't recover.

At OS X: When your computer spontaneously restarts or displays "Your computer restarted because of a problem.", Apple states:

In most cases, kernel panics are not caused by an issue with the Mac itself. They are usually caused by software that was installed, or a problem with connected hardware.

To help avoid kernel panics, install all available software updates until Software Update reports, "Your software is up to date." OS X updates help your Mac handle the kinds of issues that can cause kernel panics, such as malformed network packets, or third party software issues. For most kernel panics, updating your software is all you have to do.

Apple has information on how to interpret what you find in the crash log for an Intel-based system, such as a MacBook Pro, at How to Read the Panic Log from an Intel-Based Mac. That article indicates that you can determine the task name from which the current thread orginated from the line that begins with "BSD process name corresponding to current thread". Examining the crash report, I saw the following:

$ grep "BSD process name corresponding to current thread:" /Library/Logs/Diagnos
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: plugin-container

When I checked for any currently running processes associated with "plugin-container", I saw the following:

$ ps -ef | grep plugin-container | grep -v grep
723184451   982   509   0 12:49PM ??        14:40.67 /Applications/
ontents/MacOS/ /Library/Inte
rnet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin -greomni /Applications/
ources/omni.ja -appomni /Applications/
i.ja -appdir /Applications/ 509 gecko-cras
h-server-pipe.509 org.mozilla.machname.902074418 plugin

I was using the Firefox web browser, version 38.7.0, at the moment the system crashed, so that application appears to have, indeed, been the culprit for the crash. I had a few Firefox windows and many tabs open when the system crashed. When I logged in after it rebooted, I reopened Firefox and chose to restore the prior session, but the system did not crash again after that today.

[/os/os-x] permanent link

Wed, May 04, 2016 9:45 pm

DB Browser for SQLite on OS X

If you would like a graphical user interface (GUI) to view and manage SQLite databases, you can use DB Browser for SQLite, which was originally developed by Mauricio Piacentini of Tabuleiro Producoes as the Arca Database Browser. The program was later modified to be compatible with SQLite 2.x databases and rleased into the public domain. In 2014, the project was renamed to "Database Browser for SQLite" at the request of Richard Hipp , the creator of SQLite. The software is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux systems. You can use it to view the records in tables in existing databases, add new records to tables, etc.

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Tue, May 03, 2016 11:18 pm

ImageMagick Vulnerability

ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite widely used on Linux systems for displaying, converting and editing images. It is also available for many other platforms, including Apple's OS X and iOS operating systems and Microsoft Windows. A code execution bug was recently found in the software by Nikolay Ermishkin. Another security researcher, Ryan Huber, reports that the bug would allow a malefactor to create a malformed image file that when uploaded to a web server that processes images with ImageMagick, e.g., to resize an image uploaded by a website visitor, can cause the server to execute code embedded in the image by the malefactor. Huber stated that the exploit is trivial to implement so one should expect that many malicious individuals will soon attempt to exploit the vulnerability to compromise websites. If such individuals can compromise a website, they may then be able to place code on sites that could infect unsuspecting website visitors with other malicious software.

Huber advised website owners using ImageMagick for image processing on their sites to check the magic number in uploaded image files to verify that an uploaded file is an image file. Wikipedia provides a list of common magic numbers at List of file signatures. One reason for ImageMagick's popularity is that it supports a large number of different file formats, supporting over 200 file formats. You can find a list of the supported file formats at ImageMagick: Formats. If you have ImageMagic installed, you can check on which formats it supports on the installed system by issuing the command identify -list format.


  1. Huge number of sites imperiled by critical image-processing vulnerability
    By: Dan Goodin
    Date: May 3, 2016
    Ars Technica

[/security/vulnerabilities] permanent link

Mon, May 02, 2016 10:44 pm

Configuring an RDP firewall rule on a MI424WR-GEN2 Router

To configure an Actiontec MI424WR-GEN router/firewall to permit an RDP connection through to a system behind the firewall, you can take the steps listed here to configure the device for connections on either the standard RDP port of 3389 or a non-standard port of your choosing. You may want to choose a nonstandard port to reduce the number of break-in attempts on the port from systems on the Internet or in cases where you have one public IP address for the outside of the router, but multiple systems behind the router that need to be accessed by users via RDP.

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